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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Red Gemstones: List of Red Precious & Semi-Precious Gems

Red Gemstones
Natural Red Gemstones

Red Gemstones: An Overview

In the world of colored gemstones, the hue is paramount. Nowadays, many buyers focus more on the color of the stone rather than its type, as long as it is sufficiently durable for their needs.

However, searching for gemstones based on color can be challenging, particularly because dealers typically categorize their inventory by the type or variety of the gem, not by color. Take red gemstones, for example: while ruby might be the first to come to mind for most, there are actually several other red gemstones on the market.

This list does not include every red gemstone, mainly due to their rarity or because their redness manifests differently. For instance, strawberry quartz isn't truly red; it's colorless quartz with red inclusions like lepidocrocite, hematite, or goethite, so we've omitted it from our list. We decided to feature only those gems that are primarily red. Find red gemstones names and pictures right here.

Which gemstones are red in color?

Here are the Gemstones with a dominant red color: Red Agate, Red Almandine Garnet, Red Andesine-Labradorite, Red Apatite, Red Bixbite, Red Carnelian, Red Cinnabar, Red Coral, Red Diamond, Red Fire Opal, Red Jasper, Red Malaya Garnet, Red Pezzottaite, Red Pyrope Garnet, Red Rhodolite Garnet, Red Ruby, Red Spessartite Garnet, Red Spinel, Red Star Garnet, Red Star Ruby, Red Sunstone, Red Topaz, Red Tourmaline/Rubellite, Red Zircon. These are all Natural red gemstones.

Red Gemstones List

To find out out more about the red gemstones listed, just click on their names.

Red Agate Gemstones

Red Agate Gemstones
Red Agate for Sale

Red agate is a rare find with unicolor, but banded red agate is quite common. Most red agates will exhibit other colors in their patterns, such as gray, blue, black and white. Solid, single-color red agate gemstones are often dyed to imitate carnelian, another closely-related gemstone. Agate is a layered or banded variety of chalcedony quartz. It is a popular gemstone due to its affordability, durability and versatility.

Agate occurs in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including shades of light- to dark-red, yellow, orange and blue. Although many agates are dyed to obtain their red color, unlike many other gem types, dyeing does not normally affect their value. Dyeing is a very difficult treatment to detect, so in most cases, buyers should just assume agates have been dyed, unless of course, you are purchasing from a trusted gemstone dealer that states it is completely untreated.

Rough Red Agate Stones
Red Agate Rough Stones

Red Agate Meaning

Red Agate is a gemstone that symbolizes inner peace, emotional healing, and courage. Historically, it has been believed to possess protective properties, warding off negative energies and fostering a sense of security. This stone is often associated with grounding effects, offering stability and balance to those who utilize it. Its significance is deeply rooted in enhancing mental functions such as concentration, perception, and analytical abilities, making it a favored choice among those seeking to strengthen their emotional and intellectual faculties.

Red Agate Jewelry Usage

Red Agate jewelry is not only valued for its aesthetic appeal but also for its supposed metaphysical properties. It is commonly incorporated into various types of jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, to promote emotional strength and resilience. Wearers often seek out red agate for its potential to provide emotional support during times of stress and to foster a sense of courage and confidence. Additionally, due to its hardness and durability, it is a practical choice for everyday wear, seamlessly blending beauty with function.

Available Colors of Agate

Agate comes in a wide range of colors, each offering its own unique visual appeal and purported healing properties. Beyond the vibrant red, agate can be found in shades of blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple, and black. Some agates present a singular, solid color, while others display a combination of hues, often in bands or layers. This diversity in coloration makes agate a versatile gemstone, suitable for a variety of jewelry settings and personal preferences. The myriad of available colors also means that agate can be selected not only for its beauty but also for its emotional and spiritual significance to the individual wearer.

Red Almandine Garnet Gemstones

Red Almandine Garnet Gemstones
Almandine Garnet for Sale

Almandine garnet belongs to the garnet family of gemstones. The garnet group includes a wide variety of gemstones; a family of complex silicates with varying chemical compositions but similar crystal structures. Almandine, or almandite, is the most common of all garnets, and because so, it is often referred to as 'the classic red garnet'.

Although almandine garnet can be found with excellent red color, most will range from dark brownish-red to orangey-red and purplish-red; this is because garnet gemstones are rarely found in their pure form and typically will contain traces of other garnet types, such as spessartine or grossularite. Like other garnets, almandine is very popular for its excellent hardness (7-7.5) and its high refractive index which results in beautiful brilliance.

Rough Almandine Garnet Stones
Almandine Garnet Rough Stones

Almandine Garnet Meaning

Almandine Garnet is esteemed for its deep red hues, symbolizing strength, endurance, and vigor. It is often considered a stone of protection, believed to safeguard the wearer from harm and promote emotional well-being. This variety of garnet is associated with the root chakra, grounding individuals and connecting them with the earth's energy. Its presence is thought to enhance perseverance and stamina, making it a powerful gemstone for overcoming difficult situations and achieving stability and self-confidence.

Almandine Garnet Jewelry Usage

Almandine Garnet is widely used in jewelry making due to its rich, velvety color and durability. It is a popular choice for rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, often set in precious metals that highlight its deep red tones. This gemstone is not only sought after for its beauty but also for its purported ability to provide emotional strength and protect against negative energies. Its versatility and timeless appeal make it a favorite among jewelry enthusiasts who appreciate both its aesthetic and metaphysical properties.

Available Colors of Almandine Garnet

Almandine Garnet is primarily known for its deep, burgundy red color, which can range from almost black to vibrant red under different lighting conditions. While it is most celebrated for these rich red tones, almandine garnet can also display hues that lean towards purple or brown, depending on the specific mineral composition and the presence of impurities. This variation allows for a range of color depths and intensities, offering options for personal preference and design considerations in jewelry making.

Red Andesine-Labradorite Gemstones

Red Andesine Labradorite Gemstones
Andesine Labradorite for Sale

Andesine labradorite is a relatively 'new' gemstone often found with stunning red color. It usually occurs with traces of orange or green and yellow and is known to exhibit a faint metallic schiller similar to that of sunstone or labradorite, hence its name. Through iridescence, andesine-labradorite can exhibit various ranges of color depending on the viewing angle.

Andesine-labradorite was originally traded without disclosure of treatment, which in turn led to controversy regarding its origin when it was first introduced. The gem was first traded as 'andesine', named after the Andes Mountains where it was thought to be first discovered. After its introduction to the gem market, it was discovered to be a color-enhanced variety of labradorite; to much surprise, it was not actually 'andesine' at all.

Soon after the shocking discovery of andesine's true chemical composition and origins, 'andesine' was renamed to 'andesine-labradorite' to ensure it would not mislead gemstone buyers. The trade name has become widely accepted, but it is still often referred to as just 'andesine', in addition to other names, such as 'red labradorite' and 'Congo sunstone'.

Andesine-Labradorite Meaning

Andesine-Labradorite is a gemstone that combines attributes of both andesine and labradorite, offering a unique blend of metaphysical properties. It is celebrated for its ability to balance emotional intensity, fostering a sense of calm and equilibrium. This gemstone is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight, making it a favored choice among those seeking to deepen their connection to the unseen world. It symbolizes transformation and perseverance, guiding individuals through change with strength and resilience.

Andesine-Labradorite Jewelry Usage

Andesine-Labradorite is increasingly popular in the creation of jewelry due to its distinctive coloration and the intriguing optical phenomenon known as labradorescence, which creates a dazzling display of colors. This gemstone is utilized in various forms of adornment, including rings, pendants, earrings, and bracelets. It is particularly valued for its ability to complement a wide range of styles, from elegant and formal to casual and everyday wear. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, andesine-labradorite is sought after for its purported metaphysical properties, offering wearers not just a piece of jewelry but a spiritual talisman.

Available Colors of Andesine-Labradorite

Andesine-Labradorite showcases a spectacular range of colors, primarily due to the labradorescence effect, which results in iridescent flashes of blues, greens, oranges, and reds. The base color of the gemstone can vary from light green to orange-red, with the most common hues being reddish-orange or yellowish-green. This diverse palette, combined with the stone's captivating luster, makes andesine-labradorite a versatile gemstone, adaptable to various settings and designs in jewelry making. Its unique color play and the depth of its hues cater to a broad spectrum of aesthetic preferences.

Red Apatite Gemstones

Red Apatite Gemstones
Red Apatite for Sale

Red Apatite is an interesting and popular gemstone, highly sought after for its wide variety of vivid colors, including vibrant red, as well as electric blue and green. Red apatite is one of the rarer and least-known colors, but for those lucky enough to find one, it can exhibit a bright red comparable to that of fine ruby. Surprisingly, apatite is a composed of the same material as our teeth and bones; calcium phosphate.

Although it is fairly soft compared to many other types of gems (5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness), its hardness is similar to that of turquoise, lapis lazuli and opal, all of which are quite often worn in jewelry designs, including rings.

Apatite is normally untreated and some rare apatite gems may even exhibit cat's eye chatoyancy. Although prices for apatite remain relatively affordable, large clean gemstones can demand hundreds of dollars per carat, especially specimens weighing over 5 to 10 carats with excellent color saturation.

Red Apatite Meaning

Red Apatite is a gemstone rich in symbolism and metaphysical properties. It is believed to inspire motivation, passion, and confidence. This vibrant stone is associated with the base chakra, enhancing vitality and physical energy. It encourages a zest for life, bolstering enthusiasm and a positive outlook. Red Apatite is also thought to aid in overcoming emotional exhaustion and promoting a sense of clarity and personal power, making it a valuable stone for those facing challenges or seeking to invigorate their life's journey.

Red Apatite Jewelry Usage

Red Apatite is increasingly sought after for use in jewelry due to its unique hue and the positive attributes it is believed to convey. This gemstone is featured in a variety of jewelry pieces, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, often set in metals that complement its fiery color. Its use in jewelry not only serves as a fashion statement but also as a means for wearers to harness the stone's energy, providing a constant source of motivation and vitality. Red Apatite's striking appearance and purported benefits make it a favorite among those who wish to blend style with substance.

Available Colors of Apatite

Apatite is a gemstone celebrated for its diverse range of colors, extending well beyond red to include blues, greens, yellows, and even colorless forms. The most common and prized color is a deep, vivid blue, reminiscent of tropical seas. However, its spectrum also encompasses neon blues, greens that mirror the lushness of nature, sunny yellows, and the rare, fiery reds. This wide array of available colors makes apatite a versatile choice for jewelry designers and enthusiasts alike, offering a hue to match any preference or occasion.

Red Gemstones and their Meanings

Red gemstones are often associated with various meanings and symbolism, influenced by cultural, historical, and metaphysical beliefs. Some of the most notable red gemstones include ruby, garnet, and red jasper.


Ruby: Known as the "King of Gems," ruby is often associated with passion, love, energy, and power. It is believed to represent the sun, bring good fortune, and offer protection. Rubies are also thought to symbolize the heart and inspire courage and confidence.


Garnet: Traditionally linked to commitment, love, and devotion. Garnets are believed to symbolize a quick return to a separated love, protection from harm, and a gift of eternal love. They also promote self-empowerment and higher thinking.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper: Known for its deep, earthy tones and is often associated with grounding, stability, and physical strength. It is believed to promote endurance, courage, and the power to face life's challenges. Red jasper is also thought to stimulate passion.

Red Coral

Red Coral: Often used in jewelry, this stone symbolizes life force energy, courage, and passion. In many cultures, red coral is believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits and enchantments.

Red Spinel

Red Spinel: Associated with revitalization, helping the wearer renew their energy and motivation. It is also believed to attract wealth and prosperity.

Red Tourmaline (Rubellite)

Red Tourmaline (Rubellite): Believed to strengthen the heart and offer relief from stress and anxiety. It is associated with compassion, emotional healing, and kindness.

Red Beryl (Bixbite)

Red Beryl (Bixbite): A rare gemstone thought to symbolize passion, energy, and a zest for life. It is also associated with healing and strengthening relationships.

Red Bixbite Gemstones

Red Bixbite Gemstones
Red Bixbite for Sale

Although green emerald is traditionally the most famous member of the beryl family, red beryl is the rarest of all. Red beryl is known in the trade as bixbite, and because of its rarity, it is fairly unheard of by the general public. Even though emerald belongs to the elite group of 'the precious 4 gemstones', red beryl is considered to be one of the rarest gem types in the world and because so, it is also one of the most valuable too.

Many bixbite specimens have sold for tens of thousands of dollars per carat, but it is rarely found weighing over 1 carat. A 2 to 3 carat bixbite would be considered huge and clean; well-cut pieces would easily demand top prices. Bixbite is mined mostly from the United States at the Gemstone Mining Company in Southwestern Utah.

The mine is known to produce roughly 5,000 to 7,000 carats per year and markets the rare red beryl as 'red emerald'. Some gems being marketed as 'red beryl' or 'bixbite' are actually pezzottaite, another rare red gemstone, but pezzottaite is not quite as valuable as red bixbite beryl.

Rough Bixbite Stones
Bixbite Rough Stones

Bixbite Meaning

Bixbite, also known as red beryl, is a rare gemstone that carries profound meaning and significance. It symbolizes vitality, strength, and passion, believed to enhance commitment and willpower. This stone is associated with the heart chakra, promoting love, understanding, and compassion towards oneself and others. It is thought to have healing properties, aiding in overcoming stress and invigorating the spirit. Bixbite's rarity and distinctive color make it a powerful symbol of uniqueness and personal empowerment.

Bixbite Jewelry Usage

Due to its rarity and striking red color, Bixbite is highly valued in the creation of exquisite jewelry pieces. It is typically set in rings, pendants, and earrings as a statement gemstone. Jewelers often pair it with precious metals to accentuate its vibrant hue and rarity. Wearing Bixbite jewelry is not only a sign of elegance but is also believed to bring the wearer courage, emotional strength, and the resilience to face life's challenges. Its use in jewelry is a testament to its beauty and the profound meanings it embodies.

Available Colors of Bixbite

Bixbite is primarily known for its vibrant, rich red color, which ranges from raspberry to slightly purplish red. This unique shade is what sets Bixbite apart from other gemstones and contributes to its rarity and desirability. Unlike its mineral cousins in the beryl family, such as aquamarine and emerald, Bixbite’s color spectrum is narrowly focused on red hues, making it a unique and coveted addition to any jewelry collection. Its singular coloration is a significant factor in the gemstone's appeal and value.

Red Carnelian Gemstones

Red Carnelian Gemstones
Red Carnelian for Sale

Carnelian is a brownish-red to reddish-orange variety of chalcedony quartz. It is one of the oldest gemstones and was often used for making signet or seal rings in ancient Rome. Since natural carnelian is quite rare, much of the carnelian on the market is actually dyed agate.

Darker red-brown carnelian is often traded as 'sard'. Carnelian was thought to have been named after the color of a cornel cherry, and it is also one of the many gemstones traded under the old-fashioned name, 'carbuncle', which is a name used nowadays to refer to "friendship gems".

Rough Red Carnelian Stones
Red Carnelian Rough Stones

Carnelian has its place in many religious scriptures, including Jewish, Christian and Islamic writings. In fact, it is one of the most important Islamic gemstones, thought to be referred to as 'aqiq' or 'aqueek'. The Prophet Muhammad was said to have worn a silver ring on his right hand with an Abyssinian stone, which was believed to have been carnelian. Ali was said to have worn a carnelian to protect himself from enemies and misfortune.

Red Carnelian Meaning

Red Carnelian, with its warm, vibrant hue, is celebrated for its stimulating and energizing properties. This gemstone is believed to bolster vitality, courage, and motivation, making it a cherished stone in various cultural and spiritual practices. It is said to stimulate the root chakra, enhancing one's connection to the earth and promoting a sense of stability. Additionally, Red Carnelian is associated with fostering creativity, boosting confidence, and helping to overcome difficulties with a positive demeanor. Its deep red color is often linked to the blood of life, symbolizing the essence of life force and endurance.

Red Carnelian Jewelry Usage

Red Carnelian is a popular choice for jewelry, admired for its rich color and lustrous finish. This gemstone is used in a variety of jewelry pieces, including bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings, often as a focal point or accent to add warmth and energy to the design. Its durability and captivating color make it suitable for everyday wear, allowing individuals to carry the stone’s positive attributes with them. Jewelers and wearers alike appreciate Red Carnelian for its versatility and the vibrant touch it adds to both casual and formal attire.

Available Colors of Carnelian

Carnelian is known for its wide range of colors, from pale orange to deep red-brown. While Red Carnelian is particularly prized for its rich, warm hues, the stone can also be found in softer shades of orange, yellow-orange, and even pink. These variations allow for a broad spectrum of jewelry designs, catering to different tastes and preferences. The diversity in color also means that carnelian can be selected to suit specific symbolic or aesthetic purposes, making it a flexible and sought-after gemstone in the world of jewelry and beyond.

Red Cinnabar Gemstones

Red Cinnabar
Red Cinnabar

Red cinnabar is not only a colorful mineral, but it also has some very unusual gemological properties. Cinnabar has been known since times of antiquity and was used by the ancient Romans as both a pigment and a source of mercury. In South America and China, it was also used for decorative purposes. Generally occurring as a vein-filling mineral, on rare occasion, gem-quality red cinnabar can be found and faceted.

However, since it is notably soft (2 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale), it is not often used for jewelry, but rather as a collector's stone. In fact, due to its rarity and rather unusual properties, it is usually on the bucket list of every gemstone and mineral collector. Cinnabar has high refractive index and is remarkably dense. Its specific gravity rates at 8.1; there are very few minerals that are denser than cinnabar.

Rough Red Cinnabar Stones
Red Cinnabar Rough Stones

Cinnabar Meaning

Cinnabar is known for its vibrant, mercury sulfide composition, historically revered for its striking vermilion color which symbolizes transformation and the awakening of the spiritual energy. In metaphysical beliefs, cinnabar is thought to inspire wealth, personal improvement, and the realization of one’s aspirations. It is associated with the root and sacral chakras, enhancing vitality and passion while grounding the wearer in reality. The gemstone encourages the full embrace of life's cycles, promoting courage and a bold, assertive approach to achieving personal goals.

Cinnabar Jewelry Usage

Cinnabar has been used in jewelry and ornaments since ancient times, prized not only for its eye-catching color but also for its supposed mystical properties. Today, it is crafted into beads, pendants, and inlays in various jewelry pieces, often encased in protective settings to preserve its delicate nature. Wearing cinnabar jewelry is believed to attract abundance and release fears and limitations, thereby enhancing assertiveness and personal will. Its distinctive color and pattern make it a unique addition to any jewelry collection, offering a blend of beauty and spiritual benefits.

Available Colors of Cinnabar

Cinnabar is most famously known for its bright red color, which can range from brick red to a slightly orange-red hue. This distinct coloration is due to its mercury sulfide content, which provides its characteristic luster and depth. Natural variations can include streaks or patches of white or other colorations depending on impurities. While red is the most common and sought-after color in cinnabar, the presence of these variations adds to the uniqueness and appeal of each piece, making cinnabar a fascinating and diverse gemstone for collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike.

Red Coral Gemstones

Red Coral Gemstones
Red Coral for Sale

Red coral is an especially popular and highly sought after gemstone due to its intense coloration and luster. It is a member of the organic gemstone group, which also includes pearl, amber and ammolite, and has been harvested for decorative use since times of antiquity. Most red coral gemstones are varieties of corallium rubrum, a very specific pink to red colored species of genus coral. Corallium rubrum is sometimes referred to as 'noble coral' and is considered to be the most desirable coral for jewelry.

Noble coral also includes popular 'angel skin coral, a pink to salmon variety of precious coral. Because coral takes millions of years to form, coral gemstones are especially rare and very valuable. Most red corals available today are either dyed or imitation stones.

Rough Red Coral Stones
Red Coral Rough Stones

Red coral can also be traded as "carbuncles" an old-fashioned term used to refer to red garnet cabochons which were symbols of friendship. Red coral is also an important Jyotish gemstone; referred to in Vedic astrology. Jyotish is an ancient Hindu and Asian discipline that combines mineralogy, planetary science and gemology.

Red Coral Meaning

Red Coral is not only admired for its vibrant hue but also valued for its symbolism of life force and energy. It represents durability, protection, and emotional healing. Historically, it has been used as a charm against negative energy, believed to foster inner peace and calm. Red Coral is often associated with courage, passion, and the pursuit of goals, making it a revered gemstone in various cultures. Its connection to the ocean represents the flow of life, reminding wearers of the natural cycles and the power of adaptability.

Red Coral Jewelry Usage

Red Coral is extensively used in jewelry making for its striking appearance and symbolic significance. It is fashioned into beads, pendants, rings, and earrings, often set in gold or silver to enhance its warm tones. This gemstone is popular in both traditional and contemporary designs, valued not only for its beauty but also for its supposed benefits to the wearer, including support for emotional balance and vitality. Red Coral jewelry is especially favored in regions close to the Mediterranean and the Pacific, where the material originates, embedding cultural heritage into modern aesthetics.

Available Colors of Coral

While Red Coral is the most recognized color, coral as a material comes in a range of hues, including white, pink, orange, and black. The diversity in color allows for a wide array of jewelry designs, catering to different tastes and occasions. White coral is often associated with purity and tranquility, pink coral with compassion and warmth, and black coral with strength and resilience. This variety not only provides options for personal expression through jewelry but also highlights the natural beauty and diversity of coral ecosystems.

Red Diamond Gemstones

Red Diamond Gemstones
Red Diamond

Red diamonds are considered the world's rarest and most valuable gemstones. Fine specimens have been known to sell at auctions for over $1 million USD per carat. The largest-known red diamond is the 5.11-carat Moussaieff Diamond and was graded by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). The incredible color of red diamond is not caused by impurities as are most red gemstones. Instead, its unique color is a direct result of microscopic defects formed within the crystal lattice.

Untreated red diamonds are so incredibly rare, only very few people will be lucky enough to see one, yet alone afford to own one. Most fancy color diamonds available today, including red, green and black diamonds are created through enhancement processes (irradiation, diffusion, etc).

Due to diamond's superior qualities, red diamond is suitable for any type of jewelry design. However, even though it is the hardest natural material (10 on the Mohs scale of hardness), due to its perfect cleavage; a trait it shares with topaz, care should be taken to prevent hard knocks since it can be easily split by a single blow.

Rough Red Diamond Stones
Red Diamond Rough Stones

Diamond Meaning

Diamonds, known for their unparalleled hardness and brilliant sparkle, symbolize eternal love, invincibility, and courage. Throughout history, they have been cherished not only for their physical beauty but also for their representation of unbreakable strength and purity. Diamonds encourage clarity of thought, balance, and abundance, making them a powerful gemstone for enhancing commitment and trust. Their timeless allure has made diamonds a symbol of enduring commitment, especially in matrimonial bonds, reflecting the resilience and brightness of enduring relationships.

Red Diamond Jewelry Usage

Red diamonds are among the rarest and most sought-after gemstones in the world, making jewelry that features them extraordinarily unique and valuable. These diamonds are typically used in high-end jewelry pieces, such as engagement rings, necklaces, and earrings, often set in minimalist designs to highlight their rare beauty. The intense color and remarkable rarity of red diamonds symbolize deep passion and luxury, making them a prestigious choice for those seeking to make a bold statement of love or achievement.

Available Colors of Diamond

Diamonds are available in a spectrum of colors, ranging from the classic clear or white to vibrant hues of yellow, blue, pink, green, and the extremely rare red. These colors are created by the presence of different elements or structural anomalies within the crystal lattice. For example, yellow diamonds contain nitrogen, while blue diamonds contain boron. The variety of available colors provides a wide range of options for personalization and expression in jewelry, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. Each color possesses its own unique charm and significance, making diamonds versatile for various occasions and sentiments.

What stones are burgundy?

Here is a list of gemstones in burgundy color: Red Agate, Red Almandine Garnet, Red Apatite, Red Bixbite, Red Carnelian, Red Cinnabar, Red Coral, Red Diamond, Red Fire Opal, Red Jasper, Red Malaya Garnet, Red Pezzottaite, Red Pyrope Garnet, Red Rhodolite Garnet, Red Ruby, Red Spinel, Red Star Garnet, Red Rubellite, Red Zircon.

Red Fire Opal Gemstones

Red Fire Opal
Fire Opal for Sale

Fire opal is an unusual variety of opal from Mexico, with colors ranging from light-yellow to bright orange and red. Like other common and precious opal varieties, fire opal is gem-quality hydrated silicon dioxide. Due to its high water content, Fire opal's composition typically ranges from three to ten percent of weight being made up of water, and in some cases as much as 21 percent.

Due to its high water content, it is a rather fragile type of gemstone, but when worn with care, it can make for stunning jewelry. Unlike most opals, many fire opals are faceted, rather than cut en cabochon, due to their excellent degree of transparency.

Rough Fire Opal Stones
Fire Opal Rough Stones

Specimens with a deep red color, excellent transparency and a good amount of fire are considered most valuable and can demand hundreds of dollars per carat. However, many fine fire opals without any color play, can still fetch high prices as long as they possess good color saturation and clarity.

Fire Opal Meaning

Fire Opal, distinguished by its vivid and fiery hue, symbolizes passion, creativity, and enthusiasm. This gemstone is believed to enhance personal power, attract luck, and invigorate one's energy, inspiring dynamism and a zest for life. It is associated with the sacral chakra, the center of creativity and emotion, making it a powerful aid in fostering emotional expression, artistic innovation, and spontaneity. The vibrant colors of Fire Opal encourage a positive outlook, bolster self-confidence, and motivate the wearer to embrace their true self.

Fire Opal Jewelry Usage

Fire Opal is a popular choice for jewelry, especially pieces designed to make a statement. Its striking color can be found in rings, pendants, bracelets, and earrings, where it often stands alone or is accompanied by diamonds or other gemstones to highlight its brilliance. Fire Opal jewelry is particularly favored for occasions that call for a bold expression of personal style. The gemstone’s association with passion and creativity makes it a favorite among those who seek to convey a sense of individuality and vibrance through their accessories.

Available Colors of Fire Opal

While traditionally known for its bright orange color, Fire Opal can vary widely in hue, from yellow to red and all the fiery shades in between. Some specimens exhibit a play-of-color, displaying vibrant flashes of green, blue, and red when moved under a light source, although this is less common than in other types of opal. The range of available colors allows for a diverse selection of jewelry pieces, catering to different tastes and preferences, and making each Fire Opal gemstone uniquely captivating.

Red Jasper Gemstones

Red Jasper Gemstones
Jasper for Sale

Another popular gemstone member of the large and varied family of quartz is jasper, a gemstone that gets its name from the Greek for "spotted stone". Jasper gemstones can be found in a wide variety of patterns and colors, including shades of red, brown, orange, yellow and gray. Unicolor jasper is actually quite rare since it is often composed of up to twenty percent foreign materials.

Rough Red Jasper Stones
Red Jasper Rough Stones

Because of this, almost all jasper gemstones are multicolor, featuring stripes, spots or flame-like patterns. Jasper is usually considered a variety of chalcedony, but due to its unique grainy structure, it has been classified and separated into its own distinct quartz group. There are many trade names given to jasper stones that have specific patterns or colors, similar to those of agates from certain localities. However, none of the trade names are officially recognized, so they are mostly used by only the most avid gem collectors.

Red Jasper Meaning

Red Jasper is a stone of endurance, vitality, and strength. It is said to enhance stamina, determination, and perseverance. A grounding stone, Red Jasper is believed to stabilize emotions and provide a sense of calm amidst chaos. This gemstone is associated with the root chakra, fostering a connection to the Earth and promoting physical and emotional balance. It is often used for protection, absorbing negative energy and promoting a sense of security.

Red Jasper Jewelry Usage

Red Jasper is commonly used in jewelry due to its rich, earthy color and durability. It is found in a variety of jewelry pieces, including bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. This gemstone is especially favored for its grounding properties, making it a popular choice for those seeking to wear jewelry with both aesthetic appeal and metaphysical benefits. Red Jasper's bold color makes it a standout addition to any jewelry collection, offering a touch of natural beauty and a connection to the Earth's energy.

Available Colors of Jasper

Jasper comes in a wide range of colors, including red, yellow, green, blue, and brown, often featuring unique patterns, bands, and striations. Each color variation carries its own specific meaning and healing properties. For example, yellow Jasper is associated with protection during travel, green Jasper with healing and balance, and blue Jasper with communication and inner peace. This diversity in color and pattern makes Jasper a versatile and sought-after gemstone in the creation of unique and meaningful jewelry pieces.

Red Malaya Garnet Gemstones

Red Malaya Garnet Gemstones
Malaya Garnet for Sale

Malaya garnet, or Malaia garnet, is a unique hybrid garnet variety composed of a mixture of pyrope and spessartine. Although it comes in a variety of colors ranging from light to dark pinkish-peach, and yellowish-orange to deep orangey-red. Malaya garnet is one of the rare members of the garnet group. Composition-wise, it is identical to that of color-change garnet. Malaya garnet is found only in East Africa, specifically in the Umba Valley of Tanzania and Kenya.

Rough Malaya Garnet Stones
Malaya Garnet Rough Stones

When it was first discovered, miners had mistakenly thought it to be a type of spessartite or rhodolite garnet. Since it was neither, it was often chucked aside, until later, when it was given its own varietal name of 'malaya', a term derived from the Swahili word for 'prostitute' or 'outcast', a direct result of it being originally unwanted and seen as an impure variety of garnet. Since its discovery and introduction to the gemstone world, it has become one of the most popular garnets today, as it is highly sought after by both retail jewelers and private gemstone collectors.

Malaya Garnet Meaning

Malaya Garnet, a rare and captivating gemstone, is cherished for its unique blend of pink, orange, and red hues, symbolizing creativity, passion, and joy. This gemstone is believed to foster emotional healing by promoting self-confidence, strength, and the courage to face life's challenges. Malaya Garnet is associated with the heart and sacral chakras, enhancing love, compassion, and creativity. It encourages personal growth and the pursuit of one's true desires, making it a powerful ally in personal development and self-discovery.

Malaya Garnet Jewelry Usage

Due to its unique color and rarity, Malaya Garnet is highly sought after in the jewelry world. It is often featured in exclusive designs, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. This gemstone is prized for its ability to complement both day and evening wear, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication. Jewelers appreciate Malaya Garnet for its versatility and the vibrant warmth it brings to their creations, making it a popular choice for those seeking distinctive and meaningful jewelry pieces.

Available Colors of Malaya Garnet

Malaya Garnet is renowned for its broad spectrum of colors, ranging from light pink to deep red-orange. This variety allows for a diverse range of jewelry pieces that can cater to different tastes and preferences. Some stones may also exhibit a subtle color change under different lighting conditions, adding to their allure. The variation in hue is due to the complex chemical composition of Malaya Garnet, making each gemstone unique. This characteristic ensures that every piece of Malaya Garnet jewelry is not only beautiful but also one-of-a-kind.

Red Pezzottaite Gemstones

Red Pezzottaite Gemstones
Red Pezzottaite Gemstones

Pezzottaite is one of the most recent gemstone discoveries and is also one of the rarest gemstones in the world, along with grandiderite. It was officially recognized by the International Mineralogical Association as a distinct gemstone variety in late 2003. Although pezzottaite is indeed rare, it is not as rare or valuable as bixbite, which is why many stones being marketed as 'red beryl' (bixbite) are actually pezzottaite gemstones.

When it was first discovered, it was actually thought to be beryl. Pezzottaite is a lithium-bearing material and unlike beryl, which forms with trigonal crystals, Pezzottaite forms with a hexagonal crystal habit. Pezzottaite was named in honor of the Federico Pezzotta, a young Italian mineralogist who is now curator of mineralogy at the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milan.

Rough Pezzottaite Stones
Pezzottaite Rough Stones

Pezzottaite Meaning

Pezzottaite, also known as raspberry beryl, is a relatively recent discovery in the gemstone world, symbolizing discovery, innovation, and the joy of exploration. It is believed to encourage personal growth, self-awareness, and the realization of one’s potential. This gemstone is thought to stimulate the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and emotional healing. Pezzottaite is often associated with the energy of new beginnings and is considered a talisman for adventurers and those seeking to embark on new ventures.

Pezzottaite Jewelry Usage

Pezzottaite is prized in the jewelry industry for its unique raspberry pink to purplish-red hues, making it a coveted choice for distinctive, high-end jewelry pieces. Due to its rarity and striking color, it is often set in rings, pendants, and earrings, typically with minimalistic designs that highlight the gemstone’s natural beauty. Jewelry designers and wearers alike are drawn to Pezzottaite for its combination of visual appeal and the sense of exclusivity it brings to any piece it adorns.

Available Colors of Pezzottaite

Pezzottaite is most commonly found in vibrant shades of raspberry pink, but it can also display hues ranging from purplish pink to a deep reddish purple. The intensity and exact shade can vary depending on the size and quality of the stone, as well as the lighting under which it is viewed. This range of colors offers jewelry makers and enthusiasts the opportunity to select pieces that not only appeal to their aesthetic preferences but also resonate with the gemstone’s unique symbolism and energy.

Red Pyrope Garnet Gemstones

Red Pyrope Garnet Gemstones
Pyrope Garnet for Sale

Pyrope garnet is the most famous red garnet variety. Its distinct and attractive dark blood-red color often resembles that of ruby. But unlike ruby, pyrope garnet is typically very clean and free of visible inclusions. Pyrope garnet exhibits excellent brilliance due to its high refractive index.

Like all garnet gemstones, it is very durable and hard enough for everyday jewelry (7 to 7.5 on Mohs scale of hardness). Large pyrope gemstones can be found at affordable prices. In ancient times, garnet was believed to illuminate the night and ward off evil spirits.

Rough Pyrope Garnet Stones
Pyrope Garnet Rough Stones

Pyrope Garnet Meaning

Pyrope Garnet, known for its deep red hues, symbolizes vitality, charisma, and the essence of life's passions. It is believed to inspire creativity, invigorate the soul, and bolster the spirit's endurance. This variety of garnet is often associated with an unwavering commitment and steadfast love, making it a stone of devotion. Pyrope Garnet is also thought to promote self-confidence and success in personal endeavors, encouraging the wearer to navigate life's challenges with courage and determination.

Pyrope Garnet Jewelry Usage

Pyrope Garnet is highly valued in jewelry for its captivating color and brilliance, making it a popular choice for rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Its rich, dark red color provides a touch of elegance and sophistication to any piece, making it suitable for both casual wear and formal occasions. Pyrope Garnet is often set in precious metals that highlight its depth and intensity, offering timeless pieces that are treasured for their beauty and enduring appeal. Its association with passion and commitment also makes it a favored gemstone for engagement rings and anniversary gifts.

Available Colors of Pyrope Garnet

Pyrope Garnet is best known for its classic, deep red color, which can range from dark blood red to a slightly purplish-red hue. This variation allows for a range of jewelry pieces that can appeal to different tastes and preferences. Although Pyrope Garnet is predominantly celebrated for its red tones, the gemstone may sometimes exhibit a brownish or even almost black appearance in certain lights, adding to its mystique and allure. The diversity in shading ensures that each piece of Pyrope Garnet jewelry is unique and captivating.

Red Rhodolite Garnet Gemstones

Rhodolite Garnet Gemstones
Rhodolite Garnet for Sale

Rhodolite garnet is the name applied to another valuable hybrid garnet, composed of a mixture of pyrope and almandine. Rhodolite garnet tends to be lighter in color than most other varieties of red garnet, and it can be easily confused with ruby due to its similar color. The most popular and highly sought-after color is a unique mixture of violet and red, known in the trade as 'raspberry red garnet'.

Rough Red Rhodolite Garnet Stones
Red Rhodolite Garnet Rough Stones

Purple to purplish red rhodolite is considered the most valuable; large clean specimens can retail for hundreds of dollars per carat. Most rhodolite garnets available today are sourced from Tanzania or Mozambique, but it's found in other parts of the world, including Brazil, China and in North Carolina, USA. Like all garnet gemstones, rhodolite is not known to be treated or enhanced in any way, making it one of the best options for those seeking an untreated gemstone for their jewelry design.

Rhodolite Garnet Meaning

Rhodolite Garnet, known for its exquisite range of pink and red hues, symbolizes inspiration, emotional healing, and self-worth. This gemstone is celebrated for its ability to encourage compassion, kindness, and love towards oneself and others. It is thought to foster a sense of clarity and calm, aiding in the recovery from emotional trauma and enhancing personal growth. Rhodolite Garnet is also believed to ignite creativity and passion, making it a beacon for those seeking to invigorate their life's work and personal expression.

Rhodolite Garnet Jewelry Usage

Rhodolite Garnet is a favored choice for jewelry due to its vibrant colors and luminous properties. This gemstone is versatile, featuring prominently in a variety of jewelry pieces, including rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Its unique color spectrum allows it to stand out, whether set in gold, silver, or platinum, making it suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions. Rhodolite Garnet's association with love and healing makes it a thoughtful gift, often chosen for its beauty as well as its symbolic meanings.

Available Colors of Rhodolite Garnet

Rhodolite Garnet boasts a captivating range of colors, from rich raspberry pink to deep rose red. This variety allows for a wide array of jewelry designs that can cater to individual preferences and styles. The gemstone’s unique color blend, often without the brown or orange overtones seen in other garnets, sets it apart in the gem world. Each piece of Rhodolite Garnet jewelry captures the light beautifully, showcasing the stone’s inherent brilliance and depth of color.

Red Ruby Gemstones

Red Ruby Gemstones
Ruby for Sale

Ruby is one of the' precious four' gemstones, and thus considered to be one of the rarest and most valuable colored stones on the market today. Ruby is the name given to any red gem-quality corundum, while all other colors are traded as sapphire. Corundum is the second hardest substance on the Mohs scale, second only to diamond. It is because of its excellent combination of hardness, rich color and silky luster that fine ruby gems are so desirable and especially valuable.

Rubies can range in color from pinkish-red to orangey-red, and purplish-red to brownish-red. The most valuable ruby color should fall in between a medium to medium-dark color tone. Burma ruby with a bright red and slight bluish to violet secondary color are often traded as 'pigeon's blood ruby'.

Rough Ruby Stones
Ruby Rough Stones

Today, rubies are mined from countries all over the world, including Burma, Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar and even Greenland. Almost all rubies are heated to enhance color and clarity, but unheated rubies can be found. Fracture-filled rubies are very affordable and can even be found in gems weighing over 10 to 20 carats, which is almost unheard of for routine-heated or untreated ruby.

Ruby Meaning

Ruby, known for its deep red color, is often associated with passion, protection, and prosperity. It has been revered throughout history as a symbol of love and vitality, believed to bring courage and confidence to its wearer. Ruby is also thought to enhance motivation and attract good fortune. In many cultures, this gemstone is considered the stone of kings, embodying power and protection against evil. Its vibrant hue is said to represent the flame of passion, making it a powerful tool for those seeking to ignite their desires and ambitions.

Ruby Jewelry Usage

Ruby is a cornerstone in fine jewelry, prized for its hardness, durability, and lustrous color. It is prominently featured in a variety of jewelry pieces, such as engagement rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Rubies are often set in precious metals like gold, platinum, or silver, which accentuate their rich red color. Due to its symbolic meanings of love and passion, ruby jewelry is a popular gift for romantic occasions, symbolizing deep affection and eternal commitment. The gemstone’s timeless appeal and strength make it a favorite choice for heirloom pieces, meant to be passed down through generations.

Available Colors of Ruby

Ruby is most prized for its vibrant pigeon's blood color, a highly sought-after shade of red with a hint of blue. However, the gemstone can vary in color from deep wine red to pinkish-red. The intensity and hue of a ruby can significantly affect its value, with the most vivid reds being the most desirable. Despite this range, all rubies share a common trait of captivating beauty, making each piece unique. The variation in colors provides options for personal preference, ensuring that there is a ruby for every taste and occasion.

What birthstone is red?

The primary birthstone that is red is the ruby, which is the birthstone for July. Rubies are highly valued for their deep red color and are associated with love, passion, energy, and power.

Another red birthstone is garnet, which is the birthstone for January. While garnets come in a variety of colors, the most commonly known and widely used is the deep red variety. Garnets symbolize friendship, loyalty, and trust.

Red Spessartite Garnet Gemstones

Red Spessartite Garnet
Spessartite Garnet for Sale

Spessartite garnet belongs to the large and varied group of garnet gemstones. Even though the spessartine species includes a variety of different types of garnet, including color-change garnet and malaya garnet (or malaia), the actual gemstone known as 'spessartite' typically refers to the fiery, orange colored garnet. The most popular spessartite garnet color is a bright red-orange, which is often referred to in the trade as 'mandarin orange'.

Bright orangey-red spessartite is becoming one of the most popular garnets, much owed to its very good hardness (7.5 on the Mohs scale) and its remarkable brilliance; a result of its high refractive index. Spessartite garnet is often included, though eye-clean specimens can be found. It is the inclusions that often make it more interesting for the designing of colorful jewelry.

Rough Red Spessartite Garnet Stones
Red Spessartite Garnet Rough Stones

Until a recent discovery in Namibia, spessartite garnet was actually quite rare and was almost unheard of for use in commercial jewelry. Its name, 'spessartite', is derived from former occurrences in the German "Spessartine" Forest. In the past, garnets have been used as friendship gems and were often exchanged as a token of affection and to ensure friends would meet again.

Spessartite Garnet Meaning

Spessartite Garnet, with its vibrant orange hues, symbolizes vitality, creativity, and the energizing warmth of the sun. This gemstone is believed to inspire confidence, ignite passion, and stimulate the wearer's analytical processes and intellectual power. It is associated with the sacral chakra, promoting happiness, sexual energy, and social harmony. Spessartite Garnet encourages a positive, adventurous spirit, aiding in overcoming fears and challenges, making it a beacon for those seeking to manifest their highest goals.

Spessartite Garnet Jewelry Usage

Spessartite Garnet is cherished in the jewelry world for its unique, bright orange color that stands out in any setting. It is commonly used in rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, either as the centerpiece or as accents to other gemstones. This garnet variety's vibrant glow is often complemented by both warm and cool-toned metals, making it versatile for various design styles. Spessartite Garnet jewelry is favored for its ability to add a pop of color and a touch of luxury to any outfit, embodying a blend of elegance and energy.

Available Colors of Spessartite Garnet

Spessartite Garnet is primarily known for its bright orange to reddish-orange colors. Some stones may exhibit a deep red hue with orange undertones, while others can lean towards a yellowish-orange, reminiscent of autumn leaves. This range of colors allows for a spectacular array of jewelry options, catering to a variety of personal tastes and design preferences. The depth and intensity of its coloration make Spessartite Garnet a sought-after choice for those looking to make a bold statement with their jewelry.

Red Spinel Gemstones

Red Spinel Gemstones
Spinel for Sale

Red spinel is a very special gemstone that has become one of the most popular jewelry gemstones, along with tourmaline and garnet. For centuries, it was often mistaken for precious red ruby. One example is the famous 352.5-carat Timur Ruby, which is now part of the Royal Crown Jewel Collection of England. This red spinel was believed to be the largest ruby up until 1851, when it was finally identified as a spinel. It was named after Timur, a Turko-Mongol ruler who acquired the gem after he sacked Delhi in 1398.

Even though red spinel is actually rarer than ruby, it is not as valuable when it comes to price per carat. The origin of its name, 'spinel', is also ambiguous. It is not certain whether it was derived from the Greek word for 'spark', or the Latin term for 'thorn'.

Rough Red Spinel Stones
Red Spinel Rough Stones

Although most commonly thought of as red, spinel can be found in a wide variety of other beautiful colors, including pink, purple, orange and blue. An orangey-pink variety known as 'Mahenge spinel', as well as a vivid hot orange-pink spinel from Burma are considered to be some of the most spectacular gemstone colors found in any gemstone species.

Spinel Meaning

Spinel is a gemstone that embodies revitalization, hope, and the joy of living. It is celebrated for its ability to attract prosperity, wealth, and abundance, while also promoting emotional healing. Spinel is believed to inspire the wearer to embrace challenges with resilience and to rejuvenate one's sense of purpose and ambition. This gemstone encourages the renewal of energy and motivation, making it an ally for those undergoing life changes or seeking a fresh start. Spinel's diverse color range further enhances its appeal, symbolizing a spectrum of energies and virtues.

Red Spinel Jewelry Usage

Red Spinel, with its deep, vibrant hues, is a sought-after gemstone for fine jewelry, prized for its rarity and beauty. It is commonly featured in rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets, often set in precious metals that highlight its rich color. Red Spinel is favored for its similarity to Ruby, offering a similarly captivating allure with a distinctive identity. It is chosen for jewelry that signifies love, passion, and commitment, making it a popular choice for anniversary gifts and other romantic occasions. Red Spinel jewelry is admired for its elegance and durability, making it suitable for everyday wear and special events alike.

Available Colors of Spinel

Spinel is available in a wide array of colors, from vibrant reds and pinks to rich blues, purples, and even black. This diversity makes Spinel a versatile gemstone for jewelry, offering options for every preference and occasion. Blue and pink Spinels are particularly valued for their bright, lively shades, while black Spinel provides a sophisticated, elegant alternative. The gemstone's variety in color is due to the presence of different trace elements, which provide a palette of hues that cater to a broad audience of gemstone enthusiasts and collectors.

Red Star Garnet Gemstones

Red Star Garnet Gemstones
Star Garnet for Sale

Star garnet is another rare and unusual garnet variety, found only in Idaho (USA) and in India. It typically displays a four-rayed star due to aligned inclusions of rutile, but some rare specimens are known to exhibit 6-rayed stars too. Many gemstone dealers claim that only Idaho star garnets can display a 6-rayed star, but this is difficult to verify. The boastful claim may be a result of pride, as the people of Idaho love their star garnet so much, that they even declared it as their official state gemstone.

The garnet varieties that are known to exhibit asterism (the star effect) are almandine and hybrid mixtures of almandine and pyrope garnet. Star garnet gemstones are usually opaque and deep brownish-red or even reddish-black, but the best materials can possess a stunning red color like that of a fine transparent pyrope or almandine garnet specimen. Unlike chrysoberyl and other star gemstones, the chatoyancy effect in most star garnet is quite subtle and requires correct lighting to be seen clearly.

Star Garnet Meaning

Star Garnet is a unique and rare variety of garnet known for its asterism, exhibiting a captivating four-rayed or six-rayed star when illuminated. This phenomenon symbolizes guidance, protection, and illumination, making Star Garnet a beacon for those seeking direction in their life's journey. It is believed to enhance intuition, creativity, and grounding, connecting the wearer with the earth's energies. Star Garnet also represents commitment and hope, encouraging perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.

Star Garnet Jewelry Usage

Due to its distinct appearance and symbolic meaning, Star Garnet is prized in jewelry, especially in pieces that are designed to be unique and meaningful. It is often featured in rings, pendants, and brooches where the stone's surface can be displayed prominently to reveal its star pattern. Star Garnet jewelry is favored for its mystical allure and is considered a special gift that signifies deep affection and eternal connection. The gemstone’s rarity and beauty make it a coveted choice for collectors and those wishing to possess a piece of nature's marvel.

Available Colors of Star Garnet

Star Garnet primarily exhibits a deep, rich red or purplish-red color, which provides a stunning backdrop for its star effect. Some variations may display brownish-red or black hues, adding depth and diversity to this gemstone's palette. The available colors, combined with the unique star phenomenon, make each Star Garnet stone distinctive. This variety allows for a range of jewelry options, catering to different tastes while maintaining the stone's signature allure and symbolic significance.

Red Star Ruby Gemstones

Star Ruby Gemstones
Star Ruby for Sale

Star ruby is a chatoyant variety of red ruby which exhibits asterism in the form of a six-rayed star that appears to shimmer and glide across the surface of the stone when it is moved and viewed from different angles. The cause of this rare and remarkable optical effect is perfectly oriented rutile crystal inclusions within the ruby.

There are only a few gem types in the world that are known to exhibit such a phenomenon, including star sapphire, star garnet, star moonstone and certain varieties of quartz gemstones, such as lemon quartz and rose quartz. As a variety of corundum, it is just as hard and durable as other corundum gemstones.

Because star ruby is usually opaque (though some finer specimens can exhibit slight translucency), it will always be cut en cabochon in order to maximize its desirable chatoyancy. Ruby is also the official birthstone for those lucky enough to born in the month of July.

Star Ruby Meaning

Star Ruby, distinguished by its striking asterism, embodies strength, courage, and passion. This rare gemstone features a six-rayed star that moves gracefully across its surface under direct light, symbolizing a guiding light in darkness and the power of intuition. Star Ruby is believed to protect its wearer from negative energies and to promote mental clarity and focus. It is often associated with vitality, making it a potent symbol of life's zest. The stone's deep red color amplifies its connection to the heart chakra, encouraging love, warmth, and generosity.

Star Ruby Jewelry Usage

Star Ruby is highly prized in jewelry for its unique optical phenomenon and deep, captivating color. It is commonly set in rings, pendants, and brooches, where its enchanting star can be showcased. This gemstone is particularly favored for statement pieces and is often chosen for special occasions that call for an extraordinary and meaningful gift. Star Ruby jewelry is not only a testament to the stone's beauty but also to the wearer's distinguished taste and the deep symbolic meanings it carries.

Available Colors of Star Ruby

While Star Ruby is most renowned for its deep, vibrant red color, the gemstone can also display pinkish-red to purplish-red hues, depending on the specific mineral qualities and the presence of trace elements. The intensity of the color and the clarity of the star effect significantly influence the stone's value and appeal. Each Star Ruby is unique, with its color and asterism creating a mesmerizing display that captivates and enchants, making it a sought-after gemstone among collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike.

Red Sunstone Gemstones

Red Sunstone Gemstones
Sunstone for Sale

Sunstone is a gem-quality plagioclase feldspar, which is famed for its unique glitter and schiller; a result of hematite inclusions. A red schiller is most common, along with yellow, orange and gold shimmers; blue and green glitter effects are considered the rarest. Star sunstones are known, but incredibly rare to find.

Most sunstone is orange-red to brown-red in color, which is how it earned its name of 'sun'-stone. Deposits of sunstone are found in India, Canada, Madagascar, Norway and Russia, but most sunstone fanatics would agree that Oregon, USA is known to produce the finest and most valuable sunstones. This is because they often include traces of copper, which other origins tend to lack. In fact, sunstone was voted in as the official gemstone for the state of Oregon.

Rough Red Sunstone Stones
Red Sunstone Rough Stones

Sunstone Meaning

Sunstone, with its radiant and shimmering appearance, symbolizes freedom, originality, and the joy of life. It is believed to possess the warmth and strength of the sun, bringing positive energy and vitality to the wearer. This gemstone encourages optimism, enthusiasm, and an open heart, promoting a sense of benevolence and a positive disposition. Sunstone is also thought to inspire self-empowerment and independence, helping to clear away limitations and negative thoughts. It is a stone of leadership, offering clarity and the courage to act in alignment with one's convictions.

Sunstone Jewelry Usage

Sunstone is favored in jewelry for its captivating play of color and glittering inclusions. It is commonly used in rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, where it can catch the light and display its unique optical effects. Sunstone's warm glow makes it a popular choice for both casual and formal wear, adding a touch of natural elegance and vibrancy. The gemstone's association with positive energy and personal power makes Sunstone jewelry a meaningful gift for those embarking on new ventures or seeking to enhance their well-being and confidence.

Available Colors of Sunstone

Sunstone is available in a range of colors, from warm shades of orange and red to rich browns, and sometimes even greens and yellows. The most common and sought-after color is a bright orange with sparkling inclusions that create a stunning aventurescence or glitter effect. This variety in color allows for a broad selection of Sunstone jewelry, catering to different tastes and preferences. Each piece of Sunstone is unique, with its color and sparkle offering a distinct and personal touch to any jewelry collection.

Red Topaz & Imperial Topaz Gemstones

Red Topaz Gemstones
Red Topaz Gemstones

Red topaz is extremely rare and is considered to be one of the most valuable topaz varieties. Orange-pink and pink to red topaz is often referred to as 'precious topaz'. The most desirable precious topaz is traded under the name 'imperial topaz'. Imperial topaz can range in color and for those not familiar with gemstones, it can be a bit confusing since the color parameters are really not very well-defined.

In the past, the name 'imperial' was designated to only topaz with an intense orangey-pink to orange-red color, but nowadays, imperial topaz can also be used to describe yellow to golden orange topaz. Pure topaz, like pure beryl or corundum, is completely transparent and colorless.

Some topaz gemstones can be treated to create a nice pink-red color, but natural, untreated pink to red topaz is rare, thus it is one of the most sought-after topaz color varieties. Mystic topaz is a color-enhanced topaz that is coated with a thin metallic film. The high-tech film deposition is used to create a variety of colors, including bright red, pink, blue, yellow and violet hues.

Topaz Meaning

Topaz is a gemstone that embodies love, affection, and strength. It is believed to bring intelligence and creativity to those who wear it, enhancing personal willpower and self-confidence. Traditionally, Topaz is thought to cool tempers, calm emotions, and protect its wearer from negative forces. This gemstone is also associated with the ability to provide healing and support during times of physical and mental stress, making it a powerful ally in promoting serenity and a balanced mood.

Topaz Jewelry Usage

Topaz is highly valued in the world of jewelry for its brilliance, durability, and wide range of color options. It is frequently used in necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets, often as a stunning centerpiece. Due to its hardness, Topaz is suitable for everyday wear, making it a popular choice for both fashion and statement pieces. The gemstone's versatility allows it to be cut into various shapes and sizes, enhancing its appeal in creating personalized and meaningful jewelry items that resonate with individual style and significance.

Available Colors of Topaz

Topaz boasts an impressive spectrum of colors, from the fiery shades of orange and red found in Imperial Topaz to the cool blues of Swiss and London Blue Topaz. Other varieties include the pale pink of Rose Topaz, the warm yellow of Golden Topaz, and the clear, transparent look of White Topaz. This wide range of available colors makes Topaz a flexible gemstone for different jewelry designs, catering to a vast array of personal preferences and styles. Each color variant holds its own unique meaning and symbolism, further enriching the gemstone's allure.

Red Tourmaline & Rubellite Gemstones

Red Tourmaline
Red Tourmaline for Sale

Red tourmaline is one most highly sought after tourmaline colors. Tourmaline can be found in a wide variety of colors, from colorless to black. Red tourmaline stones are often traded as 'rubellite tourmaline', a trade name used only for those specimens with especially vivid color. Rubellite tourmaline can range from pink-red to bright red, and from purplish-red to reddish-purple.

Stones which lack the vividness of rubellite are still very stunning, but are simply traded under color-descriptive varietal names, such as 'pink-red tourmaline' or just 'red tourmaline'. Most red to pink tourmaline is colored by manganese, though some may also be colored by lithium.

Rough Rubellite Stones
Rubellite Rough Stones

Many pink to red tourmaline crystals obtain their color though a natural irradiation process, the same natural process that is responsible for brown smoky quartz. Bicolor tourmaline and multicolor specimens are extremely popular, especially red tourmaline with green zones that are separated by a small white or colorless band. These are marketed as 'watermelon tourmaline'

Rubellite Tourmaline Meaning

Rubellite Tourmaline, with its deep pink to red hues, embodies the essence of heart and passion. It symbolizes unconditional love and is believed to encourage empathy, compassion, and the courage to tackle life's challenges. This vibrant gemstone is associated with the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and the strength to overcome personal grief. Rubellite Tourmaline is thought to attract abundance, prosperity, and joy, making it a powerful stone for those seeking to enrich their life with love and positivity.

Rubellite Tourmaline Jewelry Usage

Rubellite Tourmaline is a sought-after gemstone for jewelry, favored for its striking color and the emotional depth it represents. It is commonly set in rings, pendants, bracelets, and earrings, often highlighted with diamonds or other gemstones to accentuate its beauty. Rubellite Tourmaline jewelry is cherished not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its symbolic meaning, making it a heartfelt gift for loved ones or a personal talisman to carry the energies of love and resilience.

Available Colors of Rubellite Tourmaline

Rubellite Tourmaline stands out for its rich color palette that ranges from vibrant pinks to deep reddish purples. Unlike other pink gemstones, Rubellite retains its vivid color under different lighting conditions, which is a distinctive characteristic of this variety. The depth and saturation of its color can vary, offering a spectrum of choices for personal taste and jewelry design. This variety ensures that each piece of Rubellite Tourmaline jewelry is unique, providing a personal connection to the stone's energizing and loving properties.

Red Zircon Gemstones

Red Zircon Gemstones
Red Zircon Gemstones

Zircon is not a very popular gemstone, and it's often confused with cubic zirconia, an artificial diamond simulant. However, zircon is a natural gemstone and it is in fact one of the most important gemstones of today. Red zircon is one of rarer colors for natural zircon (along with green), while white colorless stones are the most common.

Blue zircon is the most popular zircon color variety, but is also the only zircon color that is not naturally occurring. Pure red zircon is quite rare, but not unheard of. Most red zircon will exhibit a rosy pink, or brown to orangey secondary hue. Zircon is the oldest known mineral on Earth, with samples discovered to be older than the moon itself.

Rough Red Zircon Stones
Red Zircon Rough Stones

Zircon also exhibits strong birefringence, which can often result in fuzziness or a double-faceting appearance when viewing a cut stone. Because of this birefringence, cutters must properly orient the stone to the optic axis to minimize unwanted results. Zircon is quite hard (6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness) and durable, which makes it a perfect gemstone for jewelry, including gemstone rings.

Zircon Meaning

Zircon is a gemstone that is often associated with wealth, wisdom, and honor. It is believed to bring prosperity and wisdom to its wearer by enhancing mental clarity and promoting a sense of self-worth. Zircon is also thought to aid in resting, bringing peace and purity to the mind and body, making it a powerful stone for those seeking tranquility and protection from negative energies. The gemstone’s energy is said to inspire and motivate, helping to overcome feelings of lethargy and to embrace new ideas with enthusiasm.

Zircon Jewelry Usage

Zircon is a versatile gemstone that has been valued for centuries, not only for its beauty but also for its optical properties, which rival those of diamonds. It is used in a variety of jewelry pieces, including rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Zircon can be cut into many shapes, allowing jewelers to showcase its brilliant fire and sparkle in intricate designs. The stone's durability makes it suitable for everyday wear, offering an elegant and affordable alternative to those who appreciate the beauty of precious gemstones.

Available Colors of Zircon

Zircon is available in a wide range of colors, including blue, red, yellow, orange, brown, and green. The most prized is the vivid blue Zircon, which is often treated to enhance its color. Natural Zircons can also be found in earth tones, offering a spectrum of options for different jewelry settings. Each color of Zircon carries its own unique vibe and meaning, allowing wearers to choose a stone that closely aligns with their personal energy and style preferences.

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