Gemstones By Birthdate - July 10th
Official Birthstone |
Ruby |
Alternative Birthstone |
Onyx |
Alternative Birthstone |
Turquoise |

Chinese Zodiac for 2025 |
Snake |
1. Gemstone |
Opal |
2. Gemstone |
Carnelian |

Cancer - The 4th sign in the zodiac
Date | Personality |
June 21 - July 22 |
Caring and emotional |
Gemstone | Personality |
Emerald |
Growth and fertility |
Alternative Gemstone | Personality |
Moonstone |
Cancer - The 4th sign in the zodiac |

1. Gemstone for Thursday |
Carnelian |
2. Gemstone for Thursday |
Sapphire |

Gemstone for 5 pm |
Ruby |

Did you know?
- You share your birthday with
- Nikola Tesla, physicist, engineer and inventor
- On this day July 10th
- 1985 French secret agents blow up the Greenpeace boat Rainbow Warrior in Auckland