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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Caring for your gemstones

Caring for Cat's Eye Apatite

Proper care techniques are essential to maintaining the lustrous appearance of your gemstones. By following these tips, you can ensure that your precious stones remain in pristine condition for years to come:


Regularly clean your gemstones to remove dirt and oils that can dull their shine. Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a mild soap solution to gently wipe the surface. Avoid harsh cleaners or scrubbing vigorously as it can damage the gemstone.


When not wearing your gemstone jewelry, store it in a clean, dry place. Ideally, use a jewelry box or a soft pouch to protect it from scratches and prevent dust build-up.

Avoid Exposure

Keep your gemstones away from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, and chemicals. Heat can cause discoloration and fractures, while harsh chemicals can corrode the gemstone's surface.

Regular Inspections

Periodically inspect your gemstone jewelry for any loose stones or signs of damage. If you notice any issues, take it to a reputable jeweler for necessary repairs.

Professional Maintenance

For valuable gemstone pieces or intricate designs, consider professional cleaning and maintenance. Jewelers have the expertise to handle delicate gemstones and can restore their brilliance effectively.

By following these simple care techniques, you can ensure that your gemstones remain captivating and retain their value for generations.

Factors That Can Damage Gemstones

When it comes to preserving the beauty and longevity of your precious gemstones, it's crucial to understand the factors that can potentially cause damage. By being aware of these elements, you can take the necessary precautions to ensure the longevity of your gemstones.


Excessive heat can have a detrimental effect on gemstones, causing them to crack, fracture, or lose their luster. It's important to avoid exposing your gemstones to high temperatures, such as direct sunlight, hot water, or heating appliances. Extreme temperature changes can also be harmful, so avoid sudden transitions between hot and cold environments.


Harsh chemicals found in cleaning agents, beauty products, and even everyday household items can corrode or discolor gemstones. It's essential to keep your gemstones away from chemicals such as bleach, chlorine, and strong detergents. When performing household chores or using beauty products, it's advisable to remove your gemstone jewelry to prevent any potential damage.


Gemstones, despite their beauty, can be quite delicate and prone to damage from impact. Sudden knocks, drops, or bumps can lead to chipping, cracking, or even complete breakage. It's advisable to handle your gemstones with care, avoiding scenarios where they may come into contact with hard surfaces. Additionally, it's wise to remove gemstone jewelry before engaging in physically demanding activities to minimize the risk of impact-related damage.


In conclusion, taking proper care of your gemstones is essential to maintain their beauty and ensure their longevity. By following our expert advice on gemstone care, you can keep your precious stones shining bright for years to come.

Regular cleaning is a crucial aspect of gemstone care. However, it's important to use gentle cleaning methods and avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the stones. Utilize a soft brush and mild soap or a jewelry cleaning solution specifically designed for gemstones.

Storing your gemstones correctly is equally vital. Keep them away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and corrosive substances that can cause discoloration or scratches. Consider using a jewelry box or a soft pouch to protect them from potential damage.

In addition, understanding the Moh's hardness scale can guide you in determining whether certain gemstones are suitable for everyday wear. Gemstones with a higher number on the scale, such as diamonds and sapphires, are more durable and can withstand daily use better than softer stones like opals or pearls.

Remember: Proper gemstone care involves regular cleaning, safe storage, and considering the hardness level of each stone. By implementing these care practices, you can cherish your gemstone jewelry while maintaining their natural brilliance and ensuring they remain a stunning adornment for many years.

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