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Gemstones for Confidence

Gemstones for Confidence
Gemstones for Confidence

Confidence is a superpower. With confidence it is not a matter of 'can do' but 'will do'. You will get that job, you will pass that test, you will smash that lob. Gemstones can help unlock that superpower.

Some people seem to have been born with confidence while with others it takes lot more work. Christiano Ronaldo exudes confidence on the football field (and off it) but did you know he stays on an extra hour after training with his team mates to practice free kicks and penalties. Hard work and preparation will help you approach any endeavor with added confidence that will just about ensure success.

Confidence is all in the mind. Two people can be interviewed for a new position with identical qualifications, similar looks, age and experience yet the one who appears confident and fearless will get the job.

As self-assurance comes from within, the positive energy of crystal gemstones can be a great boost to confidence. The vibrations of certain gemstones can fire up the internal workings of the mind and body and have you approaching the world with a whole new unflinching attitude.

The association between crystals and confidence goes back to the dawn of civilization when warriors would take amulets made from particular gemstones into battle to ensure courage, protection and victory.

Kings, queens, pharaohs and emperors would decorate their bodies, clothes, crowns and thrones with vivid stones to show off their power and influence.

Us common folk have used them to bolster our feelings in the pursuit of love and romance, in important negotiations and making new friends. Gemstones have even been used as aphrodisiacs and what is an aphrodisiac other than self-belief in your own attraction.

We have selected the 10 best gemstones for confidence. They can work in a myriad of ways in encouraging belief in oneself but each one will have a special sphere of influence.

Garnet - The Stone of Health

Garnet is a great gemstone for overcoming self doubt in all walks of life. Not only does it bring confidence and courage but it is also very energizing and motivating.

Garnet comes in many colors so it can influence many Chakras but the traditional red color is linked to the Root Chakra which is linked to security and survival. If you feel safe and grounded as a person you will have an innate confidence.

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Garnet Special Sphere of Influence - Stimulates Healthy Sexuality

Tiger's Eye - The All-seeing, All-knowing Stone of the Mind

Tiger's Eye are the top gemstones for instilling courage and self-confidence and will allow you to tackle any challenge will total certainty of triumph.

They will also help in keeping the peace and harmony at home and at work as Tiger's Eye lets you accept different ideas and arguments without feeling any less of a person. Keep Tiger's Eye nearby whenever you have to make an important choice.

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Tiger's Eye Special Sphere of Influence - Helps you make the tough decisions

Bloodstone - The Martyr's Stone

If anybody needed confidence before beginning their day's work it would be a gladiator! Back in ancient Rome, these fighters would take Bloodstone amulets into the arena for courage, stamina and strength. Ancient Greek Olympians would do much the same thing before the games begun.

Bloodstone is also known as an aphrodisiac and even today it is ground up in certain parts of the world and mixed into drinks to enhance sexual power!

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Bloodstone Special Sphere of Influence - Confidence during Athletic Pursuits

Sunstone - The Power of the Sun

The appearance of this gemstone reflects its ability perfectly - with sunstone by your side it will be your turn to 'shine'.

Sunstone will make everyday seem like a warm summer's afternoon - everything just feels better. At work it is especially productive as it will help instill an aura of authority about you and help with decision making.

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Sunstone Special Sphere of Influence - Develops Leadership Qualities

Rose Quartz - The Stone of Universal Love

This choice is slightly out of left field as it is not often recommended as a stone of confidence but for matters of the heart I cannot think of a better gemstone.

It is well known as a gemstone of romantic and unconditional love but it is also a great stimulator of self-love. If you can love yourself with all your flaws you will feel worthy of another's love.

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Rose Quartz Special Sphere of Influence - Cultivates Self-Love

Lapis Lazuli - The Stone of Friendship

Two aspects of life where confidence can really help out are in public speaking and in making friends. Standing up in front of an audience for any reason can be very intimidating and it will feel worse and worse if nerves get the better of you.

A confident speaker will have the crowd eating out of his or her hand and this can be true if the situation is changed to just one on one. Making friends can be very awkward for many of us and Lapis Lazuli is the perfect stone for instilling confidence in all matters concerned with communication.

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Lapis Lazuli Special Sphere of Influence - Encourages Effective Communication

Black Spinel - The Stone of Immortality

Imagine going to a meeting, party, presentation, interview with a magical shield to protect you from all types of negativity - how good would that feel? No need to imagine it when there is Black Spinel around. It is both inspiring and empowering and will motivate you to achieve all your goals.

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Black Spinel Special Sphere of Influence - Protection from Negativity

Citrine - The Lucky Merchant's Stone

Words related to confidence include optimism and enthusiasm. Throw in a bit of luck and you have just some of the attributes of Citrine. With this sunny yellow gemstone behind you there are no limits to what you can achieve.

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Citrine Special Sphere of Influence - Positive Joyful Energy

Carnelian - The Stone of Creativity

Carnelian is another gemstone with a long history of use as an inspiring talisman. It was often linked with the power of the lion - the king of the jungle - and all their strength and power.

Carnelian can improve feelings of self-worth and confidence in anyone employed in creative fields - writers, artists, actors and so on - so taking one to an audition or proposal will work wonders.

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Carnelian Special Sphere of Influence - Encourages Self-belief in Creative Fields

Jade - The Stone of Heaven

Jade is a very special stone that has had an eminent place here in the east for thousands of years. It is well known as a gemstone of good luck but its other attributes include the ability to help you overcome self-doubts that are holding you back from achieving your true destiny.

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Jade Special Sphere of Influence - Helps Master Lack of Confidence

Tips on how to use these gemstones for confidence

  • Wear as jewelry items to keep them with you all day
  • Carry in pocket or purse
  • Decorate your home so they can influence your whole lifestyle
  • Make into elixir for tea or to sip throughout the day
  • Use when meditating as confidence booster
  • Place on Chakra points to influence particular aspects that need extra confidence
  • Use in a visualization ritual to reinforce your feelings of self-assurance
  • Place on your desk or place of work to create aura of confidence

Gemstones for Confidence Guide

Gemstone Sphere of Influence


Stimulates Healthy Sexuality

Tiger's Eye

Helps you make the tough decisions


Confidence during Athletic Pursuits


Develops Leadership Qualities

Rose Quartz

Cultivates Self-Love

Lapis Lazuli

Encourages Effective Communication

Black Spinel

Protection from Negativity


Positive Joyful Energy


Encourages Self-belief in Creative Fields


Helps Master Lack of Confidence

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