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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Prasiolite Information - A comprehensive Guide with Images

Prasiolite Gemstones
Natural Prasiolite Gemstones

Prasiolite, a Rare Green Quartz

Prasiolite gemstones with their exceptional coloration and clarity are one of the most stunning gems but, unfortunately, there are virtually no real stones on the market. They go by a few different names, green quartz, or vermarine, and sometimes it’s incorrectly referred to as green amethyst.

They are a captivating and unique variety of quartz. The hue of prasiolite is derived from its abundant presence of vanadium, intricately blended with trace elements.

Explore the elegance of prasiolite gemstones, their origins, mystical properties, and the growing popularity of this captivating green quartz gem.

Their delicate green hue, ranging from pale mint to vibrant lime, has attracted the attention of jewelry enthusiasts and gemstone collectors alike but it seems most are left in search of the last pieces of real prasiolite left on earth.

In this article, we will explore the characteristics, origins, and uses of prasiolite gemstones. Why they have become a stone worth learning about and behold.

Characteristics of Natural and Artificial Prasiolite

Prasiolite gemstones are a variety of quartz that acquires its green color through a natural process. They are extremely rare in nature. They should not be confused with artificial prasiolite. Artificial prasiolite is created by heating amethyst which results in a transformation of its natural color, from purple to green. In fact, most stones seen on the market today are artificial and a result of heat and ionizing radiation treatments.

The shades of green in natural prasiolite can vary, from a pale, translucent green to a vibrant, intense green reminiscent of fresh spring foliage. Its clarity can range from transparent to translucent, allowing light to pass through and enhance its radiance. The shades of green in artificial gems are generally darker in color.

Prasiolite Origins and Occurrences

Prasiolite gemstones are primarily found in Brazil, which is known for its abundant deposits of quartz. The natural occurrence of prasiolite is rare. Other countries where prasiolite has been found include the United States, Canada, Poland, and Australia. However, Brazilian prasiolite is often considered the most desirable due to its exceptional color and quality.

Symbolism and Significance of Prasiolite

Prasiolite gemstones hold symbolic meanings that have made them popular choices for jewelry with a deeper significance. The color green is often associated with nature, growth, and renewal, making prasiolite a stone that symbolizes harmony and balance.

It is believed to promote spiritual growth, tranquility, and healing. Many individuals also connect prasiolite with the heart chakra, considering it a stone that encourages compassion, emotional well-being, and a connection with nature.

Gemstone and Chakra Healing with Prasiolite

Prasiolite possesses remarkable attributes of clarity, communication, and insight that enrich the wearer's experience.

Renowned for its ability to foster mental clarity, this captivating gemstone enhances cognitive processes and fortifies memory, making it particularly advantageous for students seeking academic excellence. Moreover, it promotes harmony and emotional equilibrium in relationships by nurturing a profound comprehension of one another's perspectives.

Moreover, prasiolite serves as a catalyst for the activation of the third eye chakra, unveiling a prism of consciousness and wisdom through which the world can be perceived. This profound awakening leads to a deeper comprehension of both oneself and others, granting access to elevated realms of awareness.

Last but not least, this magnificent stone bestows a sense of optimism and spontaneity upon its bearer, amplifying their artistic pursuits and nurturing creativity in all its forms.

Prasiolite’s Uses and Jewelry Design

Prasiolite gemstones have gained popularity in the world of jewelry due to their enchanting green color and unique properties. Often they are used in their raw state, only exceptional rough stones are faceted to enhance their brilliance and showcase their captivating green hues.

Prasiolite is commonly used in rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets, either as a standalone gemstone or in combination with other complementary gems. Its versatile color makes it suitable for both contemporary and vintage-inspired designs.

Caring for Prasiolite Gemstones

To maintain the beauty and luster of prasiolite protect them from exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and prolonged sunlight, as these can affect their color and clarity. It is recommended to clean prasiolite gemstones with a soft cloth and mild soap or a specialized gemstone cleaner, ensuring they are rinsed thoroughly and dried gently.

Prasiolite Properties


Oxide mineral


Shades of green

Mohs Hardness:

7 or lower in impure varieties

Refractive Index:

1.544 to 1.553



Specific Gravity:



Transparent to nearly opaque

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