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Natural Zircon for Sale, High Quality Zircons in Stock

天然ジルコン販売 - 高品質ジルコン


ジルコン ウェイト ジルコン サイズ ジルコン 明瞭さ ジルコン 価格 ジルコン 産地
ジルコン シングル
ジルコン ペア
ジルコン まとめ買い
ジルコン ファセットカット
ジルコン カボション
16.80ct1 ピース
$ 5,586.72
17 x 9.4 mm
石の種類: ジルコン
ジルコン ウェイト: 16.80 ct ジルコン
ジルコン 形状: 八角形 / シザーズカット ジルコン
ジルコン サイズ: 17 x 9.4 mm ジルコン
ジルコン 色: エレクトリックブルー ジルコン
ジルコン 明瞭さ: VVS-VS ジルコン
ジルコン 産地: カンボジア ジルコン
ジルコン 処理: 熱処理
ジルコン 量: 1
ジルコン 証明書: GemSelect

Zircon gemstones are famous for their outstanding sparkle, bright colors and excellent clarity. They have been used as a diamond substitute for centuries but they are so much more than an inexpensive imitation.

The fire and luster of zircons can help to create some striking jewelry items that will really stand out from the crowd.

Zircon Colors

Zircons can be found in a wide array of colors. Its name has origins in the Persian word 'zargun' meaning golden and there are many gorgeous orange, gold and red examples available although it is the white or blue gemstones that are the most popular.

Well cut zircon gemstones can appear to change color quite dramatically when viewed from different angles in an unusual phenomenon known as pleochroism.

Read more about gemstone colors here

Zircon Species

Zircon is found all over the world but are usually just tiny crystals trapped within rocks or mixed among the sand and gravel found in river beds. Only rarely are the crystals large enough to be used as gemstones.

Trace impurities within the zircon's crystals create the colors and this has led to a few different varieties to emerge – the yellow Canary Zircon or the brown Chocolate Zircon for example. Other times, the source of the zircon can be used, like the blue Ratanakari Zircon found in Cambodia or the orange Mashewa Zircon of Tanzania.

Zircon Price

The main influence on the price of a zircon will always be its color.

Blue zircon gemstones are by far the most popular color and therefore tend to reach the highest prices although they are not expensive unless they come in large carat sizes well over 5 carats.

White zircons have been used as a less expensive alternative to diamonds – even though they are actually rarer than diamonds.

Zircons are well known for their excellent clarity and sparkle. On top of that, the color of the stone will be a matter of personal preference but the golden brown and orange stones are beautiful and very reasonably priced.

Carat Weight

Zircons are not commonly a very large gemstone with stones of any color larger than 5 carats being quite rare and most being around a carat or two in weight.

Zircons are very dense stones so be aware that they may look smaller than other gemstones of the same carat weight. For example, Zircon is roughly 50% denser than a diamond - if the diamond weighs 1 carat, the same size zircon will weigh about 1.5 carats.

Small blue zircons of between one and two carats can be $15 to $50 dollars per carat while larger stones over 5 carats of good quality can fetch up $350 per carat.

Fine white zircons are very good value with even large gemstones only $40 - $80 per carat.

The lovely orange, brown, gold and red stones range from $15 per carat for smaller gems all the way to $400 per carat for large brightly colored examples.


Zircons in colors such as golden brown, burnt orange and pinkish red tend to be completely untreated.

However some of the bright blue or which are very popular receive heat treatment to enhance the color. Similarly, clear white stones can be heated to remove all color.

Any treatments are clearly and fully disclosed on our product pages.

Where are Zircons found?

The best known sources of Zircon have traditionally been Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma) and Sri Lanka but Australia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar are now also producing great gemstones.

What jewelry is Zircon suitable for?

Zircons have a rating of 7 to 7.5 on Mohs hardness scale which makes them strong enough for all types of jewelry items, including daily wear pieces.

To emphasize their famous sparkle and fire, zircons are usually cut into ovals or rounds with brilliant or step cuts that can make dazzling jewelry pieces.

Birthstones and Anniversaries

Zircon is a birthstone of December and would make an ideal gift for anyone who has a birthday in that month.

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