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Over 19 Years in the Gemstone Business!
Thank you for trusting us with your purchase!
Overall Rating -> 10
I have bought from you before and have found your gems exceed my expectations. I have been very satisfied with all gems sent to me. I will be back. Thanks....
Overall Rating -> 10
Fine. All emails answered. Excellent service. Nice discount added for orders. Briefly, a very good experience.
Overall Rating -> 10
I have bought many stones from GemsSelect and have been very satisfied with all!I will continue to buy and recommend this site!
Overall Rating -> 10
It was easy to find what I wanted
Overall Rating -> 10
I found what I was looking for...had to look up millimeters to inches. It would be nice to see something, like a quarter, in the pix to show relative size. I plan on buy loose gemstones for every month in the calendar
Overall Rating -> 10
Muy serios y muy oportunos para el envo
Overall Rating -> 8
Very easy to find the specific stone I was looking for. I am pleased by both the selection and the price of the stones that are available. The only "bad" thing that I have to say is that the interface of the site is outdated.
Overall Rating -> 10
I have started a small gem brokerage. I find stones to meet clients needs. Gemselect has helped me find what people what.
Overall Rating -> 10
Great site always looking for great deals and find them on this site
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