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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Lazulite Information - A Detailed Guide with Images

Lazulite gemstones are rare and highly prized for their striking blue color and metaphysical properties, making them a coveted choice for collectors and enthusiasts in the world of gemstone jewelry.

Lazulite Gemstone, a Rare Electic Blue Gem

Lazulite Gemstones
Natural Lazulite Gemstones

Lazulite gemstones are famous for their captivating blue color, with the most beautiful gems boasting a rich blue hue. They are generally available in small sizes because the stones are often included cutting them without fracturing the gemstone is incredibly difficult.

They have long enchanted gemstone enthusiasts and collectors for their color varieties that range from deep blues to sky blue's, leaning in hue to the green and yellow spectrum too. It's an abundant mineral on Earth, but gemstone quality rough is limited, and cutting the gem requires precision few possess.

They're most known for their striking beauty and rarity. For these reasons, lazulite gemstones hold a special place in the world of gemstone appreciation indeed and those with an appreciation of gemstone cutting.

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of this elusive blue wonder. We will explore its characteristics, origins, and allure that makes it a gemstone worth discovering.

A Celestial Blue Beauty

Lazulite gemstones exhibit a mesmerizing blue color that ranges from a pale sky blue to a deep azure hue. The gemstone's serene color evokes a sense of calmness and peace.

The intensity and depth of lazulite's blue hue make it a captivating gem that draws the eye and captures the imagination of all who behold it.

High-quality material is cabbed or faceted and polished to accentuate its beauty and luster. The gem is often in a matrix, creating endless varieties of color and textural variations for cabochons and mineral specimens.

Lazulite's Mineral Composition and Formation

Lazulite is a phosphate mineral that belongs to the lazulite group. Its chemical formula is (Mg, Fe2+)Al2(PO4)2(OH)2.

Lazulite typically forms in metamorphic rocks, often with other minerals such as quartz and pyrite. The gemstone's name is derived from the Persian word "lazaward," meaning blue.

Lazulite Origins and Rarity

Lazulite gemstones are in various locations worldwide, including Brazil, the United States, Austria, Russia, and Madagascar.

However, high-quality lazulite specimens are relatively rare and prized by collectors. The gemstone's scarcity adds to its desirability and makes it a coveted addition to any gemstone collection.

Lazulite Crystal Structure and Luster

Lazulite forms in prismatic crystals with a monoclinic crystal system, displaying a distinct prismatic habit. The gemstone's crystals often exhibit a vitreous to silky luster, adding to its visual appeal. Lazulite's crystal structure contributes to its hardness and durability, allowing it to withstand everyday wear for most jewelry applications.

Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Lazulite

Lazulite possesses metaphysical properties that promote inner peace, spiritual growth, and clarity of thought. It is associated with the throat and third eye chakras, facilitating communication, intuition, and self-expression. Lazulite also brings calmness during times of stress and enhances creativity.

Lazulite in Jewelry and Art

Lazulite's captivating blue color and metaphysical properties make it an attractive choice for jewelry designers. The gemstone is often cut into cabochons or faceted to showcase its beauty. Lazulite gemstones can be incorporated into various jewelry pieces, namely necklaces, earrings, and rings, adding a touch of elegance and tranquility.

Its Mohs hardness of 5.5 to 6 makes it a decent choice for gemstone jewelry, but its rarity and the skill required to cut it make lazulite in its pure form an unpopular choice for most designers and jewelers.

Care and Maintenance

Lazulite gemstones have a hardness ranging from 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, making them relatively durable.

However, do handle lazulite gems carefully to avoid scratching or damage. It is advisable to store lazulite jewelry separately from harder gemstones and clean them using a soft cloth and mild soapy water.

Collector's Appeal of Lazulite

Due to its unique color, rarity, and metaphysical properties, lazulite gemstones have a strong appeal among gemstone collectors. Lazulite's captivating blue hue and its status as a gemstone that is both visually stunning and spiritually significant draws collectors of all kinds.

Moreover, their rarity makes them a valuable addition to any gemstone and mineral collection.

Lazulite in Chakra Healing

Lazulite is a crystal that promotes balance in your chakras and peace of mind. It enhances focus and concentration, infusing you with positive spiritual energies. It provides insights and answers about life and love while bringing peace, and self-respect, and relieving tension.

Lazulite stimulates intuition and cosmic alignment, inducing states of bliss. It encourages expressing your truth, receiving channeled information, and promoting telepathic communication. Placing lazulite on the third eye chakra creates a peaceful and grounded self. It offers insight into the underlying causes of problems and intuitive solutions.

Lazulite provides mental stability, clarity, and the ability to talk about fears. Pairing it with Melody's Stone detoxifies and balances energies. It increases intuition and helps overcome addictive habits. Lazulite supplies limitless positive energies, enabling strength, courage, and inner peace to face life's challenges.

Lazulite Properties


Phosphate Mineral


Azure-blue, sky-blue, bluish-white, yellow-green, blue-green, rarely green

Mohs Hardness:

5.5 - 6.0

Refractive Index:

1.604 - 1.663



Specific Gravity:

3.122 - 3.240


Transparent to translucent to nearly opaque

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