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By Reviewed By Andreas Zabczyk

Aragonite Gemstone Information - A Detailed Guide with Images

Aragonite is a captivating gemstone known for its stunning array of colors and intricate crystal formations, It's loved for the enchantment of emotional healing, relieving stress, and promoting physical healing.

Aragonite - A Versatile Mineral and Stunning Gem

Aragonite Gemstones
Natural Aragonite Gemstones

Aragonite is a mineral with a fascinating history and remarkable properties and holds significant importance in various industries. Its industrial applications include uses in construction and building materials, jewelry, soil amendment, water treatment, and more.

This article discusses aragonite's visual and optical appeal, physical and chemical properties, diverse uses and applications, including its use as a gemstone for collectors and jewelers, its history, plus its metaphysical and healing benefits.

Visual Appearance, Properties, and Luster of Aragonite

Aragonite often has a white, off-white, colorless, or red appearance, and other hues are highly prized. It has a pearly or vitreous luster. Aragonite also possesses interesting optical and spectroscopic properties, making it a favorite of scientific study and fascination among scholars and individuals.

One of the remarkable properties of aragonite is its ability to exhibit chatoyancy, also known as the "cat's eye effect." When properly cut and polished, aragonite can display a captivating shimmering band of light that moves across the surface of the stone. This optical phenomenon adds an enchanting element to aragonite jewelry and makes it highly sought after by gemstone enthusiasts.

Aragonite Gemstone Jewelry and Hardness

White and yellow aragonite are particularly popular for their elegant and neutral tones. They can be incorporated into both formal and casual jewelry pieces, adding a touch of sophistication.

On the other hand, vibrant blue and green aragonite are prized for their vivid hues, bringing a pop of color to any jewelry design. Brown aragonite, with its warm earthy tones, is also favored for its natural appeal.

Aragonite is often used in its natural 'crystal' state in wire-wrapped styles of jewelry, most notably pendants, and earrings. Its unique crystal structure and color variations make it an appealing gemstone for jewelry designers. Aragonite cabochons and beads are perfect in necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and other adornments.

Aragonite has a Mohs hardness of approximately 3.5 to 4, placing it on the lower end of the hardness scale, indicating that it is relatively soft compared to many other gemstones. Its hardness and durability make it suitable for various decorative and ornamental purposes, including sculptures, and jewelry.

History of Aragonite

Aragonite's name is from the Spanish province of Aragon, the location of its discovery in 1970. It was initially confused with another carbonate mineral, calcite, but was later recognized as a distinct mineral species.

Because abundant sources of aragonite exist worldwide, and it has widespread applications in various industries, it has been commercially exploited in some regions for its economic value.

Overall, aragonite is a mineral with a rich history that spans from its discovery in Spain to its widespread occurrence and diverse applications in industrial and natural contexts. In addition to its aesthetic qualities, aragonite is believed to possess metaphysical properties and is associated with various healing properties.

Gemstone Healing with Aragonite

Aragonite is believed to possess various healing properties. Here are some of the ways in which aragonite contributes to healing:

  1. Grounding and Stability: Aragonite is often associated with grounding and stability. It helps individuals feel more centered and connected to the Earth, promoting stability and security.
  2. Emotional Healing: Aragonite is known to calm and soothe emotional distress. It helps release emotional blockages, reduce anxiety, and promote peace and tranquility. Aragonite supports emotional healing, allowing individuals to let go of past trauma and cultivate emotional resilience.
  3. Stress Relief: Aragonite is a stone of relaxation and stress relief. It helps alleviate tension, promotes relaxation, and encourages a sense of well-being. Aragonite balances and regulates emotions, enabling individuals to manage stress more effectively and find inner peace.
  4. Enhancing Focus and Concentration: Aragonite improves mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It helps clear mental fog and enhance cognitive abilities. Working with aragonite is believed to stimulate mental sharpness and aid in decision-making processes.
  5. Physical Healing: Aragonite is associated with physical healing and supports the body's natural healing processes. It has a positive impact on bones, teeth, and skeletal issues. Aragonite also aids in calcium absorption, promoting strong and healthy bones.

Chakra Healing with Aragonite

Aragonite balances and aligns the chakras and the energy centers in the body. It is commonly associated with the root and sacral chakras, helping to ground and stabilize these energy centers. By harmonizing the chakras, it promotes overall energy flow and well-being.

It's important to note that the healing properties mentioned above are based on traditional beliefs and should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. If you have health concerns, please consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner in addition to any alternative therapies you choose.

Aragonite Uses and Applications

Aragonite finds application in a wide range of industries and domains. In the construction and building materials sector, it is an ingredient in cement, concrete, and aggregate production.

Aragonite is also utilized in environmental and biological applications, such as water treatment, soil improvement, and aquariums. Furthermore, it plays a role in industrial processes like metallurgy and chemical manufacturing.

Aragonite, a Mineral with an Eco-Friendly Significance

The commercial production and trade of aragonite contribute to its economic significance. Its demand is increasing in the construction, manufacturing, and artistic industries.

Aragonite is trending in the global market, especially with the market interest in sustainable and eco-friendly building materials.

Aragonite's Formation and Occurrences

Aragonite is a crystalline form of calcium carbonate belonging to the orthorhombic crystal system. It's formed through natural processes such as precipitation from solution, microbial activities, and biological calcification.

Chemical Properties of Aragonite and Chemical Composition

Aragonite exhibits unique physical and chemical characteristics, namely its crystal structure. Aragonite has the same composition as calcite as both are crystalline forms of calcium carbonate, CaCO3.

Aragonite Properties


Aragonite group


Can be a multitude of colors; But is commonly red or white.

Mohs Hardness:

3.5 - 4.0

Refractive Index:

1.550 - 1.650


Vitreous, waxy, resinous

Specific Gravity:



Transparent, translucent, opaque

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