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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

An Introduction to Gemstone Treatments

Many gemstones are treated with various methods to improve color and clarity. Some of these methods are widely accepted in the trade today, while other methods are not. The accepted trade methods are the ones that change the color of the gemstone permanently.

Heated Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
Buy Heated Yellow Sapphire

All reputable gem dealers fully disclose gem treatments. In our view, it is important to provide buyers with detailed information so that they know exactly what they are buying. So we have provided some information below that will help educate you about the common treatments, as well as some recent innovations. Keep in mind that most colored gemstones are treated, and this is a perfectly legitimate practice as long as all facts are disclosed to the buyer. If you know the facts, then you can feel safe about buying a gemstone that you will enjoy for many years to come.

Heat treatment

Beryllium treatment

Diffusion treatment

Fracture filling treatment

Irradiation treatment

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