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Citrine Gemstone Information

Citrine Gemstones at GemSelect
Natural Citrine Gemstones


Citrine is one of the most popular gemstones available today. It belongs to the very large family of quartz gemstones.

It is the purple Amethyst's yellow cousin or, more properly, sister since they are so closely related. The only difference between these two members of the quartz family is the rate of oxidization of their iron impurities.

Citrine is quartz. Quartz is the second most common mineral in the earth's crust. It is made up of silicon and oxygen formed within all types of rocks. Common quartzes include amethyst, blue quartz, cactus quartz, chalcedony, rose quartz and smoky quartz. Liquids cool within cracks of rocks and begin to form crystals and when certain minerals are trapped together they can form colored crystals.

  • From light straw to earthy brown colors described as a ray of autumn sunshine
  • Citrine is a gemstone to brighten anyone's day

Citrine Colors

Citrine Color Range
Citrine Color Range

Citrine is basically a yellow quartz but the color ranges from a light lemony yellow all the way to an earthy brown color with some very nice oranges in between. The more saturated the color the better and an even tone throughout makes for a higher valued gemstone.

Typically, the most prized color of citrine is the richly saturated reddish-orange hue, predominantly sourced from Brazil, although Uruguay also yields some exceptional citrine with vibrant colors. The golden-orange to nearly reddish-brown Madeira Citrine exemplifies the highly coveted shade in citrine. Another notable variation is the Fire Citrine, a term used for heat-treated citrine quartz originating from the Linha Estefania Mine in Brazil, known for its deep red-orange tones.

To slightly confuse matters, natural citrine is valued more than treated citrine yet natural citrine is not often found in these deep reddish orange hues so occasionally a natural lighter yellow citrine of fine clarity and cut well will command an even higher price.

Citrine Varieties

Citrine is a type of quartz and the various names attached to it are usually dependent on its color. Some of the more popular varieties are as follows

  • Yellow Citrine - Lemony yellow color sometimes called Lemon Citrine
  • Golden Citrine - Golden Yellow Citrine
  • Madeira Citrine - Golden Orange to Reddish Brown Citrine
  • Fire Citrine - A trade name for Deep Orange Citrine
  • Palmeria Citrine - Bright Orange Citrine

Note: Lemon Quartz is not citrine! Real Lemon Quartz is plain quartz that has been irradiated to create the pleasant lemon color.

Citrine Clarity

With nearly all gemstones, the clearer the stone the higher the value. Citrine is a quite common quartz so there is no need to compromise on clarity, all citrine gemstones should be eye-clean, that is no visible blemishes or cracks. As citrines do tend to be a very clear gemstone the evenness of the color becomes a factor to consider. Unless it is an ametrine, information on this unusual stone is on our website, the color of your citrine should be consistent throughout the crystal with no zoning or variations.

Citrine Cut and Weight

With its hardness at 7 on the Mohs scale, citrine can be cut to almost any shape. Its availability in large sizes as well as being relatively inexpensive has lead to citrine being cut into some very interesting and eye catching fancy cuts.
See our detailed article on the gem-hardness (Mohs scale) here

What does citrine symbolize?

Citrine is often associated with abundance, prosperity, and success. It is believed to carry the energy of the sun, bringing warmth, joy, and positivity into the lives of those who wear or possess it. Additionally, citrine is thought to promote creativity, motivation, and self-expression.

Citrine crystals are usually yellow, through orange and onto reddish brown in color and are one of the most popular quartzes in the world.

Citrine crystals take their name from the Latin 'citrus' and the French 'citron' meaning simply lemon.

As its color might suggest, citrine carries the power of the sun, giving life and energy, warmth and pleasure. It is a well known fact that a lack of sun (and the lack of the Vitamin D that goes with it) is a problem around the world as people continue to lead busier and busier city lives. Citrine can boost your vitality and spirits as though you have spent a day in the sun.

Citrine has been called the 'Merchants Stone' as it has the power to increase business and profits, helping not only to acquire wealth but to keep hold of it!

Pop a gemstone or crystal in your till or safe to bring in more business. Stock market traders may be interested to note that citrine can help in financial speculation and risky enterprises.

For professionals, citrine can be quite a boon. It will aid in improving communication with clients for those who work in sales, banking, the entertainment and amusement industries and medical professions.

At home, citrine assists family relationships, attracts affection and happiness and deflects animosity and envy. It is the stone of forgiveness and positivity allowing you to progress from the pain of a broken heart or relationship. A large citrine crystal placed in the home will brighten the room physically and spiritually.

Citrine attracts love and encourages you to be open to new relationships. It promotes responsibility and commitment which can lead to a long lasting and emotionally satisfying romance.

For constant access to the bright and inspiring energy of this gemstone wear some as jewelry, a bracelet or ring is good but a necklace is especially effective as it sits just above the solar plexus, the citrine chakra.

Which chakra is citrine good for?

Chakra meditation

Chakras are the energy centers in your body also referred to as Qi or Prana. There are seven Chakras throughout the body each influencing a particular physical, emotional or mental state.

The seven chakras are as follows, Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacred and Root. The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel.

Without going into too much detail the Crown Chakra is your connection to the divine or your spiritual guide and is located at the top of your head. The Third Eye Chakra is your intuition or aspirations and is on your forehead between your eyes. Next, comes the Throat Chakra which deals with our ability to communicate and no prizes for knowing where that one is. The fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra, concerned as you might imagine with matters of love and happiness, this one is found in the center of your chest above your heart. The Solar Plexus Chakra is placed at the upper abdomen area and is associated with confidence and self control. The Sacred Chakra to do with sexuality and pleasure is just below the belly button or navel and finally the Root Chakra deals with career, money and attachment and is located at the base of our spine.

Sometimes in life our Chakras become unbalanced or blocked and need to be realigned or cleansed. One way to do this is through the use of Chakra healing stones. These stones or crystals are colored to correspond to individual chakras, red for the Root Chakra, orange for the Sacred, yellow for the Solar Plexus, green for the Heart, blue for the Throat, Indigo for the Third Eye and purple for the Crown Chakra.

Citrine is almost the perfect yellow crystal so it has long been associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of power in your body. Citrine will strengthen your will, creativity and imagination, attract prosperity and success and protect you from negativity.

What to do?

To boost your Solar Plexus Chakra, place a citrine gemstone on the upper abdomen, lie down in a relaxed atmosphere, visualize the color of your citrine and soak up the serenity. At the end of the session you can cleanse the citrine in a sea salt and water solution and allow them to dry in the sunlight or moonlight.

Health Benefits of Citrine

Citrine is believed to have various health benefits, both physically and mentally. Some of the potential health benefits associated with citrine include: Boosting energy levels and vitality; supporting the immune system; enhancing mental clarity and focus; and encouraging a positive outlook and emotional balance.

In keeping with its connection to the Solar Plexus Chakra, Citrine most benefits your central region. It helps with the urinary tract and kidneys and all the glands within your centre, the pancreas, the spleen, the adrenals, ovaries and testes are influenced by citrine and your lower back, too. Of course the stomach and digestive system is right there so citrine can alleviate problem here, including constipation.

Citrine can be paired with essential oils for use in massage therapy. A citrine stone activates massage oils and its energy accelerates circulation in the body improving skin condition. Citrine will allow the oil to penetrate the skin much better which helps remove cellulite and relax muscle contractions. A massage with citrine enhanced oil will also be useful for people with sleeping disorders and alleviate sleep apnea.

Citrine Prices

Citrine Price List

Color Weight range Price range / USD

Light Color


$4 - $15/ct

Medium Color


$4 - $20/ct

Deep Color


$5 - $30/ct

Light Color

10ct +

$4 - $25/ct

Medium Color

10ct +

$5 - $35/ct

Deep Color

10ct +

$7 - $40/ct

Citrine gemstones have always been valued and with the current fashion for earth tones as well as lively sunny tones they are more popular than ever. Despite this, Citrine is not a particularly expensive gem and even the most beautiful examples and large clear crystals are very affordable.

The most important factor in determining the value of citrine is its color, strong yellows all the way to oranges, reds and browns with consistent color saturation lead to the highest prices. Of course with color come clarity, cut and carat size and they all contribute to the value of a citrine gemstone.

The highest value color of citrine is the deep red-orange tones often referred to as Madeira or Fire Citrine.

Lighter colors usually have a lower price although natural untreated citrine is highly valued so can command some good prices when compared to the darker hues that have been treated.

Is Madeira citrine natural?

The most valued and sought after citrine is Madeira Citrine, named after the rich colored wine not the Atlantic island where superstar international football player Christiano Ronaldo was born! Some people heat-treat citrine to achieve this darker color and call it Madeira; but true Madeira usually comes from Brazil and in its natural state is a deeper golden-orange color than regular citrine.

Is Citrine more expensive than Amethyst?

Citrine and Amethyst to all intents and purposes is the same thing the only difference being one is yellow and one is purple (with all the various varieties). This is reflected in their prices which are very similar. Natural citrine is rarer but poor quality amethyst can be heat treated to produce yellow citrine so in all the mix up and confusion the prices are virtually the same. The price for both is conditional upon their respective deep coloring, clarity and how well the individual quartz is cut.

Citrine discovery

Citrine has been used as jewelry or decoration for centuries although it was usually referred to as yellow quartz, it is certainly mentioned by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In 1556 it was named Citrine by the father of modern mineralogy, Georg Bauer. He chose the name from the Latin 'citrus' and the French word 'citron' meaning lemon or lemon colored.

Can Citrine be treated?

Just saying 'natural citrine' can put you in the middle of a minefield of trouble. Some claim all citrine is heat treated amethyst, some claim only certain colors are heat treated, some say it does not matter if it is heat treated or not!

It is fair to say that there are certainly heat treated citrine gemstones on the market and so long as they are properly labeled as heat treated that is not a problem. It is also fair to say that there are some beautiful citrine gems out there turned into delightful yellow or orange hues by the combination of minerals, time and the volcanic heat of mother nature.

What jewelry is Citrine suitable for?

Citrine Jewelry
Citrine Jewelry Designs by GemSelect

Because of its durability, citrine gemstones have a Mohs scale hardness of 7, it is an ideal gemstone for any type of daily wear jewelry. In addition, the availability of large quartz crystals makes a citrine perfect for fancy cuts including concave cuts where the shaping of the gemstone results in a lot of wastage. Citrine can also be cut into any of the classic cuts especially those which show off its color and dispersion.

While they are strong enough to withstand the rigors of daily wear care should be taken to avoid any sharp blows. Crystals should be stored carefully to avoid contact with hard materials which could break, chip or scratch the gem or any softer gems which could be scratched by the citrine.

Citrine comes in a stunning range of yellow shades, from light straw colors all the way to earthy browns and all at very affordable wholesale prices. They also come in many shapes and sizes so the only limit to what piece of jewelry it could be made into is your imagination.

If you are setting a citrine gem in a metal, the choice of metal will come down to a matter of taste but the yellow color of a beautiful citrine quartz goes very well with white gold or silver.

Is Citrine a birthstone?

Yes, citrine is the birthstone for November. It provides calming qualities while encouraging wealth and warmth. Citrine is also the Zodiac stone for Libra and the gemstone to celebrate the 13th wedding anniversary. Citrine jewelry will radiate positive energy and bring calmness, prosperity and warmth. So, if you or your loved one were born in November or under the sign of Libra this stone would make an ideal gift.

How is Citrine formed?

Citrine is quartz made up of two of the most common materials on earth, silicon and oxygen. Citrine, like its sister quartz, amethyst, is found inside geodes all over the world. What is a geode? A geode is formed by bubbles trapped within volcanic rock or lava. The outer rock hardens, often in a circular or oval shape leaving an empty space inside. This hollow is filled over millions of years by liquids rich in silicon dioxide (and in the case of citrine, elements of iron) that slowly crystallize into the quartzes we all love today. These geodes can range from a few centimeters in diameter to one big enough for two or three people to climb inside!

Did you know? Interesting facts about Citrine

The largest citrines weighs 2258 carats
It comes from Brazil and is on display at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. The gem is very big, a hundred times larger than what would be thought a large gem in a piece of jewelry.
In ancient times, citrine was worn as protection against snake venom and evil thoughts.
"The Stone of Success,"
According to ancient Chinese legend, citrine is “The Stone of Success,” and should be given to generous people. Chinese emperors would often wear citrine jewelry because it was believed that it would increase the intellect and broaden the mind.
Sometimes citrine is referred to as topaz quartz, which is incorrect.
Citrine is connected to two goddesses.
Demeter, the Greek goddess of harvest who is associated with productivity and Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of war who is associated with power.
Lucky for some, citrine is the 13th anniversary gemstone.
Gemstone of Hollywood legends
Greta Garbo had a collection of art deco jewelry which included citrine gemstones. When she was seen wearing it, the sales of citrine increased dramatically.

How to care for Citrine

Due to citrine's hardness, it is important to protect softer stones from being scratched. Similarly, you will want to prevent scratches to your citrine from harder gems (sapphire, diamonds, etc.). Therefore, it is a good idea to keep your citrine separate from all other gems of different hardness in a fabric-lined compartment of a jewelry box. Individual cloth jewelry bags are also suitable if you have limited space in your box.

Citrine is durable enough to survive the odd bump or knock on a hard surface; however, you should always take care to avoid such abuse. That is why it is always recommended to remove jewelry before physical activities, especially household cleaning or gardening.

Citrine can be safely, simply, and effectively cleaned with warm soapy water and a soft brush, such as a toothbrush.

Ultrasonic cleaners may be used to clean citrine although if you suspect your citrine has been dyed or had some previous fractures filled do not use.

Careful: ultrasonic cleaners can not only cause and exacerbate fractures in gemstones, they can loosen jewelry and cause gems to fall out of their settings. Steam cleaners should not be used to clean amethyst because it should not be subjected to high temperatures.

How do you know if you have a real Citrine?

Is this gem real?

Laboratory-made or synthetic citrine exists, as are heat treated gemstones to enhance colors. In addition, glass or dyed cheap crystals can also be passed off as the real thing. How can you be sure you are getting the real deal?

Obviously a certified gemstone from a reputable dealer is the best approach but this is not always possible when you are out searching for a great gemstone or a bargain! Citrine gemstones are also of such a price that it is sometimes not worth paying for a certification. There are a few techniques to keep you out of trouble.

First check the color, citrine is a yellow gemstone. Depending on the size, in a real gemstone it is very unlikely that the gemstone will be consistently the same shade throughout the stone and may change slightly in different lighting. A colored glass fake will be the same color all the way through no matter the size.

Heat treated amethyst can change color sufficiently to become a lovely yellow citrine and light colored citrine can be darkened into the more sought after reddish or orangey tones. These are not 'fake' citrine but any treatments should be revealed to potential customers and is certainly what we do here at GemSelect.

Citrine with eye-clean clarity are quite abundant so most stones worthy of being a gemstone will have no inclusions or flaws visible to the naked eye. However the synthetic stones on the market will usually be flawless so this is no help, in fact checking a real citrine gemstone under magnification will reveal some minor imperfections.

A simple hardness check may expose a fake. Citrine has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, so it is harder than your fingernail or a penknife, if either of these can scratch the gem in question, it is not a real citrine.

Price as a guide. Citrine is fairly inexpensive but if you see a prime example, especially Madeira or Fire citrine at a price too good to be true, it probably isn't true so avoid buying such 'bargains'.

This is not a complete guide on how to spot a fake citrine or man-made citrine, which has the same crystal structure, hardness and specific gravity but I hope it helps.

For many years any yellow gem could be called topaz and this habit has continued with the more unscrupulous dealers. Some exotically named topazes such as Madeira Topaz, Salmanca Topaz, Spanish Topaz and even the simple Smoky Topaz are in reality, citrine.

At GemSelect, we currently offer brief identification reports from your choice of three well-respected independent gemological laboratories, American International GemLab (AIG), International Colored Gemstone Association Laboratory (ICA GemLab) and Burapha Gemological Laboratory (BGL Lab).

Can Citrine change color?

Some gemstones show a distinct or dramatic change in color under different light sources. Look at a color-change garnet under electric or artificial light and it could look red, take it outside into the sunlight and all of a sudden it is green! This remarkable effect only occurs in a few gemstones, Alexandrite, color-change Garnet, color-change Sapphires being the most well known.

Citrine is not one of these color-change stones however some citrine will change color if heat treated and be careful of exposing your citrine to prolonged periods of sunlight as this can cause the color to fade.

Where can you find natural Citrine?

The Globe

Citrine is often found alongside amethyst and the biggest supplier of natural crystals is Brazil and neighboring South American countries, with Africa, Russia, the US and Europe also having healthy supplies. It is found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks on sites of previous volcanic activity.

Citrine - Gemological Properties

Chemical Formula:

SiO2; Silicon dioxide

Crystal Structure:

Hexagonal (trigonal) hexagonal prisms with pyramids


Light-yellow to dark-yellow, gold-brown, orange


7 on the Mohs scale

Refractive Index:

1.544 to 1.553







Double Refraction or Birefringence:






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