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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Cat's Eye Augite Information - A Detailed Guide with Images

Cat's Eye Augite is a mesmerizing gemstone known for its chatoyant effect, resembling the eye of a cat, and is prized for its unique optical properties and grounding energies.

Cat's Eye Augite Gemstones

Cat's Eye Augite Gemstones
Natural Cat's Eye Augite Gemstones

In the remarkable world of gemstones, there is a small, dark-green treasure that is the cat’s eye augite. This fascinating gemstone's main attraction is its optical phenomenon that’s reminiscent of a feline's gaze.

The green coloration of the gemstone and its bright shimmering effect make for a stunning addition to jewelry. It is rare and it also boasts remarkable durability so let's take a closer look at the marvel that is cat’s eye augite.

In this article, we will discuss "cat’s eye augite," and explore its characteristics, origins, and allure for gemstone collectors.

The Cat's Eye Phenomenon

Cat’s eye augite, or as some may know it, augite cat's eye, displays a rare optical effect known in the world of gems as "chatoyancy," and this is its main attraction. It is an optical effect seen in this particular gem and against augite’s dark green body it is stunning. This phenomenon occurs when a band of light runs perpendicular to the gemstone's crystal structure, resulting in a distinct cat's eye-like appearance.

Many types of gemstones can display the same effect that a cat’s eye augite does but none have quite the same luster, deep green color, and durability required for jewelry. The effect is created by a chatoyant band that displays a bright streak of light across the gemstone's surface when light hits the gem.

Cat's Eye Augite’s Luster and Hardness

Cat’s eye augite typically exhibits a vitreous luster, and its hardness on the Mohs scale ranges from 5 to 6, which makes it suitable for all jewelry purposes.

Cat's Eye Augite Gems Use in Jewelry

Cat's eye augite gemstones are desirable due to their rarity and enchanting appearance. Jewelers and collectors appreciate the uniqueness and individuality of the stones, as no two cat's eye augite gemstones are identical.

The gemstone is commonly cut en cabochon to accentuate the cat's eye effect, and it is perfect for rings, pendants, earrings, and bracelets.

Cat's eye augite jewelry adds a touch of elegance and charisma to any ensemble, making it a prized possession.

Cat's Eye Augite Origins and Sources

Cat's eye augite's primary sources are India, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. These regions are known for their diverse geological formations, which provide the ideal conditions for the gemstone to form.

After extraction, the cat’s eye augite undergoes cutting and polishing to showcase the distinguishable chatoyant effect we all know and desire which only comes out once it is polished and placed under intense light.

Metaphysical and Symbolic Significance

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the cat’s eye augite holds metaphysical properties and symbolic meaning.

It enhances intuition, perception, and insight, making it a stone of wisdom and awareness. The gemstone is also historically associated with protection, grounding, and warding off negative energies.

Cat's eye augite is also a talisman for good luck and prosperity that's said to bring harmony and balance into one's life.

Caring for Cat's Eye Augite

Ensuring the longevity and luster of cat’s eye augite jewelry requires proper care. We recommend cleaning the gemstone regularly with mild soapy water and a soft brush.

Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures, as they may damage the gemstone. Lastly, even though cat’s eye augite gems are strong, as with all gemstones, you should store your cat's eye augite soft pouch or jewelry box will prevent scratches and preserve its beauty.

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