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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Making Mystic Topaz and Mystic Quartz

Most gemstones are natural and comes from the earth. Some gems are synthetic and are made in a laboratory. However, many gems are natural material that is enhanced by a variety of ingenious methods.

Mystic Topaz Gemstone
Mystic Topaz Gemstone

The most common technique for enhancing the color and clarity of gems is heat treatment. Heat treatment is an ancient art that has become well accepted in the trade. Indeed, the vast majority of sapphires and rubies on the market have been heat treated. A number of other gems, including tanzanite and blue zircon are also routinely heat treated.

Buy Mystic Topaz

Other methods of gemstone enhancement are more recent and involve the application of quite sophisticated technology. The most dramatic of these new methods uses a high tech coating technology to turn colorless topaz and quartz into brilliant designer gems.

Natural Mystic Quartz from GemSelect

Thin-film deposition technology is extensively utilized in the optics industry for both reflective and non-reflective coatings, as well as in the electronics sector for layering integrated circuits in semiconductors. This process entails applying an exceptionally thin film layer onto a substrate material, with the film typically measuring just a few microns in thickness.

Mystic Quartz at GemSelect

In the gemstone industry, the thin metallic film is applied to the pavilion of the gemstone, so that the interesting color effects are reflected from the crown. The film is molecularly bonded to the substrate, effectively becoming part of the topaz or quartz material. The film is hard and durable, and since it is applied only to the pavilion of the stone, it cannot be affected by scratches on the crown.

Natural Mystic TopazThe most well known gems produced by this method are usually sold under the names mystic topaz and mystic quartz. They display a prismatic rainbow effect. Some brilliant blue and pink topaz is also produced in this way. These inexpensive gems have no pretensions and are typically used to make fun and colorful jewelry. But these gems are natural topaz or quartz, with all the virtues of those gem materials. In the future we may see more valuable gemstones that are optically modified using thin film deposition techniques.

Buy mystic quartz at GemSelectThe coated gems are very durable and do not require any special care. However, they should not be exposed to abrasives, acid or harsh chemicals. They are best cleaned with mild soap, water and a soft brush. However, coated gems cannot be recut or repolished, since the coating would be compromised.

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