Agate for Sale: Buy Agates, All Shapes and Colors in Stock

Agate for Sale: Buy Agates, All Shapes and Colors in Stock

Enjoy our vast online stock of Agate for sale. Our store carries many different agate colors such as yellow, red, green, orange, multicolor and more. Our inventory also includes Fire Agate, Dendritic Agate and Agate Geode. Our agate for sale comes in shapes like round, oval, fancy, octagon, marquise and a few more. Agate gemstones are very affordable, you can buy pieces for just about $2 in our online store.

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36.54ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 590730
Weight: 36.54ct
Size: 31.9 x 23.1 mm
Clarity: Translucent
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Fancy Cabochon
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: Indonesia
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 16.08
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56.94ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 470765
Weight: 56.94ct
Size: 30.6 x 14.3 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Barrel / Full-Round
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: India
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 39.86
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103.65ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 699590
Weight: 103.65ct
Size: 44.2 x 28 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Fancy Cabochon
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: Indonesia
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 82.92
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14.39ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 699580
Weight: 14.39ct
Size: 12 x 10.5 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Barrel / Full-Round
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: Indonesia
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 11.51
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14.34ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 699762
Weight: 14.34ct
Size: 22.5 x 9.9 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Fancy Cabochon
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: Indonesia
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 11.47
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16.66ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 699584
Weight: 16.66ct
Size: 13.8 x 13.7 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Barrel / Full-Round
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: Indonesia
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 13.33
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25.16ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 470763
Weight: 25.16ct
Size: 23.3 x 10.5 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Barrel / Full-Round
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: India
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 20.21
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9.34ct Multicolor Agate

ID: 700985
Weight: 9.34ct
Size: 10.9 x 10.6 mm
Clarity: Opaque
Content: 1 pc
Shape: Barrel / Full-Round
Treatment: Untreated
Origin: Indonesia
Type: Natural Agate
Price: $ 7.47
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The gems were as described, which is kind of rare these days. I am happy with the purchase, and delevery on time.

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Great selection and excellent website.

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What is an agate gemstone?

Agate is a type of chalcedony, which is a form of quartz. It's known for its fine grain and bright, varied colors.

How are agate gemstones formed?

Agates are formed in volcanic and metamorphic rocks, especially in cavities where water rich in silica deposits layers of material.

What colors do agate gemstones come in?

Agates can be found in a wide range of colors, including red, blue, green, yellow, and more. They often have multiple colors in bands.

Is agate expensive?

Generally, agate is quite affordable compared to other gemstones like diamonds or sapphires.

Can agate be used in jewelry?

Absolutely! Agate is popular in rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings because of its durability and beauty.

What does agate symbolize?

Agate is often associated with balance, harmony, and protection. It's believed to bring calming influences to its wearer.

Where is agate most commonly found?

Agate is found worldwide, but major sources include Brazil, Uruguay, Australia, India, and the USA.

How can I tell if my agate is real?

Look for natural variations in color and pattern. Synthetic agates tend to have overly uniform patterns and colors. If you are able to hold the agate then it should feel quite substantial, agate is a dense stone so should feel quite heavy. It is also a slow conductor of heat so will not warm up quickly in your hand but remain quite cool (unless it is a particularly warm day).

What's the best way to clean agate jewelry?

Use warm soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners.

Can agate go in water?

Yes, agate can go in water, but prolonged exposure should be avoided to maintain its polish and integrity.

Is agate a birthstone?

No, agate is not traditionally a birthstone, but it is sometimes used as the zodiac birthstone for Gemini.

Does agate have any healing properties?

Many believe agate has healing properties, particularly for emotional balance and physical endurance.

How durable is agate?

Agate scores around 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear.

What's the difference between agate and jasper?

Both are forms of chalcedony, but agate is typically translucent and has banded patterns, while jasper is more opaque.

Can agate fade in sunlight?

Natural agates do not fade, but some color dyed agates might fade when exposed to prolonged sunlight.

What are the most popular types of agate?

Some popular varieties include blue lace agate, moss agate, and fire agate.

How is agate formed into beads or jewelry pieces?

Agate is cut and polished into various shapes and sizes to be used in jewelry. Intricate cutting techniques may also be applied.

Is agate a good gift?

Yes, due to its beauty and supposed healing qualities, agate makes a thoughtful and attractive gift.

What metaphysical properties are associated with agate?

Agate is believed to cleanse and stabilize the aura by removing and transforming negative energy.

Can I find agate at the beach?

It's possible, especially along coastlines near volcanic areas where agate nodules might be washed ashore.

What's the difference between agate and onyx?

Both are forms of chalcedony, but agate has curved bands while onyx has parallel bands.

How to wear agate for the best effect?

Wear agate as close to the skin as possible, especially on the wrist or neck, to maximize its energy.

What settings work best with agate in jewelry?

Agate looks great in both silver and gold settings and can be set in anything from a bezel to a prong setting.

How often should I clean my agate jewelry?

Clean it whenever it starts to look dull or every few months to maintain its shine and clarity.

What are some historical uses of agate?

Agate has been used since ancient times for jewelry and decorative objects, and was believed to protect wearers from danger.

Can agate scratch glass?

Yes, due to its hardness, agate can scratch glass and softer materials.

What should I look for when buying agate?

Look for vibrant, natural-looking colors and well-defined patterns. Avoid stones with cracks or dull finishes.

Is agate affected by chemicals?

Harsh chemicals can damage agate, so it's wise to remove agate jewelry before using cleaners or swimming in chlorinated water.

What is the rarest color of agate?

Red and blue agates are relatively rare and sought after due to their vibrant appearance.

Can agate be worn every day?

Yes, due to its durability, agate is suitable for everyday wear.

Does agate have any astrological associations?

Agate is often associated with the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo.

What chakra is agate good for?

Depending on the color, agate can be used to harmonize various chakras, particularly the throat and heart chakras.

How can agate affect my mood?

Agate is believed to promote calmness and alleviate stress, improving overall mood.

What historical figures were known to wear agate?

Agate was favored by numerous historical figures, including Neolithic people and ancient Egyptians including Cleopatra, the last queen of ancient Egypt.

What is the biggest agate ever found?

The largest agate, weighing over 108 pounds, was found in Brazil in 1960.

Are there any famous agate artifacts?

Yes, such as the Agate Bowl in the Treasure Room of the Green Vault in Dresden, Germany.

What is dendritic agate and how is it different?

Dendritic agate contains manganese or iron oxide inclusions that look like tree branches or ferns, setting it apart from other types.

Can agate help with physical ailments?

Some believe that agate can help with digestive issues, skin disorders, and even improve stamina.

How does agate interact with other stones?

Agate pairs well with stones that enhance its grounding effects, such as hematite or black tourmaline.

Is agate considered lucky?

Many cultures consider agate to be a stone of luck, especially for attracting wealth and warding off evil.

What is a fire agate and why is it special?

Fire agate has iridescent colors that resemble flames. Its unique appearance makes it highly prized.

Can I meditate with agate?

Absolutely! Agate's grounding and calming properties make it a great aid for meditation.

What folklore is associated with agate?

Agate is said to have protective properties against storms and natural disasters according to various folk tales.

How should agate be stored to maintain its quality?

Store agate away from other harder gemstones to prevent scratches and in a cool, dry place.

Can agate be used in crystal grids?

Yes, agate can be used in crystal grids to enhance its energy balancing properties.

What innovations are there in agate jewelry design?

Modern designs often use agate in large, bold pieces that showcase its natural beauty and color variations.

How does the quality of agate affect its price?

The quality of agate is determined by its color saturation, clarity, and pattern complexity. Higher quality agates with clear, vibrant patterns are typically more expensive.

How can I use agate in home decor?

Agate is popular in home decor as bookends, tabletops, and as slices used in wall art due to its rich colors and intriguing patterns.

How does agate compare to other gemstones in terms of energy?

Agate is considered to have a lower, more gentle energy compared to more vibrant stones like citrine or amethyst, making it ideal for long-term wear.

How should agate be incorporated into a jewelry collection?

Agate works well with both casual and formal wear due to its versatility in color and form, making it a perfect staple in any jewelry collection.

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