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Lapis Lazuli for Sale, Buy Lapis Lazuli, All in Stock





青金石 重量 青金石 大小 青金石 明晰 青金石 价格 青金石 起源
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青金石 刻面
青金石 凸面宝石

13.36 克拉祖母绿切割青金石,20.3 x 13.8 毫米,产自阿富汗

天然 青金石, Qty: 1 pc | 13.36 克拉重量 Lapis Lazuli

13.36ct1 片
$ 23.38
20.3 x 13.8 mm
石材类型: 青金石
青金石 重量: 13.36 ct 青金石
青金石 形状: 八边形混剪 青金石
青金石 大小: 20.3 x 13.8 mm 青金石
青金石 颜色: 亮蓝色 青金石
青金石 明晰: Opaque 青金石
青金石 起源: 阿富汗 青金石
青金石 治疗: 未经处理
青金石 数量: 1
青金石 证书: GemSelect

Lapis Lazuli is one of our oldest friends in the gemstone domain with a history as decoration, a gemstone and in rituals that stretches back as far as civilization itself.

Lapis Lazuli Colors

Lapis Lazuli is a classic blue gemstone and, in fact, the name for the color comes from the stone not the other way round. This gemstone was first mined in Lajevard, a province in present day Afghanistan and Tajikistan, which became Lazaward in Arabic. Over the centuries this word came to mean blue and is still echoed in the English word azure and French, Portuguese and Spanish translations for blue.

The ideal blue for Lapis Lazuli is a vivid and deep color with perhaps a violet undertone and is often flecked with white or gold spots.

Its distinctive blue color can be seen in such diverse works as the death mask of Tutankhamun, the scarf of the Girl with a Pearl Earring and the Gates of Ishtar in Babylon.

Read more about gemstones colors here

Lapis Lazuli Price

Despite its long, illustrious history and good looks, Lapis Lazuli is a very reasonably priced gemstone. It is the color that will dictate the price of the crystals.

A deep midnight blue with hints of violet or indigo is the most prized color and a scattering of gold or white flecks can add to the price. Not too much, mind you, as too much white (or black, brown and gray) can detract from the value.

Persia, Afghanistan and Tajikistan have a reputation for producing the finest quality Lapis Lazuli so can occasionally command premium prices. We provide free gemstone brief reports for all our gemstones.

Carat Weight

Lapis Lazuli can be found in almost any carat size - there are literally walls of this gemstone high in the mountains of the Hindu Kush - so larger gemstones do not rise in price per carat.

It is all about the color with Lapis Lazuli but only the highest quality will reach more than $3 or $4 per carat.

For more details please refer to our full Lapis Lazuli Info page here

What jewelry is Lapis Lazuli suitable for?

Lapis Lazuli is rated at 5 - 6 on Mohs hardness scale which is quite low for a gemstone although it has been used for millennia for all types of jewelry. Large quality polished stones are available for eye-catching and imaginative pendants and brooches while rings in protective settings have a classic look.

Birthstones and Anniversaries

Lapis Lazuli is a traditional birthstone for September in the UK and used to be the official birthstone for December until replaced by Zircon.

Lapis Lazuli is a traditional wedding gift to celebrate the 9th wedding anniversary.

Why Buy Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli, often referred to as the stone of wisdom, has been sought after for its purported metaphysical properties and vibrant blue hue. Discover the fascinating history and uses of this ancient gemstone and explore our collection of Lapis Lazuli stones, now available at special sale prices.

Discover the Rich Blues of Lapis Lazuli Stones

Perfect for collectors and hobbyists alike, our original Lapis Lazuli stones captivate with their deep celestial colors and pyrite inclusions. Don't miss this sale to add a touch of ancient mystique to your collection with a lapis stone.

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发布者 Beachcomber in September, 2023
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发布者 Mark in March, 2024
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发布者 Dave in May, 2023
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发布者 Steve in July, 2023
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