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Quartz for Sale, Large Stock of Natural Quartz in all Colors

販売用クォーツ: すべての色の天然クォーツを大量に在庫

販売用の天然水晶の膨大なセレクションをぜひご覧ください。次のようなさまざまな水晶宝石から選択できます。クリアクォーツ、スモーキークォーツルチルクォーツ、ストロベリークォーツレモンクォーツ、ミスティッククォーツ、クォーツキャッツアイなど。この宝石は、その硬度、大きなサイズ、色、そして手頃な価格帯の入手可能性により、宝飾品業界でほぼ無制限に使用されています。当社が厳選した一致するクォーツのペア、または事前に選択された宝石のロットからお選びください。当社のクォーツはすべて 100% 天然で、ご覧のとおりのものが得られます。

石英 ウェイト 石英 サイズ 石英 明瞭さ 石英 価格 石英 産地
石英 シングル
石英 ペア
石英 まとめ買い
石英 ファセットカット
石英 カボション
13.48ct (合計)2 個
$ 23.57
12 x 11.9 mm
石の種類: 石英
石英 ウェイト: 6.74 ct 石英
石英 形状: アッシャーカット 石英
石英 サイズ: 12 x 11.9 mm 石英
石英 色: クリアホワイト 石英
石英 明瞭さ: VVS-VS 石英
石英 産地: ブラジル 石英
石英 処理: 未処理
石英 量: 2
石英 証明書: GemSelect

Quartz is one of the essential minerals on earth and makes up one of the most popular gemstone groups in the world of colored stones. It is the second most abundant mineral found in Earth's continental crust, second only to the feldspars. The name 'quartz' is thought to come from the German word 'quarz,' which likely originated from the Slavic and Polish words meaning 'hard.' The name is descriptive regarding quartz being the definitive mineral that measures 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Other gemstones are often compared to quartz when it comes to classifying them as being hard, soft or durable.

Quartz gemstones are beautiful, durable and hard. Also in most cases, quartz is relatively inexpensive and available in enormous sizes. Some quartz varieties can be scarce, while others are very readily available. Quartz is an extremely versatile material that can be cut and carved into many shapes and sizes. For centuries quartz has been used in the creation of jewelry and ornamental objects. Today, quartz is not only one of the essential gemstones in the colored stone trade, but it also has many important industrial usages.

Quartz and Quartz crystals Color

The color of macrocrystalline quartz is as variable as the spectrum, but clear quartz is by far the most common color followed by white or cloudy quartz. Purple (amethyst), pink (rose quartz), gray or brown to black (smoky quartz) are also typical. Cryptocrystalline quartz varieties can be multicolored. In artificial light, quartz does not display a desirable quality. It looks best in daylight, particularly after sunrise and just before sunset. The deep colors are the most valuable.

Quartz Gemstone Cut and Shape

Due to the roughness of the color distribution in the crystals, quartz is often cut as brilliant rounds to maximize their color. Other cuts are ideal when the color is better distributed. Quartz is available in a wide range of calibrated sizes and shapes, including many fancy shapes.

Quartz Gemstone and Jewelry Design Ideas

Quartz is the ideal jewelry gemstone. It is readily available and relatively affordable. Even large stones can be bought at great prices. Quartz is also one of the few colored stones that you'll find in almost every jewelry retail store. Amethyst and citrine are official birthstones and are often used in birthstone jewelry. Since most quartz is untreated, there are many astrological uses for different types of quartz gemstones (carnelian for example), so you can find many planetary jewelry designs featuring quartz. Quartz is also often used for the making of fine timepieces, including bezels and moving components. Even polished quartz crystals are used in jewelry design like pendants and earrings.

Polished Quartz: A Reflection of Beauty and Purity

The allure of polished Quartz lies in its flawless appearance and radiant shine.

Polished Quartz is mainly used in jewelry, decoration and also for healing purposes.

Quartz Crystal: The Natural Wonder

Quartz crystal, with its unique structure and appearance, holds a special place in the world of gemstones:

  • Types of Quartz Crystal: From Clear Quartz to Rose Quartz and Smoky Quartz, the variety is astounding.
  • Healing and Meditation: Many believe that Quartz crystal can amplify energy and facilitate spiritual growth.
  • Collecting and Displaying: The sheer beauty of Quartz crystal makes it a favorite among collectors and designers.

Sales of Quartz Gemstones: Finding the Perfect Piece

Whether you're searching for a stunning piece for your collection or a thoughtful gift, Our Quartz for sale we stock will not disappoint you.

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これまでこのウェブサイトで何かを購入したことはありませんが、おそらくこれが最後の購入ではないでしょう。間違いなく、私が今まで訪れた中で最も使いやすく、最も有益なサイトの 1 つです。

配送予定日 Bob in November, 2023
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配送予定日 Todi89 in February, 2024
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配送予定日 Oakcityceo in May, 2023
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配送予定日 Skip in November, 2023
産地: Bizrate

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配送予定日 Sue in April, 2023
産地: Bizrate

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あなたの宝石の選択が大好きです。私の唯一の不満は、ページ番号を入力してそのページに戻れたらいいのにということです。60 ページを超える宝石がある場合、検討中の宝石のあるページに戻るのは困難です。

配送予定日 Cahall in March, 2024
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配送予定日 J in December, 2023
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配送予定日 Devi in October, 2023
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配送予定日 Erin in June, 2023
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Gemselect でのリサーチと注文はすべて簡単で複雑ではありませんでした。過去に支払いの問題がありましたが、顧客担当者のトーマスがすべてを解決するのに協力してくれました。以上の理由から、私は今後も Gemselet を使い続けるつもりです。

配送予定日 WildwillyfromArizona in August, 2023
産地: Bizrate

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配送予定日 Samlovesgems777 in August, 2023
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配送予定日 Will J. Lover in September, 2023
産地: Bizrate

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配送予定日 PixelComposer in January, 2024
産地: Bizrate

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配送予定日 Gunner in November, 2023
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