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Over 19 Years in the Gemstone Business!
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Overall Rating -> 10
Very professional site
Overall Rating -> 10
very good
Overall Rating -> 10
I found what I was looking for...had to look up millimeters to inches. It would be nice to see something, like a quarter, in the pix to show relative size. I plan on buy loose gemstones for every month in the calendar
Overall Rating -> 10
Trustworthy site. I've had several good experiences with company. Products always have met my expectations. Thank you.
Overall Rating -> 10
I trust this company to deliver exactly what is offered. I have never had to return a selection of Gems. I appreciate the company's detailed description of their product. It helps this customer find mounts before the gems arrive. Any day of the year one can find a wide selection of gems, be it by price, color, cut, lot or single. Pricing does not jump all over the place and stays reasonable. Be assured your items will arrive in perfect condition as the company's shipping department does a great job.
Overall Rating -> 10
GemSelect website simple to use. I recommend it to non-trade clients looking for gems.
Overall Rating -> 10
Im not a jeweler, I buy for my personal use. My dad was a jewelry maker and I love gemstones.
Overall Rating -> 9
They had a easy to navigate directory for all the currently available products. You could filter by almost any parameter you could think of. The checkout process was smooth and painless, and the shipping was quick and efficient. All-in-all, it was a very positive experience.
Overall Rating -> 10
Easy and fast
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