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Seraphinite Gemstone Information

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About Seraphinite - History and Introduction

Seraphinite is the trade name given to a variety of clinochlore, which belongs to the chlorite group. The name seraphinite comes from the Greek word "seraphim", which refers to a celestial being with three pairs of wings. This could be due to the silvery feather-like chatoyant fibers that can be seen in seraphinite. These fibres are a result of mica inclusions. Seraphinite is typically dark-green to gray, with contrasting silver feathery fibres that shimmer as the stone is turned in the light. Seraphinite lacks the hardness required of a jewelry gemstone, so it is mainly a collector's stone.

In 1789, clinochlore was given the name "chlorite" by German geologist, Abraham Gottlob Werner. This name came from the Greek word, "chloros" meaning "green", in reference to its color. In 1851, it was more specifically named "clinochlore", (from "chloros") due to its green hue and the oblique optic axes of the crystals (from the Greek word, "klino", meaning "incline").

Seraphinite Gemstone

Identifying Seraphinite

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Seraphinite can be identified by its green color with silver chatoyant fibres.

Seraphinite; Origin and Gemstone Sources

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Seraphinite deposits are found in Turkey and the USA. The main sources of seraphinite are in Russia, Switzerland, Austria and Italy.

Buying Seraphinite and Determining Seraphinite Gemstone Value

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Seraphinite Color

Seraphinite is typically dark-green to gray, with silvery chatoyant fibers. These silvery mica inclusions may be sparsely or densely distributed throughout the stone.

Seraphinite Clarity and Luster

Seraphinite is translucent to opaque. The translucence is present on the silver fibers, which exhibit chatoyancy. The luster of seraphinite can be pearly, vitreous, greasy or dull.

Seraphinite Cut and Shape

Seraphinite is typically cut en cabochon, fancy cut or carved into spheres or other shapes. It is also tumbled.

Seraphinite Treatment

Seraphinite is sometimes polymer impregnated, which improves its durability. However, untreated gemstones are available and all reputable gemstone traders declare any treatments or enhancements.

Seraphinite Gemological Properties:

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Chemical Formula: (Mg,Fe+2) 5Al2 (Si3Al) O10 (OH) 8 Magnesium iron aluminum silicate
Crystal Structure: Monoclinic
Color: Green to gray, with silver chatoyant fibers
Hardness: 2 - 2.5 on the Mohs scale
Refractive Index: 1.576 to 1.599
Density: 2.55 to 2.75
Cleavage: Perfect
Transparency: Translucent to opaque
Double Refraction or Birefringence: Maximum of 0.02
Luster: Pearly, vitreous, greasy, dull
Fluorescence: None

Please refer to our Gemstone Glossary for details of gemology-related terms.

Seraphinite: Related or Similar Gemstones

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Serpentine Cabochon
Serpentine Cabochon

As a variety of clinochlore, seraphinite is related to kaemmererite (also known as kammererite). Kaemmererite is a chromian clinochlore, which is pink to purple and translucent to transparent. As a member of the chlorite group, seraphinite is related to other chlorites, such as nimite, pennantite, cookeite and chamosite.

Seraphinite can appear somewhat similar to serpentine. However, serpentine tends to be a brighter or yellowish-green with fewer silvery inclusions.

Seraphinite Gemstone Mythology, Metaphysical and Alternative Crystal Healing Powers

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Seraphinite is sometimes referred to as "the angel stone" or "angel's wing stone" and is said to possess a great deal of spiritual energy that brings the physical self into harmony with the emotional self. Many years ago, seraphinite was worn as an amulet to prevent snake bites. Seraphinite is thought to encourage the flow of energy in the body and release blockages. It is also considered to be helpful in encouraging positive energy, harmony and balance. Physically, seraphinite is associated with healthy cells and is beneficial for the blood, heart and lungs. Additionally, some believe that seraphinite aids detoxification, stimulates the metabolism, encourages weight loss and releases muscular tension. In traditional Hindu belief systems, seraphinite is linked to Anahata or the heart chakra, which governs decision making, the emotions and love. In feng shui, seraphinite is believed to bring wood energy, which is associated with new developments, health and vitality.

Disclaimer: Metaphysical and Alternative Crystal Healing Powers and Properties are not to be taken as confirmed advice. Traditional, Ceremonial and Mythological Gemstone Lore is collected from various resources and does not represent the sole opinion of SETT Co., Ltd. This information is not to replace the advice of your doctor. Should you have any medical conditions, please see a licensed medical practitioner. GemSelect does not guarantee any claims or statements of healing or astrological birthstone powers and cannot be held liable under any circumstances.

Seraphinite Gemstone and Jewelry Design Ideas

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Seraphinite lacks hardness, but with care, it can be used for pendants and earrings. Seraphinite is not recommended for rings or other jewelry that could be exposed to hard knocks, due to its softness. Seraphinite can be cut en cabochon, into spheres or fancy shapes. It can also be tumbled and drilled. Therefore, seraphinite is suitable for making beaded necklaces, earrings, pendants and other types of jewelry. Seraphinite can be set into silver, gold or other metals. Protective settings such as channel or bezel settings are recommended due to the softness of seraphinite.

Note: Buy colored gemstones by size and not by carat weight. Colored stones vary in size-to-weight ratio. Some stones are larger and others are smaller than diamonds by weight in comparison.

Seraphinite Gemstone Jewelry Care and Cleaning

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How to clean your gemstonesSeraphinite is softer than many gemstones, but with care, jewelry and ornaments can last for many generations. Seraphinite can be quite sensitive to strong pressure, high temperatures, and harsh household chemicals and cleaners. Avoid exposing seraphinite to bleach or sulphuric acid. Seraphinite can be cleaned using warm, soapy water. Wipe down stones using only a soft cloth and be sure to rinse well to remove any soapy residue.

Always remove any seraphinite gems or jewelry before exercising, playing sports or engaging in vigorous household chores. When storing your seraphinite, store it separately from other gems and jewelry to prevent scratches and fractures. It is best to wrap your stones using a soft cloth and place them into a fabric-lined jewelry box for extra protection.

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