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Multicolor Gemstones: List of Multicolor Precious & Semi-Precious Gems

Multicolor Gemstones from GemSelect
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When it comes to colored gemstones, color is king. Today, many customers prioritize color and are less concerned with the actual gemstone variety as long as the stone is durable enough for their purpose.

However, finding gems by color can often be very difficult especially since gemstone dealers tend to list availability by gem type or gem variety rather than gems by color. When most people think about a multicolor gemstone there may not be many names that come to mind, but there are a number of other multicolor gemstones available today.

There are several multicolor semi-precious gemstones that did not make this list, mostly due to rarity, or they may be 'multicolor' in other ways. For example, ametrine is a bi-color quartz; but since there is actually a bi-color gemstone group, we did not include this in our multicolor list. We felt that this guide should only list those gem types that can be found in multicolor meaning not a single or a gem type that displays two colors. So, using our guide below, click on any of the gem types to learn and shop some of the world's most popular multicolor gemstones available today:

Multicolor agate gemstones

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Multicolor agate gemstone
Buy multicolor agate gemstones

Multicolor agate gemstones belong to the quartz family of minerals. This group of quartz is the second most abundant mineral on the earth's crust. Agate gemstones occur in a wide range of colors and patterns, and almost all agate will be multicolored due to unique banding. Multicolor agate gemstones clarity typically ranges from translucent to opaque and luster will most often be waxy or dull like agate and chrysocolla. Multicolor agate gemstones are very durable and reliable with a Mohs hardness of 6.7-7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. This Mohs hardness means that multicolor agate gemstones are suitable for numerous jewelry applications.

Multicolor agate gemstones can be worn as a pendant, necklace or as an everyday ring they are also a favorite among men because of the abundance of sizes and shapes available. Some of the fancy free-form shapes are unique and can provide a tribal look that many gentlemen prefer, making especially unique pendants. Multicolor agate gemstones are an excellent stone for ladies as well. Many beautiful charm bracelets and beaded anklets will utilize agates as the central stone of choice. Agate rings are often used for class rings as well as in birthstone rings.

Multicolor agate geodes

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Multicolor agate geodes
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On the outside, multicolor Agate geode gemstones appear to be nothing but rock, but looking deeper into the interior of a geode will reveal amazing crystal growth and formations. Agate geode crystals are usually composed of quartz or chalcedonic deposits. Identifying agate geodes requires a considerable amount of skill. Untrained eyes will struggle to identify geodes because of their regular appearance, but skilled miners focus on the outcrops of rock and look specifically in environments where geodes are most likely to develop.

Miners will scan for egg-shaped stones or rare stones with cauliflower-like formations to identify agate geodes in nature. Geodes are especially abundant throughout America including California, Illinois, Nevada, Arizona, Missouri, Kentucky, Utah, and Iowa. Multicolor Agate geode gemstones have a significant amount of durability earning them a 6.5 - 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale.

Multicolor ammolite gemstones

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Multicolor ammolite gemstone
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Multicolor ammolite gemstones can be called ammonite by some; they are one of the rarest gemstones on earth. Ammolite is part of a small group of organic gemstones, that includes: amber, coral, jet, and pearl. Ammolite is composed of the fossilized shell remains of ammonites, primarily aragonite, which is the same material that makes up nacreous pearls. Ammolite's characteristics are highly its desirable, opal-like, iridescent play-of-color that typically occurs in shades of green and red, but all colors are possible. Ammolite sources and deposits are expected to be depleted and exhausted within the next twenty years.

Multicolor ammolite gemstones are naturally opaque. Almost all ammolite gemstones will include part of the host matrix such as clay, limestone or shale. Multicolor ammolite gemstones have a near vitreous luster and can appear slightly resinous when stabilized with epoxy, polymer or resins. Multicolor ammolite gemstones have a Mohs hardness of 4 out of 10 on the Mohs scale this number varies with differing compositions.

Multicolor andalusite gemstones

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Multicolor andalusite gemstone
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Multicolor andalusite gemstones are strikingly beautiful, but it is mostly unknown to the general public and considered to be one of the lesser-known gem types in the trade. Multicolor andalusite gemstones come in very distinct combinations of colors, and a very pronounced level of pleochroism, which results in the exhibition of different colors when viewed from different angles. The attraction and new-found appreciation for andalusite are due to its unmistakable and unique twist on 'play of color.' For many years, andalusite has primarily been a collector's stone, but it has recently gained a lot of attention from many jewelry designers.

Andalusite has a Mohs hardness rating of 7.5 out of 10 which is slightly higher than that of quartz. Andalusite deposits are in many locations including; Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Spain in Andalusia, Sri Lanka, Burma, Madagascar, and America in California and Colorado. Andalusite gemstones are not abundant in large sizes, so when designing with them, they are most commonly used as accent stones or in cluster designs for colored stone jewelry. Multicolor andalusite gemstones are also ideal as the center stone for rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, cuff-links, tie-tacks and pendants.

Multicolor black opal gemstones

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Multicolor black opal gemstone
Buy multicolor black opal

Multicolor black opal gemstones are one of the many fascinating varieties of opal available today, and it also happens to be one of the most popular types. In 2008, Australia officially recognized this and proclaimed black opal to be the official state gemstone for New South Wales. Common opal was already the official gemstone representing all of Australia, because, amazingly, almost all of the world's supply of black opal comes from New South Wales and an astonishing 97% of all common opal is from Australia.

Multicolor black opal gemstones clarity is typically translucent to opaque, and almost all specimens will have eye visible inclusions such as patches or lines of potch 'common opal.' Multicolor black opal gemstones should have a wax-like luster, but at the same time, it should not appear to be too 'plasticky.' Multicolor black opal gemstones have a Mohs hardness of 5.5 - 6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Black opals have deep, dark colors which project masculinity and mystery. Black opals are ideal for any jewelry accessory such as pendants, earrings, brooches, men's cufflinks, and tie-tacks. When wearing black opal as a ring, it is recommended to choose a protective style setting such as a bezel design.

Multicolor bloodstone gemstones

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Multicolor bloodstone gemstone
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Multicolor bloodstone gemstones are opaque to a translucent variety of chalcedony quartz. Multicolor bloodstone gemstones are dark green and also have the presence of red, blood-like inclusions, which is how it earned its descriptive gemstone name. Bloodstone has a couple of aliases as well. It is also known as 'heliotrope' and 'blood jasper.' Bloodstone was once the original birthstone for March, but it is no longer the birthstone as it has been replaced by aquamarine. Today, bloodstone is still an alternative birthstone for March, and it is the zodiacal stone for Aries.

The most common gem mines and sources for bloodstone include India, Madagascar, and California, USA. There are also significant deposits from Australia, Germany, Brazil, and China. The most recently reported source is the Isle Of Rum, located in Scotland. Multicolor bloodstone gemstones clarity ranges from translucent to opaque. When cut and polished, it exhibits a vitreous luster, often appearing slightly waxy or resinous. Typical bloodstone inclusions include chlorite and hornblende needles, as well as iron oxide.

Multicolor boulder opal gemstones

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Multicolor boulder opal gemstone
Buy multicolor boulder opal

Multicolor boulder opal gemstones are one of the most valuable varieties of opal, second only to Australia's black opal. Fine specimens of boulder opal exhibit all of the spectral colors through their play of color. Boulder opal may be considered to be less valuable than black opal, but it is much rarer. Boulder opal accounts for approximately 2% of all of Australia's opal. However, black opal equates to around 8% of the entire yield. The remaining 90% is common opal, often referred to as 'potch' or 'white opal.'

Boulder opal was discovered first in Quilpe Western Australia, around the year 1870. Almost all boulder opal available today is from Western Queensland's opal-rich fields, confined to an area of about 200 to 300 square kilometers. Multicolor boulder opal gemstones appear and become discovered embedded in large boulders of ironstone, which is how it earned its name. Multicolor boulder opal gemstones have a Mohs hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale.

Multicolor cat's eye opal gemstones

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Multicolor cat's eye opal gemstone
Buy multicolor cat's eye opal

Multicolor cat's eye opal gemstones are a rare chatoyant form of Opal. 'Opalite Cat's Eye' is another term for the multicolor cat's eye opal gemstone. The reason why this stone is so popular and why it gets this name is the wonders called chatoyancy, known in the gem trade as 'the cat's eye effect.' Why do multicolor cat's eye opal gemstones have this effect? Chatoyancy is from very fine inclusions within the stone. When a light source focuses on these inclusions, it creates a bright strip that appears and runs perpendicular to the inclusions. This strip glides across the surface of the stone when it turns in the light.

Multicolor cat's eye opal is best known for its creamy honey color and strong cats-eye effect. Multicolor cat's eye opal gemstones are considered a mineraloid and have no crystal structure. Multicolor cat's eye opal gemstones earn a 5.5 to 6.5 out of 10 on Moh's Scale of hardness. Multicolor cat's eye opal gemstones are cut and polished to round or oval cabochons or other softly domed shapes to display the best color.

Multicolor chocolate opal gemstones

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Multicolor chocolate opal gemstone
Buy multicolor chocolate opal

Multicolor chocolate opal gemstones are one of the many different varieties of opal available. Chocolate opal's unique and distinct chocolate color is what separates this variety from other opal varieties. The dark base colors of chocolate opal can range from light to dark chocolate brown colors. The darker tones allow for more intense play of color which is the most valued trait when identifying fine precious opal. No other colored gemstone can replicate the elusive and mystical properties of chocolate opal and its play of color.

Multicolor chocolate opal gemstones are mined solely from Yita Ridge, located approximately 150 miles northeast of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. The opal fields are about 12 miles north of Mezezo and extend along the northern face of Yita Ridge. Surprisingly, there are only a few square miles of opal-rich fields, which contain all of Ethiopia's opals. Opal production and extractions occur in just this small region in Mezezo. Because of this, the supply of chocolate opal is minimal a sheer testament to its rarity.

Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones

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Multicolor chrysocolla gemstone
Buy multicolor chrysocolla

Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones are a gemstone-quality hydrous copper silicate, often forming with copper salts, iron, and manganese oxides. Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones are famous for their attractive colors and unique multicolored patterns. Appreciating chrysocolla is easy because of its alluring vivid blue to green cyan color, that appears due to the presence of copper. Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones are a 'lesser known' gemstone; yet, it is still a fascinating gemstone and one that is highly sought-after by many avid gem and mineral enthusiasts. The name 'chrysocolla,' derived from the Greek words 'Chrysos' and 'Kolla' which translate as 'gold' and 'glue.'

Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones are almost always opaque, although some rare materials may occur slightly or nearly translucent. When cut and polished, chrysocolla has an attractive greasy to vitreous luster. Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones are a 2 to 4 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Chrysocolla gemstones and beads are favorite for jewelry when used as pendants. Multicolor chrysocolla gemstones are not ideal for everyday rings, but with a transparent quartz layer, it may be durable enough to wear with care. If wearing chrysocolla gemstones as jewelry, its use should be limited to protective designs, such as earring, pins, brooches, necklaces, pendants, shirt-studs, or tie-tacks.

Multicolor 'color change' diaspore gemstones

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Multicolor 'color change' diaspore gemstone
Buy multicolor 'color change' diaspore

Naturally, occurring multicolor color change diaspore gemstones are beautiful and rare, and they come from only one place on earth, Turkey. Color change diaspore is genuinely unique, and when cut correctly it possesses magnificent properties. Diaspore's beauty comes from its color changing ability, its saturation, and its sparkle. The colors multicolor color change diaspore gemstones display range and include a Champaign base that provides green flashes, salmon pinks, violet, vibrant yellows, pinks, and beautiful reds. To see the vast array of colors one must observe multicolor color change diaspore gemstones under morning light, daylight light, natural evening light, fluorescent lighting, incandescent lighting, and even candlelight will trigger subtle nuances in color display.

Multicolor 'color change' diaspore gemstones ability to display so many hues is due to its color play under various light sources such as daylight, indoor lighting, and mood lighting. Due to its fantastic color bending abilities, this stone looks spectacular when mounted with numerous colored gemstones. Multicolor color change diaspore gemstones also compliment multiple skin tones due to the many hues it can display. Multicolor color change diaspore gemstones have a 6.5 to 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale meaning they are very durable and suitable for use in all jewelry including pieces intended for daily wear.

Multicolor 'color change' fluorite gemstones

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Multicolor color-change fluorite gemstone
Buy multicolor 'color change' fluorite

Blue Fluorite gemstones are rare, but multicolor color change fluorite gemstones are even more extraordinary. Color Change Fluorite is indeed a collector's piece. Multicolor color change fluorite gemstones are one of the Color Change gem types that begins with stunning blue color in the daylight and will transition to a purple hue when viewed under incandescent light. Collectors prize color change fluorite gemstones due to their rarity in certain colors, and this multicolor color change fluorite is the rarest.

Multicolor color change fluorite gemstones have a hardness rating of 4 on the Mohs scale. When considering designs with multicolor color change fluorite gemstones, you must think of its softness as it must be protected and worn delicately. Wear multicolor color change fluorite gemstones in areas that will not be disturbed like as a pendant. It is also to your advantage to be cautious and set the gem in a protective setting if you plan to wear this gem regularly.

Multicolor 'color change' garnet gemstones

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Multicolor color-change garnet
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Multicolor color change garnet gemstones are exceptionally rare and as a result can be an excellent gemstone for collectors and investors. Most color change garnet gemstones will exhibit color change attributes which will surpass even the most prized samples of color changing alexandrite. Multicolor color change garnet gemstones will display a brownish-green or bronze color when viewed under natural light, but when viewed under incandescent light it will appear rose to pink in color. A remarkable transition indeed but the magic doesn't stop there because color change garnet gemstones will display many more color combinations under other conditions.

To truly appreciate the full range of multicolor color change garnet, one should observe specimens under a variety of lighting conditions, including early morning daylight, late afternoon daylight, fluorescent light, and incandescent light or candlelight. Multicolor color change garnet gemstones have a hardness rating of 7 to 7.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so it is incredibly durable and suitable for everyday wear.

Multicolor 'color change' sapphire gemstones

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Multicolor color-change sapphire
Buy multicolor 'color change' sapphire

GemSelect's untreated multicolor color change sapphire is incredibly rare. These multicolor color change sapphire display different hues when placed under different lighting conditions. The colors can range from Champagne to Salmon colors or from Purple to Beautiful Reds. GemSelect's untreated multicolor color change sapphire is remarkable and should not be passed up. Their beauty is not only of their luster, sparkle, and color display but of their rarity and lucky for you we have an untreated multicolor color change sapphire gemstone available for purchase today!

Like all sapphire, multicolor color change sapphire gemstones have a hardness rating of 9 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. This Mohs hardness rating means GemSelect's multicolor color change sapphires are the second hardest gem material on the earth. Multicolor color change sapphire is, therefore, ideal for all jewelry designs including those intended for daily wear.

Multicolor coral gemstones

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Multicolor coral gemstone
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Multicolor coral gemstones are a gemstone quality variety of natural coral, closely related to reef-building 'stony' coral. Multicolor coral gemstones are a deep-water coral that forms in rocky seabeds with low levels of sedimentation, typically in dark environments of over 500 feet deep, including caverns and crevices. These natural formations grow very slowly, often as little as just 1 millimeter per year, ranging in size from small, hand-sized structures to extensive coral reefs.

Multicolor coral gemstones are typically translucent to opaque. When unworked, it has a naturally dull, matte luster. Polished coral exhibits an attractive vitreous luster. Coral is generally polished with fine-grain sandstone and sandpaper and then finely polished with felt-wheels. Multicolor coral gemstones have a Mohs hardness of 3 to 4 out of 10. Multicolor coral gemstones make great beads in string jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets. Cabochons and carvings of flowers or other ornamental objects are great for the making of pendants, pins, and brooches. Coral rings should set in protective-style settings so they can exist in occasional-wear rings with without damage.

Multicolor dendritic agate gemstones

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Multicolor dendritic agate gemstone
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Multicolor dendritic agate gemstones are a translucent, colorless, to a whitish-gray variety of chalcedony quartz, distinguished by its distinct tree or fern-like markings known as 'dendrites,' which are most often brown to black. Dendritic Agate gemstones are considered to be one of the rarer and more sought-after varieties of agate gemstones - although it is technically not a true agate, because it lacks the typical banding of other agate stones.

Multicolor dendritic agate gemstones are typically translucent to opaque with the translucent specimens being the most desirable. Multicolor dendritic agate gemstones exhibit a waxy to dull luster. Multicolor dendritic agate gemstones have a hardness of 6.5 to 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so dendritic agate is ideal for just about any jewelry design imaginable, from pendants to everyday rings. Multicolor dendritic agate gemstones are very durable and resistant to typical daily wear and tear.

Multicolor fire agate gemstones

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Multicolor fire agate gemstone
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Multicolor fire agate gemstones are a rare variety of layered chalcedony quartz which exhibits a fiery iridescent effect. Fire agate gemstones are a natural gemstone found only in the surrounding areas of the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. Multicolor fire agate gemstones are typically translucent to opaque, with translucent specimens being most desirable. Like all agate, fire agate gemstones tend to have a slightly waxy to dull luster when shaped and polished.

Multicolor fire agate gemstones have a Mohs hardness of 6.5 to 7 out of 10. High-quality fire agate gemstones can be as impressive in their play of color as beautiful black opal, and fire agate is much more affordable plus it is significantly more durable. Fire agate gemstones are quartz with a hardness of 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so it is considered quite suitable for any jewelry, including rings for daily wear.

Multicolor fluorite gemstones

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Multicolor fluorite gemstone
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Multicolor fluorite gemstones are considered to be one of the most popular minerals in the world among gem and mineral collectors, second only to quartz. It is said to be 'the most colorful mineral in the world' owing to its variety of brilliant colors. Multicolor fluorite gemstones have the phenomenon of 'fluorescence' which oddly was named after fluorite gemstones since they were one of the first fluorescent minerals studied. The element fluorine was also named after fluorite. Fluorine is an essential element in the chemical ion of fluoride. Multicolor fluorite gemstones are frequently fluorescent under ultraviolet UV light. The fluorescence is thought to be due to impurities of yttrium or other types of organic matter within the crystal lattice.

Multicolor fluorite gemstones have an attractive vitreous luster, and gem-quality specimens should be free from eye-visible inclusions. Gem grade fluorite typically occurs with excellent transparency, while lower-grade, industrial and commercial-use fluorite is often translucent. Multicolor fluorite gemstones are a 4 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Due to fluorite's very low hardness and perfect cleavage, it is not for mainstream gemstone jewelry, and it is generally cut only for gemstone and mineral collectors.

Multicolor fossil coral gemstones

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Multicolor fossil coral gemstone
Buy multicolor fossil coral

Multicolor fossil coral gemstones are a natural type of gemstone formed by ancient corals. The proper name for fossil coral is 'agatized coral' or 'agatized fossil coral' because, during formation, the coral remains become replaced by agate, a variety of naturally occurring chalcedony, or microcrystalline quartz. When prehistoric corals fossilize through replacement with agate, the fossil coral forms through hardened deposits left by silica-rich waters. The entire process can take over 20 million years and occurs only under unique geological conditions. Corals are marine animals, and it is their skeletons that are fossilized and preserved, often leaving flower-like patterns in the stone.

Multicolor fossil coral gemstones are typically opaque, but some specimens may appear near-translucent. When cut and polished, they have a waxy to dull luster. Multicolor fossil coral gemstones have a hardness of 6.5 to 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Multicolor fossil coral gemstones are highly sought after by gem and fossil collectors around the world. Since fossil coral gemstones are a type of agate, they are relatively hard and very durable, rendering fossil coral perfectly suitable for all kinds of jewelry designs including daily-wear rings. Fossil coral makes great pendants, pins, brooches, necklaces, and earrings.

Multicolor hawk's eye gemstones

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Multicolor hawk's eye gemstone
Buy multicolor hawk's eye

Multicolor hawk's eye gemstones are a blue-gray to blue-green opaque gemstone variety of fibrous quartz. Hawk's eye gemstones are a pseudomorph of quartz which is one mineral that changes into another, over time. In the case of hawk's eye, it began its life as crocidolite and later transformed into quartz. The transformation of the hawk's eye gemstones begins as quartz slowly becomes embedded between the fibers of crocidolite, eventually replacing it entirely.

Multicolor hawk's eye gemstones are famed for their chatoyancy, reminiscent of the 'eye of a hawk.' It is closely related to tiger's eye and 'pietersite,' both of which exhibit similar chatoyancy. Tiger's eye is actually formed from hawk's eye. Hawk's eye gemstones are typically multicolored with golden stripes or wavy patterns. Its chatoyancy can result in darker or lighter color tones depending on the viewing angle. Hawk's eye gemstones have a hardness of 6.5 to 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale making them suitable for all types of jewelry.

Multicolor jasper gemstones

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Multicolor jasper gemstone
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Multicolor jasper gemstones are one of the many gemstone varieties of quartz available today. It is an opaque and impure variety of silicon dioxide. The name Jasper comes from the Greek word for 'spotted stone,' referring to its typical multicolored, striped, spotted or flamed appearance. Multicolor jasper gemstones can form in virtually any color. Multicolor jasper gemstones are considered a chalcedony but some scientists classify jasper as a separate type because of its distinctive grainy structure.

The most common jasper gemstone patterns include interesting marbling and veining, orbital rings, streaks, spots, flaming and banding. Multicolor jasper gemstones are always opaque in clarity, even in thin slices. It is known to take an excellent polish and exhibits a fine, vitreous to dull luster. Multicolor jasper gemstones have a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. Multicolor jasper gemstones are perfectly suitable for any type of jewelry design imaginable, including pendants, necklaces and even daily-wear gemstone rings. Jasper has the durability and hardness required for mainstream jewelry, making it very resistant to wear and tear.

Multicolor labradorite gemstones

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Multicolor labradorite gemstone
Buy multicolor labradorite

Multicolor labradorite gemstones are gemstones named after Labrador in Canada, where labradorite was found first, on the Isle of Paul. Multicolor labradorite gemstones have surfaced since in other areas including Finland, Madagascar, and Australia. Multicolor labradorite gemstones are a plagioclase feldspar which shows adularescence, in other words, white or bluish light can appear when the gemstones turn. This optical effect is so unique to labradorite that its name is 'labradorescence' which is the result of diffraction of light in the layers of rock. When viewed at certain angles, labradorite exhibits such captivating color that has led to Inuit legends stating that the Northern Lights shone down on the shores of Labrador and became trapped inside these colorful stones.

The most highly valued labradorite is material that shows the full spectrum of color in its 'labradorescence.' Multicolor labradorite gemstones are a transparent to opaque material with translucent gemstones being desirable because they display the sought-after effect. Multicolor labradorite gemstones have a hardness of 6 - 6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so it is suitable for all types of jewelry. Labradorite is often used to make beautiful pendants and rings. It can also be used to create earrings or beaded jewelry, using tumbled stones or spherically cut stones.

Multicolor mother of pearl gemstones

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Multicolor mother of pearl gemstone
Buy multicolor mother of pearl

Multicolor mother-of-pearl gemstones are the nacreous interior shell layer of pearl-producing creatures. These mollusks have three layers in their shell; the outside periostracum, accompanied by a layer of calcite and then the inner layer of nacre or the 'mother-of-pearl.' The mantle of the creature produces this smooth part of the shell as it develops.

Multicolor mother-of-pearl gemstones are found all over the world and are more prevalent than pearl. The reason mother of pearl is much more prevalent is that pearl-producing creaturs rarely produce pearls in nature, but they all create a shell to protect their soft bodies from the threats of the sea. For this reason, most pearls used in gemstone jewelry today are cultured rather than naturally grown pearls. Multicolor mother-of-pearl gemstones have a low Mohs hardness from 2.5 - 4.5 but can make excellent pieces of jewelry like pendants, and multicolor mother-of-pearl gemstones are also great for decorating.

Multicolor mystic quartz gemstones

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Multicolor mystic quartz gemstone
Buy multicolor mystic quartz

Multicolor mystic quartz gemstones are quite a new gem type that first appeared around 1998. It is a natural 'colorless' or 'white quartz' that has been coated, giving it a rainbow color effect. Therefore, it is not a gem type but is enhanced clear quartz. The coating technology, known as thin film deposition, was pioneered by a company called Azotic Coating Inc. Multicolor mystic quartz gemstones are attractive because of their color changing properties that are deep, mysterious, and unusual. Multicolor mystic quartz gemstones usually appear to display rainbow colors, with greens, blues, and purples being quite prominent. Since the treatment is a coating, it is not a permanent enhancement, but its remarkable appearance makes it an exciting gem in its own right. Only the highest quality, transparent, eye-clean quartz is used to produce mystic quartz gemstones.

Mystic quartz exhibits an attractive vitreous luster after it has been cut and polished. Multicolor mystic quartz gemstones have a hardness of 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so they are very durable. But strong as it is, it should not be re-cut, since this could remove the coating. Uses for mystic quartz gemstones include an almost limitless variety of jewelry, due to its versatility. It is suitable for both rustic style, set or wire-wrapped bullet jewelry, or finely cut and faceted modern jewelry. Multicolor mystic quartz gemstones can make rings, earrings, bracelets, and pendants of almost any shape.

Multicolor mystic topaz gemstones

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Multicolor mystic topaz gemstone
Buy multicolor mystic topaz

Multicolor mystic topaz gemstones are another new gem type, first seen around 1998. It is natural 'colorless' or 'white topaz' that has been coated, giving it a unique rainbow color effect. It like other mystic varieties is not a gem type on its own, but instead considered an enhanced or treated colorless topaz. The coating technology, known as thin film deposition, was pioneered by a company called Azotic Coating Inc. Multicolor mystic topaz gemstones have attractive changing colors that appear deep, enigmatic, and unique. Multicolor mystic topaz gemstones usually display rainbow colors, with greens, blues, and purples being quite prominent. Since the treatment is a coating, it is not a permanent enhancement so be sure not to re-cut this gem type because it will change the appearance of the stone.

Multicolor mystic topaz gemstones are transparent to translucent. Topaz exhibits high clarity with few inclusions - topaz gemstones can be examined by the naked eye and declared 'eye clean,' which means that there are no imperfections seen. Topaz is famous for its brilliance and vitreous luster. Multicolor mystic topaz gemstones have an excellent hardness of 8 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so they are suitable for all types of jewelry even those intended for daily wear.

Multicolor opal gemstones

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Multicolor opal gemstone
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Multicolor opal gemstones can occur in range colors including multicolor, colorless - though these stones still display a multicolor 'play of color' via diffraction which causes flashes of brilliance from the rainbow to display in opal's color profile. Yellow, blue and green are common, but violet, red, and orange are rare to see through the play of color. Multicolor opal gemstones saturation of body color plus the play of color and transparency, determine a multicolor opal gemstones value. Multicolor opal gemstones can occur in transparent to opaque with the transparent-translucent materials being more valuable than the opaque. Multicolor opal gemstones which are considered to be extraordinary stones have a vitreous luster.

Multicolor opal gemstones earn a 5.5 to 6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Opals are great to use for earrings, brooches, rings, and pendants. Multicolor opal gemstones are delicate by nature, so one shouldn't wear them anyplace that is subject to hard knocks, or they ought to be worn carefully. Multicolor opal gemstones can also be drilled to make beautiful pendants for necklaces or earrings which are both excellent places to wear opal.

Multicolor opal doublet gemstones

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Multicolor opal doublet gemstone
Buy multicolor opal doublet

Multicolor opal doublets are a thin layer of precious Opal that is secured to a backing, usually a piece of common black opal or ironstone. Originally opal doublets were created to make use of opal that was too thin to offer a solid stone. Opal doublet gemstones are an inexpensive solution for purchasing an opal. Multicolor opal doublets are very beautiful - the patterns and the brightness of an opal doublet can be incredible. Creating opal doublets has many benefits firstly the color of the backing significantly increases the color of the opal. Secondly, the strength of this usually fragile gem type is dramatically improved.

Multicolor opal doublets are ideal for making sets of opal earrings, pendants, or rings. One of the most significant benefits to purchasing doublets comes to those who are looking to create matching jewelry as it is easy to match the color of opal doublets. Since opal doesn't occur in matching sets naturally, it is prevalent in the jewelry industry to utilize doublets to create any designs where consistency in color and size are nessicary.

Multicolor opal in matrix gemstones

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Multicolor opal in matrix gemstone
Buy multicolor opal in matrix

Opal in matrix is a beautiful multicolored stone with a black base color. Since it is often discovered and mined in Honduras is has earned the name ‘Honduras Black Opal.’ Opal in matrix is cut in Cabochon to display the gorgeous multicolored effects for which it’s famous. The stone displays its remarkable color properties which are ‘essentially’ tiny flecks of opal that shine naturally brilliant colors. These Opal flecks are embedded randomly in the parent rock rather than the seams of opal that normally appear in ‘boulder opal.’ The fact that Opal appears in many forms in many parts of the world lead it to develop in different classes with individually unique qualities.

Opal is a significant stone for those who are born in October and makes an excellent gift. On the Mohs Scale of Harness opal in matrix ranges from 5.5-6.5 out of 10. The stone should be cared for and worn lightly to protect its natural beauty and luster. Opal in matrix is great for Men’s Jewelry as it’s an attractive rock with a masculine appearance. At GemSelect we recommend Opal for use in rings, bracelets, and pendants.

Multicolor pietersite gemstones

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Multicolor pietersite gemstone
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Multicolor pietersite gemstones are a rare dark-gray or reddish breccia aggregate rock comprised mostly of hawk's eye and tiger's eye. They are characterized by their distinctive swirls or streaks of gold or orange because of crocidolite inclusions. Crocidolite is the same material responsible for tiger's eye's appearance. When polished, the inclusions in pietersite exhibit appear to be organic and free of uniformity whereas in tiger's eye the inclusions are arranged in parallel lines and appear to be a continuous line. Multicolor pietersite gemstones have body colors which include; blues that range from light or grayish blue to dark midnight hues, red, gold, orange and brown. Chinese pietersite tends to have a brownish-red body color, and Namibian pietersite has a bluish body color. The swirls of crocidolite can appear golden, yellow, orange or fiery red.

Multicolor pietersite gemstones that contain inclusions of crocidolite are more valuable because they exhibit characteristically beautiful and chaotic chatoyancy. When polished, pietersite exhibits an attractive silky luster. Multicolor pietersite gemstones have a Mohs hardness of 6.5 to 7, and their exciting patterns and vivid hues make them an eye-catching gemstone for jewelry. Multicolor pietersite gemstones can be used to make pendants, earrings, bracelets or rings, when polished, pietersite has an attractive shine that looks good with gold and silver settings alike.

Multicolor rainbow pyrite gemstones

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Multicolor rainbow pyrite gemstone
Buy multicolor rainbow pyrite

Rainbow pyrite is the trade name for an iridescent form of pyrite druzy. Druzy is a term used to describe gemstones in the form of encrustations or clusters of minute crystals coating a matrix. Druzy gemstones are relatively rare, especially in non-quartz species. Multicolor rainbow pyrite gemstones are a relatively recent discovery, and it has only been found so far in one location in the world, Russia.

Rainbow pyrite is famed for its rainbow-like iridescence, caused by differential refraction and diffraction of light. Top quality materials can shimmer with all colors of the rainbow, including gold, green, pink and blue. Rainbow pyrite is an opaque gemstone, which exhibits the strongest and most reflective luster; metallic. Its surface is similar to polished metal. Multicolor rainbow pyrite, gemstones have a hardness of 6 to 6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Historically, pyrite has appeared in jewelry, but it is not seen often today. Pyrite is hard and durable enough for most jewelry use, but rainbow pyrite is slightly delicate owing to its encrusted formation.

Multicolor rhodochrosite gemstones

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Multicolor rhodochrosite gemstone
Buy multicolor rhodochrosite

Multicolor rhodochrosite gemstones are a manganese mineral which makes an exciting gemstone due to its distinctive raspberry red and pink stripes. The name rhodochrosite comes from the Greek word, 'rhodokhros,' meaning rose colored. Sometimes it is also called 'Rosa del Inca' or 'Inca rose stone,' and stories say that the Incas believed that rhodochrosite was the blood of their former rulers that had turned to stone. Rhodochrosite is the national gemstone of Argentina and the state mineral of Colorado, due to significant deposits being in both places. Rhodochrosite gets its color from the presence of manganese.

Rhodochrosite is generally opaque, though transparent crystals do exist. Transparent crystals are usually heavily included. When polished, rhodochrosite has a vitreous, resinous or pearly luster. Multicolor rhodochrosite gemstones have a 4 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Rhodochrosite's attractive colors and pattern make it an appropriate gemstone for pendants, rings, and earrings. For daily worn rings, we recommend protective settings such as bezel because rhodochrosite is reasonably soft. Rhodochrosite is used to make beautiful spherical beads, or can be used as stacked chips. For pendants, fancy-shaped rhodochrosite can be drilled or wire-wrapped. Alternatively, sleek modern designs use bezel-set rhodochrosite for necklace pendants, earrings or bracelets.

Multicolor ruby-zoisite gemstones

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Multicolor ruby-zoisite gemstone
Buy multicolor ruby-zoisite

Multicolor ruby-zoisite gemstones are the natural combination of both ruby and zoisite crystals in a single specimen. Ruby-zoisite is known as 'anyolite,' a name derived from the Masai word for 'green.' Other name variations include 'ruby-in-zoisite' and 'Tanganyika Artstone.' Multicolor ruby-zoisite gemstones were discovered at the Longido mining district in northeast Tanzania by Tom Blevins, an English prospector. To this day, Tanzania remains the only source for ruby-zoisite. Depending on its primary constituents, ruby-in-zoisite can vary tremendously in color, pattern, and hardness. Zoisite provides an earthy green color, while ruby inclusions give it pink and red highlights.

Zoisite's hardness ranges from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, whereas rubies have a hardness of 9. Although ruby-zoisite is not 'fine ruby,' it eventually found a purpose in carvings and cabochons. Today, it is one of the most colorful ornamental gemstones available, and the abundance of gemstone material makes it very affordable even in larger sizes. Ruby-zoisite has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale and is thus moderately hard and suitable for most types of jewelry. It is a popular ornamental material that is perfect for figures such as birds and other animals. Large cabochons are available, which are ideal for use as pendants. Rings are also suitable for ruby-zoisite.

Multicolor rutile quartz gemstones

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Multicolor rutile quartz gemstone
Buy multicolor rutile quartz

Multicolor rutile quartz gemstones are a variety of quartz which contains needle-like inclusions of rutile. Multicolor rutile quartz gemstones have unique patterns that form inside of each gemstone giving them a unique appearance while maintaining the positive attributes of quarts like its hardness and durability. These rutile inclusions mostly look golden, but they also can look silver, copper-red, or deep black. They can be distributed randomly or in bundles, which sometimes arrange in star-like patterns, and they can be sparse or dense enough to make the quartz body nearly opaque.

In most gem types inclusions will reduce the value of a crystal, but in the case of rutilated quartz, its value comes for the quality and beauty of these inclusions. Multicolor rutile quartz gemstones have a rating of 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale meaning they are suitable for all types of gemstone jewelry.

Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones

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Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstone
Buy multicolor snowflake obsidian

Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones are a naturally occurring volcanic glass. Snowflake obsidian gemstones form when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth. Obsidian has been known since prehistoric times and has some fascinating properties as well as some essential practical uses. In addition to its use as a gemstone, obsidian has been used in cardiac surgery, as well-crafted obsidian blades have a cutting edge many times sharper than high-quality steel surgical scalpels.

In some stones, the inclusion of small, white, radially clustered crystals of cristobalite in the black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern, and this is, in the gem trade, known as snowflake obsidian. Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones have a rating of 5 to 5.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale meaning they are suitable for use in gemstone jewelry. Snowflake obsidian looks great in silver, which provides an attractive contrast to its dark color. The versatility of obsidian allows its use in a wide variety of jewelry, such as beads for bracelets and necklaces, cabochons for pendants and rings, or carved pieces for pendants, and other items.

Multicolor sodalite gemstones

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Multicolor sodalite gemstone
Buy multicolor sodalite

Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones are a naturally occurring volcanic glass. Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones form when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth. Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones have been known since prehistoric times and have some fascinating properties as well as some critical practical uses. In addition to its use as a gemstone, obsidian has been used in cardiac surgery, as well-crafted obsidian blades have a cutting edge many times sharper than high-quality steel surgical scalpels.

Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones have inclusions of small, white, radially clustered crystals of cristobalite in the black glass which produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern. Multicolor snowflake obsidian gemstones have a rating of 5 - 5.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale meaning they are suitable for use in gemstone jewelry. Snowflake obsidian sets well in silver, which provides an attractive contrast to its dark color. The versatility of snowflake obsidian allows it to make a wide variety of jewelry, such as beads for bracelets and necklaces, cabochons for pendants and rings, or carved pieces perfect for pendants and other items.

Multicolor spectrolite gemstones

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Multicolor spectrolite gemstone
Buy multicolor spectrolite

Multicolor spectrolite gemstones, a type of plagioclase feldspar, display a captivating iridescence known as schiller or metallic luster when illuminated from specific angles. Unlike labradorite, which primarily exhibits tones of blue-grey-green and its distinctive "labradorescence," multicolor spectrolite gemstones showcase a stunning array of colors. The stunning iridescence, referred to as "labradorescence," is believed to be a result of finely dispersed platelets with varying compositions and tiny inclusions that diffract light.

Spectrolite is a trade name for rare labradorite from Finland that exhibits the spectral colors, but the term is sometimes used to describe labradorite whenever a richer display of colors is visible. Some spectrolite gemstones will show violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red iridescence. Multicolor spectrolite gemstones are generally cut cabochon it displays their optical properties for use as a gemstone. A great way to use Spectrolite is in a pendant. Spectrolite gemstones can be mounted in gold, white gold, or silver for earring, ring, and pendant designs. This gemstone is very versatile and beautiful thus is suitable for many types of jewelry.

Multicolor sugilite gemstones

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Multicolor sugilite gemstone
Buy multicolor sugilite

Multicolor sugilite gemstones are a rare purple cyclosilicate mineral that named after the Japanese petrologist, Ken-ichi Sugi, who first identified it in 1944 in Iwagi Islet, Japan. But, this sugilite occurred as brownish-yellow grains that were not suitable for use as gemstones. A significant deposit of gem-quality material was discovered later in 1979 at a manganese mine in the Southern Kalahari Desert of South Africa. In 1980, sugilite became classified as a rare gem, which caused its price to increase. Since then, discoveries of additional deposits have found, but since these sugilite deposits are small, it remains a rare gem.

Multicolor sugilite gemstones get their attractive purple color from traces of manganese. It can range in color from pinkish-purple to deep bluish-purple. The most highly valued sugilite gemstones are a uniform and intense purple. A great deal of sugilite has patches, veins or layers, and attractive or interesting patterns are also desirable in sugilite gemstones. Multicolor sugilite gemstones have a rating of 5.5 to 6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale meaning they are suitable for use in gemstone jewelry. Sugilite is a versatile material usable in the form of beads, inlay, drilled gemstones, faceted gemstones, and cabochons.

Multicolor tiger's eye matrix gemstones

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Multicolor tiger's eye matrix gemstone
Buy multicolor tiger's eye matrix

Tiger's Eye forms when Quartz forms over Crocidolite and eventually entirely replaces it. Crocidolite is a type of asbestos mineral, which means its composition is of fine, dense fibers. These fibers form in a parallel yet wavy orientation, and this causes the interesting chatoyant effect exhibited in Tiger's Eye. During the replacement process, the iron within the Crocidolite dissolves and stains the Quartz, thereby providing the golden yellow to brown color of the Tiger's Eye. Tiger's Eye may form together with brownish-red or metallic-gray Hematite, or with yellow Limonite, where these minerals form stripes, streaks, or patterns within the Tiger's Eye. Such material is often called Tiger's Eye Matrix.

When cutting and polishing Tiger's Eye gemstones, skillful orientation to the fibrous structure must be applied to achieve the best chatoyancy. Ideally, the cut should be perfectly parallel to the length of the fibers to produce the fullest chatoyancy. Cat's eye effect in Tiger's Eye do exist but are uncommon in perfect form due to the rough nature of the fibers. The chief source of Tiger's Eye is South Africa, from the Northern Cape Province. Other, less critical sources include Namibia, Australia, India, and Thailand. Although uncommon worldwide, the abundance of the deposits in South Africa is extensive enough to make Tiger's Eye very affordable.

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