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Gemstones for a balanced Qi

Gemstones for a balanced Qi
Gems for a balanced Qi

In its simplest terms, Qi is ‘life force energy’. This Chinese philosophy has similar concepts to the Hindu Chakra and Prana systems and Reiki from Japan. Although I would not begin to try to explain these beliefs it is based on a very basic principle that a balanced system leads to good health.

Blocked qi, lack of qi or too much qi causes illness and are traditionally treated with herbs, acupuncture, massage, Chinese medicines and gemstones to harmonize qi and to ensure well being.

People with well balanced qi can easily fight off viruses or recover quickly after an injury. They usually have good stamina, strength, digestion, and immunity, as well as rational thoughts.

Signs of an unbalanced qi are almost any medical problem, poor digestion, lack of appetite, allergies, constant flus and colds, anemia and fatigue. It can also be emotional – being quick to anger, scared easily or feeling depressed.

There are some essential lifestyle elements to a healthy qi:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Practice mindful breathing
  • Get enough exercise
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Take care of your mental health

I addition, balanced qi is reinforced by strengthened blood flow, energy and the body as a whole.

We know gemstones can positively affect all of these elements so we have selected what we feel are the perfect crystals to address all the vital components of a smoothly flowing qi.

Clear Quartz / White Quartz

Clear Quartz is an excellent gemstone for concentration and clearing your mind of diverting thoughts.

White Quartz Gemstones
White Quartz Gemstones


This gemstone will calm the mind and help you get a good night’s sleep. It is also thought to help resist addictions to harmful habits such as smoking, drinking and taking dangerous drugs. Good for blood detoxification, too.

Shop Amethyst Gemstones
Shop Amethyst Gemstones here


Bloodstone promotes blood circulation as well as detoxifying and purifying the blood. It’s also said that it can help you get rid of feelings of anger, hostility and impatience.

Shop Bloodstone Gemstones
Shop Bloodstone Gemstones here


This lovely orange gemstone will invigorate the heart and kidneys, improve blood flow and help you get to sleep. Also encourages a light, happy mood and feelings of vitality.

Shop Sunstone Gemstones
Shop Sunstone Gemstones here


This is another very energetic crystal that is thought to increase blood flow, revive your overall energy, and boost your stamina. Also improves physical strength and fights depression.

Shop Ruby Gemstones
Shop Ruby Gemstones here

Rutile Quartz

This clear gemstone with intriguing inclusions will help keep away lung infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. It can also regulate the nervous system and stimulate self-healing.

Shop Rutile Quartz Gemstones
Shop Rutile Quartz Gemstones here


Carnelian is the Stone of Motivation. It will have you off the couch and moving about before you know it! It increases endurance and is a marvelous gemstone for all forms of physical exercise. It is great for meditation, too, so will be able to help with your breathing routine.

Shop Carnelian Gemstones
Shop Carnelian Gemstones here


This crystal is often referred to as the stone of peace. It can help us calm the mind and ease panic attacks. It enhances intuition, mental awareness and mindfulness.

Shop Sodalite Gemstones
Shop Sodalite Gemstones here

So there we have a few gemstones that can help with the fundamental parts of a balanced qi now I want to show you a couple more to round out your holistic regime.

The condition of the spleen is very important in Chinese medicine, much more so that in the west. It is commonly diagnosed as the most common cause of qi deficiency. The next two gemstones are especially useful in boosting spleen efficiency.


This sparkling golden green gemstone is particularly associated with the health of the spleen but also boosts the endocrine system including the adrenal glands and the digestive system.

Shop Peridot Gemstones
Shop Peridot Gemstones here

Yellow Apatite

This is a very potent gemstone which has several benefits for a healthy qi function. It enhances the digestion and is known to stimulate, not only the spleen, but also the liver, the gall bladder and the pancreas. It also fires up the metabolism and helps weight loss.

Shop Yellow Apatite Gemstones
Shop Yellow Apatite Gemstones here

What is the best way to use these ten great gemstones to cultivate a thriving and balanced qi?

The way qi works within your body is best left to the experts but there are some simple methods to introduce crystals into a healthy lifestyle:

  • Qi moves around the body through meridians and gemstones can be placed on these lines to allow free and easy flow of life force energy.
  • Gemstones can be placed on the site of any pain or issue
  • Gemstones can be placed on the Chakra points
  • Elixirs made from gemstones can be drunk or dabbed on affected area
  • Ask your gemstone to help you in a specific way
  • Wear as jewelry or carry the gemstones for overall benefits
  • Place gemstones around the home for healthy vibe

Crystal therapy and qi medical treatments are not an exact science and should not replace the advice and care of medical professionals but I am sure you will feel the health benefits and increased energy flow from these amazing gemstones. Go on, try one today.

Quick Guide to Qi Gemstones

Gemstone Benefit

Clear quartz

Master Healer






Heart / Kidneys



Rutile Quartz








Yellow Apatite

Spleen / Weight Loss

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