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Gemstones and Karma

Karma Gemstones
Karma Gemstones

If you get up early enough in Thailand, where our main offices are located, you will see individual or small groups of monks walking barefoot in the streets. Every now and then they will be met by crouching or squatting locals offering food as alms to be collected in their bowls.

A long time ago I was one of those monks who left the monastery as the sun rose to gather our food for the day. During my time as an ordained Buddhist monk the subject of merit-making, karma and begging for food was often discussed.

Firstly the monks never ‘begged’ for food, the people provide provisions for the monks as a merit-making exercise or a positive karma action.

Karma is a Sanskrit word which describes the continual cause and effect of life – each action a person performs will affect them in the future, even into the next life, in good way or not such a good way.

Despite the difficulties of the language barrier the abbot gave me his advice on how to create good karma.

How to create good Karma?

  • Love everyone and everything
  • Be grateful for what you have
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Forgive everyone
  • Think of others before you act

In my new life working with gemstones I have come to appreciate their spirituality and power to influence so asked around some of our customers and sellers if they had any thoughts on good gemstones for positive Karma.

Using their advice I have come up with the perfect collection of gemstones to balance your karma.

Karma Gemstone Collection

For unconditional love there is no better gemstone than Rose Quartz, compassion, tenderness and peace in one gemstone.
Rose Quartz for Karma
Rose Quartz for Karma
A second option here could be Lapis Lazuli, a gemstone of truth and friendship that brings harmony to all relationships.
Lapis Lazuli Gemstones
Lapis Lazuli for Karma
The perfect gemstone for gratitude is Malachite which will let you appreciate what you have in life and how lucky you really are.
Malachite for Karma
Malachite for Karma
An alternative to malachite would be Apatite – especially the green version. Apatite promotes gratitude and thankfulness and helps us to help others.
Apatite for Karma
Apatite for Karma
Pyrite is a great gemstone for positive energy and positive thinking and will shield the owner from negative influences.
Pyrite for Karma
Pyrite for Karma
Just as powerful as pyrite for positivity, is Sunstone. It will bring happiness and positive feelings into your life.
Sunstone for Karma
Sunstone for Karma
Forgiveness of others and yourself is vital for positive Karma and there is no better gemstone for this than the swirly pink Rhodochrosite which also promotes compassion and joy.
Rhodochrosite Gemstones
Rhodochrosite for Karma
The second choice for forgiveness is the wonderful green Chrysoprase which not only boosts feelings of forgiveness but also empathy and self-love while at the same time suppresses envy.
Chrysoprase for Karma
Chrysoprase for Karma
Topaz will develop feelings of kindness, empathy and compassion for others - evoking the universal truth of treating others as you would have them treat you.
Topaz for Karma
Topaz for Karma
Chalcedony brings emotional balance and encourages kindness, fellowship and understanding – all emotions that will influence positive karma.
Chalcedony for Karma
Chalcedony for Karma

Karma - Gemstone Table

Karma Gemstone
Love Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli
Gratitude Malachite, Apatite
Positivity Pyrite, Sunstone
Forgiveness Rhodochrosite, Chrysoprase
Empathy Topaz, Chalcedony

How to use your gemstones for balanced karma

The simplest way to use a gemstone to guide your emotions is to either wear it as a piece of jewelry where it can go about its work in peace or to pop a crystal in your pocket or purse to carry about you throughout the day.

A more involved process would be to meditate with the gemstone in your right hand. It can be an easy session where you just clear your mind of any negative thoughts, calm your mind and focus on the joys in your life.

If you find yourself needing to enhance specific emotions like love, gratitude, positivity, forgiveness, or empathy to balance your karma, consider using gemstones that are associated with those feelings.

The gemstone will help you clear the karmic baggage you may have accumulated and guide you to a much brighter future, releasing your true self and filling you with compassion and understanding.

Remember karma is not a system of reward and punishment but a lifetime of actions all of which have consequences – some good, some not so good. NO gemstone will rid you of your karma but can help you in choosing the right actions.

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