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A complete list of precious and semi-precious gemstones: Showing over 200 gemstone varieties, our gemstone index will help you find the perfect colored stone for your jewelry, collecting and crystal healing needs.
Actinolite is a rare translucent variety of chatoyant actinolite. It is an amphibole silicate that is sometimes mistakenly called "cat's eye jade".
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Actinolite is a rare translucent variety of chatoyant actinolite. It is an amphibole silicate that is sometimes mistakenly called "cat's eye jade".
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Agate Geodes are a form of chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a remarkable variety of colors and textures within rock cavities or vugs with internal crystal formations.
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Albite is a type of feldspar with a white to grey color which is often cut into cabochon gemstones.
Alexandrite is one of the rarest of all colored gemstones and is famed for its color change from green in daylight to red under incandescent light.
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Almandine garnet the most common garnet, is dark-brownish or purplish-red. Garnet is very popular for its excellent hardness and brilliance.
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Amazonite is a gemstone variety of green microcline, a feldspar mineral. It is named after the Amazon River in Brazil, although no deposits have been found there.
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Amber, the fossilized, hardened resin of the pine tree, is one of the few gemstones of organic origin. Most amber is found in the Baltic, where it formed about 50 million years ago.
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Amblygonite is an incredibly rare gemstone that is usually pale yellow, but can also be found in a very beautiful mint blue/green color.
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Amethyst is the most precious gemstone within the quartz group. Amethyst ranges in color from pale lilac to deep reddish-purple.
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Amethyst Geode is a trade name for violet quartz that forms within rock cavities and is often traded under names such crystal clusters or crystal plates.
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Amethyst Geode Slice combines an outer shell of pure rock with the interior of Amethyst crystal with its characteristic color from lilacs with pink undertones all the way up to raspberries with hints of red and blue.
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Ametrine is a form of quartz that occurs in bands of yellow and purple, a combination of the colors of amethyst and citrine.
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Ametrine is a form of quartz that occurs in bands of yellow and purple, a combination of the colors of amethyst and citrine.
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Andalusite is a strongly pleochroic gem, which means that it can display different colors when viewed from different angles.
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Andesine Feldspar is a variety of labradorite that has a reddish with traces of green and yellow color; the most valuable color range from red to honey-red.
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Supplies of andesine-labradorite are quite recent, with the mineral found in a range of colors, including red, yellow, champagne and green.
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Andradite Garnet is the most lustrous of the garnets and comes in many colors most famously green and black but the term Andradite is not often used when describing gems, usually broken down into further groups or types, including the highly prized Demantoid garnets.
Apatite, a stone seldom found in jewelry stores, is beloved by collectors for its many different colors and forms.
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Aquamarine is best known for its breathtaking range of blue colors and belongs to the same family as emerald (beryl). Aquamarine is colored by trace amounts of iron.
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Aragonite is highly priced by mineral collectors and is usually white or colorless, but impurities can create a wide range of pale colors including pink, blue, purple, red and more.
Aventurine is a type of green quartz often used for carvings and cabochons.
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Axinite is a group of brown to violet-brown or reddish-brown minerals that sometimes occur in gem quality. Axinite is distinctive for its strong vitreous luster.
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A new high tech enhancement process using thin film deposition has created this new-look topaz.
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Azurite is an intense blue gem that gets its bright azure blue color from copper, and is related to malachite, which is also a copper carbonate mineral.
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Barite is very soft so rarely cut into gemstones. It generally has a white or colorless color.
Benitoite is an extremely rare and valuable gemstone with a bright blue color that is only found in California.
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Beryl is one of the most important gem minerals. The most famous beryl is emerald, but other beryl varieties include aquamarine, heliodor and morganite.
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Black Opal is the most valuable opal variety. Its dark body color can range from dark to black and acts as the base for the spectrum of colors it can exhibit.
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Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a green gemstone dotted with bright red spots of iron oxide.
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Boulder opal is the second most prized form of opal, after black opal. The name is derived from the fact that boulder opal is found embedded in ironstone boulders.
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Pure calcium carbonate is colorless, but calcite is often colored by various impurities, including iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc or cobalt.
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Carnelian is a brownish red to orange variety of chalcedony quartz, colored by trace amounts of iron. Darker colors (red-brown to brown) are often referred to by the name sard.
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Cassiterite is one of the densest gem materials known. It also has a very high refractive index, higher than zircon, sphene and demantoid garnet.
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Chatoyancy (the cat's eye effect) in cat's eye apatite is the reflection of light by parallel fibers, needles, or channels, which resemble the slit eye of a cat.
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Aquamarine is best known for its breathtaking range of blue colors and belongs to the same family as emerald. Cat's eye aquamarine is quite rare.
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Cat's Eye Augite is a rare type of Augite that is found in pale green to blackish green color. Parallel-aligned inclusions causes light to be reflected in the shape of a cat's eye.
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Beryl is colorless in pure form; it is the many different impurities that give beryl its varied coloration as well as the appearance of the cat's eye effect.
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Diaspore, sometimes marketed under the name zultanite, is a color change gem from Turkey. Cat's eye diaspore is fairly rare.
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Cat's Eye Moonstones come in a variety of delicate colors - white or colorless, cream, gray, yellow and orange are the most common. The unique Cat's Eye effect is quite strong in Moonstone which makes it a very popular gem.
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Very rarely opals can be found showing the fascinating cat's eye effect where a combination of fibrous inclusions and skilled cutting produces a stone which resembles the pupil of a cat.
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Scapolite is a sodium calcium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. It is named after the Greek word for "stick", since its crystals grow in columns.
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Tourmaline with tiny parallel inclusions sometimes displays a strong cat's eye effect when polished.
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Cavansite is a vivid blue crystal mainly found in India. It is very soft at 3-4 on the Moh's Hardness scale, so rarely cut into gemstones.
Chalcedony is the fine-grained variety of the silica mineral quartz. It has a waxy luster and appears in a great variety of colors.
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Charoite is a new gem on the market, first appearing in 1978. It is found only in one location in Siberia, Russia. The swirling shapes of lavender and violet are quite unique.
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Chocolate Opal is a very distinct opal variety due to its chocolate-brown base-color. Chocolate Opal is found only in Ethiopia and forged in the ashes of ancient volcanoes.
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Chrome diopside is colored by chromium and displays a rich forest green that has similarities with tsavorite garnet and chrome tourmaline.
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Chrome tourmaline is a distinct variety of tourmaline colored by chromium. It is sometimes referred to as chrome dravite and is known for its rich forest green color.
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Faceted chrysoberyl is a beautiful gem which is not as well known as it deserves. Apart from the very good hardness (8.5 on the Mohs scale), it has excellent luster.
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The most famous and valuable cat's eye gemstone is chrysoberyl cat's eye. It is valued for its excellent hardness (8.5) and sharp cat's eye.
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Chrysocolla is hydrous copper silicate. Often confused with turquoise, chrysocolla is found in unusual multicolor combinations as well as blue or green.
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Chrysoprase is a gemstone variety of chalcedony or cryptocrystalline quartz, colored by trace amounts of nickel. Its color varies from apple-green to deep green.
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Cinnabar is composed of mercury sulphide and is the common ore of mercury. Cinnabar is notably soft, with a hardness of only 2 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale.
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Named after the French word for lemon, citrine is yellow, gold or orange-brown transparent quartz.
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Citrine geodes are rock cavities or vugs with internal crystal formations in colors ranging from pale yellow to deep orange and ranging from transparent to translucent.
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Clinohumite is a rare mineral and an especially rare gemstone. Only three sources of gem-quality clinohumite material are known; in Tajikistan, Siberia and Tanzania.
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Diaspore, sometimes marketed under the name zultanite or csarite, is a natural color change gemstone mined from Turkey, which was recently introduced to the international market.
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Very rarely, Fluorite can be found in examples that will have a marked change in color when moved from one lighting source to another. Color Change Fluorite tends to look blue in daylight and shifts to purple under incandescent light.
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Color-change garnet is a mix of spessartite and pyrope garnet. This garnet presents a color change from brownish in daylight to rose pink in incandescent light.
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Some rare sapphires exhibit a color change under varying lighting conditions. Color change sapphires are typically blue in natural light and purple under incandescent light.
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Precious coral is a species of coral that grows in rocky seabottoms. Coral exhibits a range of warm reddish-pink colors ranging from salmon pink to deep-red.
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Crocoite is a very rare gem type with colors ranging from saffron orange/red to intense red.
Cuprite is a rare gemstone that has a very distinctive ruby-red color and stunning brilliance.
Precious coral is a species of coral that grows in rocky seabottoms. Coral exhibits a range of warm reddish-pink colors ranging from salmon pink to deep-red.
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Demantoid garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the garnets. Found in green to emerald green, demantoid garnet is scarce and is typically only seen in small sizes.
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Dendritic agate is a whitish-gray or colorless chalcedony with fern-like inclusions known as dendrites. The inclusions look like plant material, but they are actually iron or manganese.
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Dendritic chalcedony is a whitish-gray or colorless chalcedony with fern-like inclusions known as dendrites. The inclusions look like plant material, but they are actually iron or manganese.
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Diamond, the hardest known natural material, is a transparent carbon crystal. Diamond is famed not only for its superb hardness, but also for its high refractive index and dispersion.
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Dolomite ranges from pure white to brownish-white and sometimes pink-colored. Gemstone quality dolomite can be difficult to find due to their cleavage and low hardness, 3.5-4 on Moh’s scale. They are therefore usually preferred as a collector’s stone.
Druzy Amethyst are small amethyst crystals that form inside or on the surface of various types of rock. Layers of crystal in various shapes and colors fill cavities in volcanic rock and when left whole or sliced make very interesting gemstone pieces.
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Druzy are small mineral crystals that form inside or on the surface of various types of rock. Layers of crystal in various shapes and colors fill cavities in volcanic rock. Druzy Azurite is an interesting dark blue version.
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Druzy Citrine is small mineral crystals formed inside or on the surface of various type of rock. Layers of pale yellow to deep orange crystals fill cavities in volcanic rock creating this beautiful crystal.
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Druzy Variscite is an attractive green crystal formed inside or on the surface of various type of rock. The colors range from light pale-green to emerald-green.
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Dumortierite quartz is an unusual quartz that is intergrown with the mineral dumortierite. The inclusions of dumortierite give it a deep blue color that is unique in the world of quartz.
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Ekanite is a very rare gemstone primarily found in Sri Lanka. Ekanite is one of very few gems that are naturally radioactive so jewelry use isn't recommended.
Emerald is the most precious stone in the beryl group. The wonderful green color of emerald is unparalleled in the gem world.
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Enstatite is a rare gemstone that belongs to the pyroxene group of minerals. It is typically brown-green with a vitreous luster and is a collector's gem.
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Epidote is actually a group of closely related minerals, but in the gem trade, the name typically refers only to the gem-quality green variety of the mineral epidote. Epidote occurs in all shades and tones of green, with yellowish-green or pistachio color being most typical and most desirable.
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Euclase is a rare Beryllium Silicate with beautiful blue color. The most important source of gem quality euclase today is from Ouro Preto, in the Minas Gerais area of Brazil.
Eudialyte is a rare, reddish-toned crystal that sometimes has black and white inclusions. It is mostly found in Russia, but other mining locations are Brazil, USA, Norway, Madagascar and even Greenland.
Fire agate is a type of opaque, limonite-bearing chalcedony with an iridescence caused by the diffraction of light in its layered structure.
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Fire opal is an unusual variety of opal from Mexico, which can be yellow, orange or orange-red. Some fire opal gemstones are clear enough for facets.
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Fluorite is a mineral with a veritable plethora of brilliant colors that include purple, blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink and orange.
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Fossil coral is a decorative material that is formed when ancient coral is gradually replaced with agate. The proper name for this material is agatized coral.
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The most famous type of garnet is the dark red Pyrope Garnet. However, garnets come in almost all types of colors and have many different varieties such as Demantoid Garnet, Mali Garnet, Tsavorite Garnet and many more.
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A recent discovery (1966), gaspeite is a very rare nickel carbonate mineral named after the place in Eastern Canada where it was first described.
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Golden Beryl is a truly gorgeous cousin of the Beryl family. Golden Beryl has excellent clarity, a great sparkle and durability. Golden Beryl gets its golden hues from the presence of iron during formation.
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The colorless precious beryl is known as goshenite. It is named after the small town of Goshen in Western Massachusetts where it was first described.
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Grandidierite is a rare greenish-blue gemstone named after Alfred Grandidier. It is often listed as one of the top 10 rarest gems in the world.
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Grossularite (or grossular) garnet is a calcium-aluminium garnet. The name grossular is derived from the botanical name for the gooseberry, grossularia.
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Hackmanite exhibits an unusual phenomenon known as reversible photochromism, where a mineral changes color when exposed to sunlight.
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Hambergite is one of the lesser-known gemstones. It is usually nearly colorless, with the vitreous luster of glass when cut. It is quite a hard material, with a hardness of 7.5.
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Hawk's eye is a blue-gray to blue-green opaque gemstone variety of fibrous quartz. Hawk's eye is typically multicolored with golden stripes or wavy patterns.
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Hematite is iron oxide that is typically blackish-gray. When highly polished it can sometimes look like silver. Hematite is a remarkably dense material.
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Hemimorphite is usually found in aggregate form with blue and white bands, or mixed with a dark matrix.
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Hemimorphite druzy is a zinc silicate with a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale. Sometimes spelled druzy, druse or drusies, all these terms refer to tiny crystals that form within or on the surface of other minerals.
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Hessonite is an orange-brown variety of garnet colored by traces of manganese and iron. It is sometimes known as cinammon stone.
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Hiddenite is a form of spodumene containing chromium. The green color varies from a yellowish to a bluish-green.
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Howlite is an interesting grayish-white mineral that is sometimes referred to as white turquoise because of its distinctive veining.
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Hyalite Opal is a very rare and unusual type of opal. Tiny amounts of uranium within the gemstone cause dramatic color changes when it is viewed under daylight or in incandescent lighting. These colorful gemstones can be found in Namibia, Madagascar, the USA and more recently Mexico.
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Idocrase is also known as vesuvianite, since it was originally found on Mt. Vesuvias. The color is normally green, but it can also be brown, yellow, blue or purple.
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The most sought after of all natural topaz is called imperial topaz. Its rich golden color with reddish and orange overtones is generally not enhanced by any kind of treatment.
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Pleochroism is very pronounced in iolite and is seen as three different color shades in the same stone; violet, yellow-gray and blue.
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Jade can refer to two separate gems, nephrite and jadeite, with nephrite being the more common type. It occurs in a range of colors with the most famous being green. Imperial jade is the most sought after and valuable type and it is only found in Burma (Myanmar).
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Jadeite is found in most colors, including pure white, pink, brown, red, orange, violet, blue, black and a range of greens.
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Jasper is usually considered a type of chalcedony, however, scientists put it in a group by itself because of its grainy structure.
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Jet is an organic material composed of fossilized wood that has a charcoal black color.
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Kornerupine is a rare transparent to translucent, typically brownish-green collector's gem. It was named after Danish naturalist, artist and explorer, Andreas Nikolaus Kornerup.
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Kunzite is the pale pink-violet to light-violet species of the mineral spodumene. Kunzite is named in honor of the mineralogist George F. Kunz.
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Kyanite is a layered crystal with a vitreous to almost pearly luster that is usually found in a sapphire-like blue color.
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Labradorite is a member of the plagioclase feldspar group and displays a distinctive schiller in lustrous metallic tints.
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Lapis lazuli has been used for thousands of years in jewelry and ornamental objects. The unique deep blue color has never lost its attraction.
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The blue variety of pectolite has become known as Larimar. A very rare mineral, it has only been found in the Dominican Republic, where it was first discovered in 1974.
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Lazulite is a rare gem type that has a stunning azure-blue to deep blue color that is normally cut into cabochon gems.
Legrandite is a very soft gemstone with intense lemon yellow color that is most used as collectors stone.
Lepidolite is a lilac-gray or rose-colored lithium-bearing mineral of the mica group. It is one of the major sources of the rare alkali metals rubidium and caesium.
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Malachite is copper carbonate with distinctive green veining. Though not a particularly hard stone, it takes an excellent polish.
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Malaya garnet is cherished for its color and rarity as it is available in beautiful colors such as peach, pink, and even shades that resemble fine wines.
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Mali Garnet is one of the hybrid garnets, a mixture of grossular and andradite garnets. It gets its name from the African country where it was first discovered.
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Maw-sit-sit is an unusual gemstone often classified as a member of the jade family. It was first discovered in 1963 and was named after a village in Northwestern Burma.
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Melanite is the black variety of the rare andradite garnet. It is sometimes known as titanian andradite.
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Moldavite is a bottle-green to brown-green gemstone belonging to the tektite group. It is formed from condensed rock vapors after a meteorite impact.
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Moonstone is a unique stone that reflects light in a distinctive shimmering phenomenon known as adularescence.
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The pink form of beryl was named morganite, after the American banker and collector J.P. Morgan. A soft pink to violet, morganite belongs to the same family as emerald.
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Moss Agate is type of Chalcedony that is usually creamy colored with greenish inclusions that look like moss, plants or grass.
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Moss opal is a milky white opal with unique inclusions of green hornblende in moss-like patterns.
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Mother of Pearl is an organic gemstone that comes from the inside of some mollusk shells. Mother-of-pearl is made from nacre, which is mainly calcium carbonate.
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Mystic quartz is the product of a new high tech enhancement process, whereby a coating is applied to colorless quartz.
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Mystic topaz is a type of topaz that has been coated, giving it a unique color effect including rainbow, pink, peacock blue, red and more.
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Nephrite is one of two distinct mineral forms classified as jade (other being jadeite). Nephrite is more common than jadeite and although it is slightly softer than jadeite, it is considered tougher due to its denser structure.
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Nuummite is an opaque metamorphic rock with an iridescent play of color. Its chief constituent minerals are gedrite and anthophyllite.
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Obsidian is naturally occurring volcanic glass. It is formed when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth.
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Omphacite jade belongs to a large family of rock-forming pyroxene mineral silicates, the most famous being jadeite. Omphacite jade can range in color from light to dark-green or black-green. It is sometimes referred to as inky black jade.
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Onyx is the black form of chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of quartz.
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More than any other gem, each opal is unique. No other stone has such rich and varied folklore. Opals are also the most delicate gems commonly worn.
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An opal doublet consists of a slice of natural opal glued to a black backing, which causes the color to become more vibrant.
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Opal in Matrix is a beautiful multicolored stone with a black base color. Since it is often discovered and mined in Honduras is has earned the name Honduras Black Opal. The stone displays its remarkable color properties which are essentially tiny flecks of opal that shine naturally brilliant colors.
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Orthoclase is a transparent yellow feldspar resembling citrine quartz or yellow beryl, found primarily in Madagascar.
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Paraiba tourmaline is a rare copper-bearing gem with a vivid neon blue color. First found in Brazil in 1989, similar material has since been found in Africa.
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Peanut wood is a variety of petrified wood, where the shape and structure of the wood is pre- served when the original organic material is replaced by quartz.
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Pearls are products of bivalve mollusks (mainly oysters and mussels). They are built up of nacre, which is mainly calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite crystals.
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Peridot belongs to the forsterite-fayalite mineral series. It is an idiochromatic gem, meaning its color comes from the basic chemical composition of the mineral itself, rather than impurities.
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Pezzottaite is a very rare gem type that is often mistaken for red beryl. The color range from raspberry red to pinkish purple. It has so far only been found in Afghanistan and Madagascar.
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Pietersite is a breccia aggregate of hawk's eye and tiger's eye, with swirling colors of blue, rusty red, gold and brown.
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Prasiolite is a green variety of quartz ranging in colors from very light green to lush mint green.
Prehnite, a form of calcium aluminum silicate, has a vitreous to pearly luster. Affordably priced for its size, prehnite makes distinctive and interesting jewelry.
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Proustite has magnificent red color rivaling that of top quality rubies. It is very soft (2-2.5 on Moh's hardness scale) so usually only used as collector's stones.
Psilomelane is a group name for hard black manganese oxides. Psilomelane is sometimes erroneously called black hematite, despite not being related to true hematite, which is an iron oxide.
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Psilomelane is a group name for hard black manganese oxides. Psilomelane Dendrite are gems that have fern-like inclusions known as dendrites.
Pyrite tends to be a pale yellow to a brassy yellow or gold color although some can be dark gray or almost black. It is not a very expensive gemstone and can be found in quite substantial sizes.
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Pyrope garnet is the most famous of the red garnets. Its dark, blood red color often resembles the color of ruby.
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Quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth and is well known in the gemstone world in its many forms including amethyst, citrine and ametrine.
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Quartz cat's eye is quartz in which inclusions of rutile create chatoyancy (the cat's eye effect). Usually found in white, green, yellow or brown.
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Hedenbergite occurs within Quartz crystal in a range of green to brown coloration. The crystals are stubby and prismatic and usually opaque. Each gemstone is truly unique and is often available in larger sizes, making it perfect for pendants and artisan jewelry.
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Clear quartz gemstones with beautiful Marcasite inclusions are known as Quartz With Marcasite. These gemstones are unique and available in many sizes in various cuts. Excellent for pendants and unique jewelry.
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A combination of orthoclase and albite arranged in layers cause the lovely sheen. Despite the name, rainbow moonstone is actually a variety of labradorite with a multicolored adularescence.
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Rainbow pyrite is a recent find from Russia. The material comes in the form of druzy - a layer of miniature pyrite crystals coating a matrix.
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With a hardness of only 1.5-2 on Moh's scale, this rich red to orange-red mineral is only used as collector’s item.
Rhodochrosite is usually found in an aggregate form with alternating light and dark stripes in zigzag bands.
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Rhodolite garnet is the name applied to a mixture of pyrope and almandite. Rhodolite tends to be lighter in color than most other kinds of red garnet.
Rhodolite Garnet Information
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Rhodonite is a manganese iron magnesium calcium silicate, and a member of the pyroxenoid group of minerals.
Rhodonite Information
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The unique soft pink color of rose quartz is thought to be derived from tiny traces of titanium. Rose quartz crystals tend to be cloudy, which deepens its color.
Rose Quartz Information
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Vivid pink to red tourmaline, often with a violet tinge, is known as rubellite. It is one of the most valuable tourmaline colors.
Rubellite Tourmaline Information
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Ruby is the red variety of corundum, the 2nd hardest substance on the Mohs scale, with a rating of 9. It is the combination of hardness and rich color that makes fine ruby so valuable.
Ruby Information
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Ruby is the red variety of corundum, the 2nd hardest substance on the Mohs scale, with a rating of 9. It is the combination of hardness and rich color that makes fine ruby so valuable.
Ruby in Fuchsite Information
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Ruby-zoisite is the natural combination of ruby and zoisite crystals in a single specimen. It is often used for carvings.
Ruby-Zoisite Information
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Rutile quartz is clear or smoky quartz with inclusions of rutile crystals.
Rutile Quartz Information
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Rutile quartz is clear or smoky quartz with inclusions of rutile crystals.
Rutile Topaz Information
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Sapphire, with its excellent hardness, second only to diamond, is one of the four traditional precious gemstones.
Sapphire Information
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Sardonyx is a type of onyx, but with a brown rather than a black base (onyx is mostly known to be black).
Sardonyx Information
As a gemstone scapolite is not well known, but it can be a very attractive stone. Its color, which is usually a vibrant yellow, orange, pink or violet, is its best feature.
Scapolite Information
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Scolecite is a mineral member of the zeolite group. The color ranges from pure white to pale shades of pinkish white. Most gems have minor to large color streaking in them.
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The term selenite is used to refer to varieties of the mineral gypsum that show obvious crystalline structure. It is very soft at 2 on Moh’s hardness scale so rarely cut into gemstones.
Selenite Information
Seraphinite is a trade name for a particular form of clinochlore. The dark-green color of seraphinite is enhanced by a silvery and feathery shimmer caused by mica inclusions.
Seraphinite Information
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Serpentine is a type of green magnesium silicate aggregate. It is used as a decorative stone or for carvings.
Serpentine Information
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Shattuckite is a rare mineral found in copper deposits with colors range from vivid blue to blue-greens and dark navy blue.
Sillimanite is a type of aluminum silicate that is related to both andalusite and kyanite. In fact, these three minerals share the same chemical composition but have different crystal structures.
Sillimanite Information
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Sillimanite Cat's Eye is an extremely rare and lesser-known collector's gem. Parallel-aligned inclusions causes light to be reflected in the shape of the eye of a cat.
Sillimanite Cat's Eye Information
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Smithsonite is one of two zinc-containing minerals discovered by the British mineralogist James Smithson. The zinc silicate was named smithsonite in his honor.
Smithsonite Information
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Smoky quartz is fast becoming a designer favorite for its earthy tone and tribal look. It is one of the few gemstones that is gray or brown.
Smoky Quartz Information
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Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass. In some stones, the inclusion of white crystals of cristobalite produce a blotchy pattern, known as snowflake obsidian.
Snowflake Obsidian Information
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The mineral sodalite gets its name from its sodium content. As a gemstone, sodalite is usually blue, often with a violet tint, and frequently contains white veins of calcite.
Sodalite Information
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Spectrolite is a trade name referring to a rare variety of labradorite. Some rare specimens of labradorite display a full spectrum of colors, not only violet, blue and green; but also yellow, orange and red. These rare specimens have been given the name spectrolite.
Spectrolite Information
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The most valuable spessartite garnets display a bright, orange-red. The best specimens come from Namibia.
Spessartite Garnet Information
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Sphalerite is a rare collector's gem which has exceptional dispersion (also known as fire). In fact its dispersion rating is three times as high as that for diamond.
Sphalerite Information
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Sphene is a brilliant yellowish-green, green or brown gemstone of high luster, unique color shades and, with brilliant cut, an intense fire.
Sphene Information
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Due to its excellent hardness and clarity, spinel is an excellent gemstone for all types of jewelery. Spinel is never treated in any way.
Spinel Information
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Spodumene is a relatively new mineral to science, with gem varieties discovered only in the last 120 years. Spodumene occurs in white, gray, pink, lilac and green.
Spodumene Information
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Diopside is best known for the vivid green chrome diopside, but the black diopside exhibiting asterism (also known as the star effect) is also important.
Star Diopside Information
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Star garnet is a rare and unusual garnet, found only in Idado in the USA and India. It displays a four-rayed star due to aligned inclusions of rutile.
Star Garnet Information
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Star lemon quartz is a lemon-yellow variety of quartz that displays asterism (the star effect).
Star Lemon Quartz Information
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Moonstone is a combination of orthoclase and albite arranged in layers which cause the lovely sheen. Star moonstone exhibits a stunning four-rayed star effect.
Star Moonstone Information
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Rose quartz displaying asterism or the star effect is rare. The unique soft pink color of rose quartz is thought to be caused by tiny traces of titanium.
Star Rose Quartz Information
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Star ruby is a ruby that displays asterism, a six-rayed star that shimmers over the surface of the stone when it is moved.
Star Ruby Information
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Star sapphire is a sapphire that contains unusual tiny needle-like inclusions. These needles produce a phenomenon called asterism.
Star Sapphire Information
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Sunstone is plagioclase feldspar with a unique glitter from platelets of hematite. Typically it has a red glitter, and more rarely a blue or green glitter. Star sunstones are known but rare.
Star Sunstone Information
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Quartz with red inclusions of lepidocrosite, hematite or goethite is often sold under the name strawberry quartz.
Strawberry Quartz Information
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Sugilite is an obscure and quite rare mineral named after the Japanese geologist, Ken-ichi Sugi, who discovered it in 1944.
Sugilite Information
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Sunstone is a type of plagioclase feldspar that exhibits a spangled appearance, due to reflections of red hematite.
Sunstone Information
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Sunstone is a type of plagioclase feldspar that exhibits a spangled appearance, due to reflections of red hematite.
Tanzanite Information
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Tashmarine diopside is a brilliant yellow-green diopside from a recent discovery in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Western China.
Tashmarine Diopside Information
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Tiger's eye is a type of opaque macrocrystalline quartz with a fibrous structure. It typically displays chatoyant stripes, because structural fibers are crooked or bent.
Tiger's Eye Information
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Tiger's eye matrix is the name given to tiger's eye that is cut and finished with some of its host rock intact.
Tiger's Eye Matrix Information
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Topaz is an important gem due to its hardness and high refractive index. Topaz comes in many colors and blue topaz is especially popular.
Topaz Information
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One of the most versatile of gems, tourmaline is found in every color. It can show every tone from pastel to dark, and can display various colors in the same stone.
Tourmaline Information
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Tremolite is a rare gemstone sometimes known as 'hexagonite' or 'tremolite-hexagonite'.
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The green species of garnet known as tsavorite was discovered in 1967 by British geologist Campbell R. Bridges in the bush along the frontier between Kenya and Tanzania.
Tsavorite Garnet Information
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Turquoise, the blue cousin of lapis lazuli, has been known and valued for thousands of years. The early mines in Sinai, Egypt, were already worked out in 2000 B.C.
Turquoise Information
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Uvarovite is a very rare member of the large and varied garnet family. It is a type of striking emerald-green garnet that occurs as very small crystals and also as a coating of very tiny crystals on the surface of a matrix (host rock), known as drusy or druzy.
Uvarovite Garnet Drusy Information
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Variscite is a relatively rare type of phosphate mineral. High quality specimens are used as gemstones and for carvings. Variscite is colored by traces of chromium.
Variscite Information
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Verdite is light to dark-green serpentine rock that is often spotted or variegated. Most specimens come from South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Verdite Information
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Vivianite is lush blue to blue green gem, it is very fragile and soft with a hardness of 1.5-2 on Moh's hardness scale so rarely cut into gemstones.
Zircon has great brilliance and intensive fire, due to its high refractive index and strong dispersion.
Zircon Information
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Gemstone Type | Gemstone Hardness | |
1 | Actinolite Cat's Eye | 5.5 - 6 |
2 | Agate | 6.5 - 7 |
3 | Agate Geode | 6.5 - 7 |
4 | Albite | 6 - 6.5 |
5 | Alexandrite | 8.5 |
6 | Almandine Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
7 | Amazonite | 6 - 6.5 |
8 | Amber | 2 - 2.5 |
9 | Amblygonite | 6 |
10 | Amethyst | 7 |
11 | Amethyst Geode | 7 |
12 | Amethyst Geode Slice | 6.5 - 7 |
13 | Ametrine | 7 |
14 | Ammolite | 4 - 4 |
15 | Andalusite | 7.5 |
16 | Andesine Feldspar | 6 - 6.5 |
17 | Andesine Labradorite | 6 - 6.5 |
18 | Andradite Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
19 | Apatite | 5 - 5 |
20 | Aquamarine | 7.5 - 8 |
21 | Aragonite | 3.5 - 4 |
22 | Aventurine | 7 |
23 | Axinite | 6.5 - 7 |
24 | Azotic Topaz | 8 - 8 |
25 | Azurite | 3.5 - 4 |
26 | Barite | 3 - 3.5 |
27 | Benitoite | 6 - 6.5 |
28 | Beryl | 7.5 - 8 |
29 | Black Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
30 | Bloodstone | 6.5 - 7 |
31 | Boulder Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
32 | Calcite | 3 |
33 | Carnelian | 6.5 - 7 |
34 | Cassiterite | 6 - 7 |
35 | Cat's Eye Apatite | 5 - 5 |
36 | Cat's Eye Aquamarine | 7.5 - 8 |
37 | Cat's Eye Augite | 5.5 - 6 |
38 | Cat's Eye Beryl | 7.5 - 8 |
39 | Cat's Eye Diaspore | 6.5 - 7 |
40 | Cat's Eye Moonstone | 6 - 6.5 |
41 | Cat's Eye Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
42 | Cat's Eye Scapolite | 5.5 - 6 |
43 | Cat's Eye Tourmaline | 7 - 7.5 |
44 | Cavansite | 3 - 4 |
45 | Chalcedony | 6.5 - 7 |
46 | Charoite | 4.5 - 5 |
47 | Chocolate Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
48 | Chrome Diopside | 5 - 6 |
49 | Chrome Tourmaline | 7 - 7.5 |
50 | Chrysoberyl | 8.5 |
51 | Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye | 8.5 |
52 | Chrysocolla | 2 - 4 |
53 | Chrysoprase | 6.5 - 7 |
54 | Cinnabar | 2 - 2.5 |
55 | Citrine | 7 |
56 | Citrine Geode | 7 |
57 | Clinohumite | 6 |
58 | Color-Change Diaspore | 6.5 - 7 |
59 | Color-Change Fluorite | 4 - 4 |
60 | Color-Change Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
61 | Color-Change Sapphire | 9 |
62 | Coral | 3 - 4 |
63 | Crocoite | 2.5 - 3 |
64 | Cuprite | 3.5 - 4 |
65 | Danburite | 7 - 7.5 |
66 | Demantoid Garnet | 7 - 7.5 |
67 | Dendritic Agate | 6.5 - 7 |
68 | Dendritic Chalcedony | 6.5 - 7 |
69 | Diamond | 10 - 10 |
70 | Dolomite | 3.5 - 4 |
71 | Druzy Amethyst | 7 |
72 | Druzy Azurite | 3.4 - 4 |
73 | Druzy Citrine | 7 |
74 | Druzy Variscite | 4 - 5 |
75 | Dumortierite Quartz | 7 - 8.5 |
76 | Ekanite | 4.5 |
77 | Emerald | 7.5 - 8 |
78 | Enstatite | 5.5 |
79 | Epidote | 6 - 7 |
80 | Euclase | 6.5 - 7.5 |
81 | Eudialyte | 5 - 5.5 |
82 | Fire Agate | 6.5 - 7 |
83 | Fire Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
84 | Fluorite | 4 |
85 | Fossil Coral | 6.5 - 7 |
86 | Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
87 | Gaspeite | 4.5 - 5 |
88 | Golden Beryl | 7.5 - 8 |
89 | Goshenite | 7.5 - 8 |
90 | Grandidierite | 7 - 7.5 |
91 | Grossularite Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
92 | Hackmanite | 5.5 - 6 |
93 | Hambergite | 7.5 |
94 | Hawk's Eye | 6.5 - 7 |
95 | Hematite | 5.5 - 6.5 |
96 | Hemimorphite | 5 |
97 | Hemimorphite Druzy | 5 - 5 |
98 | Hessonite Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
99 | Hiddenite | 6.5 - 7 |
100 | Howlite | 3 - 3.5 |
101 | Hyalite Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
102 | Idocrase | 6.5 |
103 | Imperial Topaz | 8 |
104 | Iolite | 7 - 7.5 |
105 | Jade | 6 - 6.5 |
106 | Jadeite | 6 - 6.5 |
107 | Jasper | 6.5 - 7 |
108 | Jet | 2.5 - 4 |
109 | Kornerupine | 6.5 - 7 |
110 | Kunzite | 7 |
111 | Kyanite | 6 - 7 |
112 | Labradorite | 6 - 6.5 |
113 | Lapis Lazuli | 5 - 6 |
114 | Larimar | 4.5 - 5 |
115 | Lazulite | 5.5 - 6 |
116 | Legrandite | 4.5 |
117 | Lepidolite | 2.5 - 3 |
118 | Malachite | 3.5 - 4 |
119 | Malaya Garnet | 7 - 7.5 |
120 | Mali Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
121 | Maw-Sit-Sit | 6 - 7 |
122 | Melanite | 6.5 - 7.5 |
123 | Moldavite | 5.5 |
124 | Moonstone | 6 - 6.5 |
125 | Morganite | 7.5 - 8 |
126 | Moss Agate | 6.5 - 7 |
127 | Moss Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
128 | Mother of Pearl | 2.5 - 4.5 |
129 | Mystic Quartz | 7 |
130 | Mystic Topaz | 8 - 8 |
131 | Nephrite Jade | 6 - 6.5 |
132 | Nuummite | 5.5 - 6 |
133 | Obsidian | 5 - 5.5 |
134 | Omphacite Jade | 5 - 6 |
135 | Onyx | 6.5 - 7 |
136 | Opal | 5.5 - 6.5 |
137 | Opal Doublet | 5.5 - 6.5 |
138 | Opal in Matrix | 5.5 - 6.5 |
139 | Orthoclase | 6 - 6.5 |
140 | Paraiba Tourmaline | 7 - 7.5 |
141 | Peanut Wood | 6.5 - 7.0 |
142 | Pearl | 2.5 - 4.5 |
143 | Peridot | 6.5 - 7 |
144 | Pezzottaite | 8 |
145 | Pietersite | 6.5 - 7 |
146 | Prasiolite | 7 |
147 | Prehnite | 6 - 6.5 |
148 | Proustite | 2 - 2.5 |
149 | Psilomelane | 5 - 6 |
150 | Psilomelane Dendrite | 5 - 6 |
151 | Pyrite | 6 - 6.5 |
152 | Pyrope Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
153 | Quartz | 7 |
154 | Quartz Cat's Eye | 7 |
155 | Quartz With Hedenbergite | 7 |
156 | Quartz With Marcasite | 7 |
157 | Rainbow Moonstone | 6 - 6.5 |
158 | Rainbow Pyrite | 6 - 6.5 |
159 | Realgar | 1.5 - 2 |
160 | Rhodochrosite | 4 - 4 |
161 | Rhodolite Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
162 | Rhodonite | 5.5 - 6.5 |
163 | Rose Quartz | 7 |
164 | Rubellite Tourmaline | 7 - 7.5 |
165 | Ruby | 9 |
166 | Ruby in Fuchsite | 2 - 3 |
167 | Ruby-Zoisite | 6.5 - 7 |
168 | Rutile Quartz | 7 |
169 | Rutile Topaz | 8 |
170 | Sapphire | 9 |
171 | Sardonyx | 6.5 |
172 | Scapolite | 5.5 - 6 |
173 | Scolecite | 5 - 5.5 |
174 | Selenite | 2 |
175 | Seraphinite | 2 - 4 |
176 | Serpentine | 2.5 - 5.5 |
177 | Shattuckite | 3.5 |
178 | Sillimanite | 6.5 - 7.5 |
179 | Sillimanite Cat's Eye | 6.5 - 7.5 |
180 | Smithsonite | 5 |
181 | Smoky Quartz | 7 |
182 | Snowflake Obsidian | 5 - 5.5 |
183 | Sodalite | 5.5 - 6 |
184 | Spectrolite | 6 - 6.5 |
185 | Spessartite Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
186 | Sphalerite | 3.5 - 4 |
187 | Sphene | 5 - 5.5 |
188 | Spinel | 8 |
189 | Spodumene | 6.5 - 7 |
190 | Star Diopside | 5 - 6 |
191 | Star Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
192 | Star Lemon Quartz | 7 |
193 | Star Moonstone | 6 - 6.5 |
194 | Star Rose Quartz | 6.5 - 7 |
195 | Star Ruby | 9 |
196 | Star Sapphire | 9 |
197 | Star Sunstone | 6 - 6.5 |
198 | Strawberry Quartz | 7 |
199 | Sugilite | 6 - 6.5 |
200 | Sunstone | 6 - 6.5 |
201 | Tanzanite | 6.5 - 7 |
202 | Tashmarine Diopside | 5 - 6 |
203 | Tiger's Eye | 6.5 - 7 |
204 | Tiger's Eye Matrix | 6.5 - 7 |
205 | Topaz | 8 |
206 | Tourmaline | 7 - 7.5 |
207 | Tremolite-Hexagonite | 5 - 6 |
208 | Tsavorite Garnet | 6.5 - 7.5 |
209 | Turquoise | 5 - 6 |
210 | Uvarovite Garnet Drusy | 6.5 - 7 |
211 | Variscite | 4 - 5 |
212 | Verdite | 3 |
213 | Vivianite | 1.5 - 2 |
214 | Zircon | 6.5 - 7.5 |
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