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Over 19 Years in the Gemstone Business!
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Overall Rating -> 10
Very fast navigation and purchase, which is good. I need to strike while the iron is hot.
Overall Rating -> 10
The selection is quite large, which is very helpful. Overall I'm very satisfied with my experience here.
Overall Rating -> 10
Purchased for my granddaughter she was very pleased with it.
Overall Rating -> 10
Great selection, I love your site! Great product visibility, information, etc.
Overall Rating -> 10
I found what I was looking for...had to look up millimeters to inches. It would be nice to see something, like a quarter, in the pix to show relative size. I plan on buy loose gemstones for every month in the calendar
Overall Rating -> 10
I really liked the email, and the link that help return me to the site. I didnt have access to my card info while checking out and I had to put my phone away so I lost the tab. Fortunately, since I did give an email- they sent me a link that brought me back to where I was. Greatly appreciated
Overall Rating -> 8
Loved the lot buy options
Overall Rating -> 9
My first purchase went well. I will purchase more gems in the future.
Overall Rating -> 10
This was a great time as always. The only problem I had was deciding between all the beautiful and affordable stones that met my requirements. I love shopping for sapphires!
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