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Gemstones for Travel

Gemstones for Travel
Gemstones for Travel

Last year (2020) was a disaster for those who like to travel and this year has not started much better but the prospects of a journey or two are improving every day.

Whether it is a drive to a neighboring town, a trip interstate or a flight overseas, there can be as many stresses and worries as there is fun and excitement.

The fear of travel is so common that there is a name for it - hodophobia - yet another word derived from Greek, hodo, meaning road and phobos, meaning fear.

These fears can come in many forms. There is the quite common terror of flying, driving or getting on a boat or ship not to mention the actual motion sickness that can accompany these modes of transport.

Worries about spending too much money on a holiday or leaving your home and business in the hands of others for days on end - stepping out of our comfort zone and into the unknown can be very stressful.

Then there is the uneasy feeling of what will happen when you arrive at your destination, especially if it is to a foreign country. Will I meet nice people, will I like the food, will I be robbed, what will the hotel be like?

We have put together a selection of gemstones to get you off the couch and on your way. It is a wonderful world out there and it would be a shame to not see as much of it as you can.

For best results, wear these gemstones as jewelry before and during your travels or put them in your pocket or purse to keep them nearby where their influence is strong and you can use them as a touchstone in times of extra anxiety.

Use them during a stress relieving meditation session. Again this can be done during the trip - sitting in the plane seat before take off for example - or as part of a build up process of relaxation techniques before your jaunt.

Try visualizing your trip before you go with a gemstone or two in your hand. Imagine a serene flight or drive, friendly locals, delicious food, fun adventures and romantic beach walks, whatever it is that would make your holiday perfect. You could even add a positive and motivational mantra or affirmation to boost the gemstone's power.

Anyway, on to the gemstones. Have one or two of these with you at all times to ensure safe and happy travels.


This is an ideal travel stone because of its calming and soothing properties that will help you relax in all sorts of stressful situations whether it is an upcoming flight, a mix up at the hotel reception or lost luggage. None of these circumstances will be helped by losing your temper or composure so keep an Amethyst on hand. Being a gorgeous purple and available in big sizes helps too.

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This gemstone actually looks more like a metal than a stone when it is all polished up. It makes a great travel companion in so many ways. It gives you the courage and confidence to tackle any situation from a fear of flying to feeling awkward in social scenes. As a bonus it is great for insomnia and jet lag - which you are bound to come across during international travel.

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Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is a great gemstone for travelers. This stone will give you the boldness to try anything and everything that will make your vacation one to remember. It might be a new and exciting activity such as scuba diving or paddle boarding or perhaps unfamiliar food like octopus or crickets. Tiger's Eye will give you the confidence to take the chance.

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Mentioning unfamiliar food, reminds me that tummy troubles are a common problem when you find yourself eating and drinking in overseas locations. The perfect cure is sodalite. If you experience any abdominal pains - after taking medicine and rehydrating - rub this gemstone over the area of pain for soothing relief.

Buy Sodalite Gemstones
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If you are lucky, boats will feature in some way during your vacation. It could be a passenger liner cruising the Caribbean or the Mediterranean, a sailing trip on a yacht or jet skiing in the bay, whichever craft you take, you will want to feel safe on the water. Aquamarine is the answer - the ancient sailor's best friend is still the best protection around.

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Garnets have a long history as a stone for travelers. They were often given as a gift to anyone about to embark on a long trip to ensure safety on the journey itself and to ensure a safe return home. Most famously, Noah had a large garnet installed high up on his ark to illuminate the sea at night to allow safe passage.

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Let's face it, travel can be exhausting. If there is one sure fire energy boosting gemstone, then it is Carnelian, guaranteed to give you the strength and enthusiasm to hit the dance floor, climb that mountain and explore those shopping malls and bazaars again and again.

Buy Carnelian Gemstones
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Black Tourmaline

There is no doubt that traveling is fun, exciting and educational but, just as in your home location, you can encounter people who will try to take advantage of unwary visitors. Black Tourmaline will offer protection from these negative and potentially harmful characters - taxi cheats, scam artist, pick pockets and the like.

Buy Black Tourmaline Gemstones
Shop Black Tourmaline here


There is one vital element certain to make your vacation a total success and that is optimism. If you and your travel buddies have an optimistic outlook before, during and after your travels it will inspire everybody to have a good time. Golden yellow Citrine brings the enthusiastic energy of the sun wherever it goes.

Buy Citrine Gemstones
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Last but not least we have the travel all-rounder, Malachite, which will offer help on so many fronts. It will counter fears of flying, large crowds, strange and new places and being away from your family and friends. It lowers stress and anxiety letting you fully relax and gives protection from the negative actions of others and unfamiliar alien spirits.

Buy Malachite Gemstones
Shop Malachite here

Quick Guide to Gemstones for Travel

Gemstone Best Benefit


Stress Relief


Insomnia and Jet Lag

Tiger's Eye

Courage and Confidence


Tummy Troubles


Water Safety





Black Tourmaline





General All-Rounder

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