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Citrine for Sale: Buy Citrine Online, Natural Citrines Only

السترين للبيع: اشتري السترين عبر الإنترنت، السترين الطبيعي فقط

يحمل متجرنا واحدة من أكبر تشكيلات السترين الطبيعي للبيع . نقوم بتخزين السيترين ذو الأوجه والكابوشون بأشكال مثل المثمن والبيضاوي والدائري والقلب والتريليون وغير ذلك الكثير. يمكنك الاختيار من بين أحجار السترين الكريمة الأكبر حجمًا المثالية للمعلقات، وبلورات السترين والسترين الصغيرة المثالية كأحجار مميزة في جميع أنواع قطع المجوهرات. لدينا طرود مختارة مسبقًا وأزواج متطابقة بأي حجم متاح تقريبًا. نحن نضمن السترين الخاص بنا ونقدم الشهادات من مختبرات الأحجار الكريمة المعروفة مثل ICA Gemlab . نبيع السترين الطبيعي 100% فقط.

سيترين الوزن سيترين الحجم سيترين وضوح سيترين السعر سيترين المنشأ
سيترين أحجار فردية
سيترين أزواج
سيترين مجموعات
سيترين الأوجه
سيترين كابوشون
ترتيب حسب:
امسح الكل
الصور من المنتجات الفعلية للبيع
وصف السلعة
نوع الحجر: سيترين
سيترين الوزن: 1.33 ct سيترين
سيترين الشكل: قصة درجة ثمانى سيترين
سيترين الحجم: 8 x 6.1 mm سيترين
سيترين اللون: ذهبي سيترين
سيترين وضوح: VVS-VS سيترين
سيترين المنشأ: البرازيل سيترين
سيترين علاج: غير معالج
سيترين كمية: 4
سيترين شهادة: GemSelect
وصف المنتج:
عرض التفاصيل
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Citrine is the most popular yellow gemstone in the world and it is as equally revered for its strong spiritual powers as its good looks.

Citrine Colors

The name citrine comes from the old French and Latin terms for lemon and with its color ranging from light yellow to mustard it is easy to see why.

Yellow is considered an uplifting and optimistic color and this could explain why citrine has become such a much-loved gemstone in the world today.

Read more about gemstones colors here

Citrine Sale Price

The most important factor in determining the price of citrine is its color. Strong yellow to earthy-orange browns with a consistently even tone throughout lead to the highest sales prices.

The most expensive citrine is the deep red-orange tones often referred to as Madeira or Fire Citrine although even then it is still a very reasonably priced gemstone. Buy Citrine from a trusted seller only since there are many lab created ones available.

Of course with color comes clarity, cut and carat size and they all add to the value of a citrine gemstone.

All of our loose cirine gems come with a free gemstone report which imcludes all gemstones details and a colored image of the gemstone sold.

Citrine Carat Weight

Citrine is readily available in carat weights up to 20 carats and more so does not rapidly increase in cost per carat as they get bigger.

citrine's price is really all to do with the color - lighter citrine will be between $4 and $15 per carat for stones less than 10 carats in weight and could rise to a maximum of $25 per carat for some really big gems.

The premium, deeply colored gemstones can reach perhaps $40 per carat if the colors are very intense and the size is significant.

Where is Citrine found?

Citrine is found in Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay in South America as well as Madagascar, Russia and the US.

What jewelry is Citrine suitable for?

Citrine is rated at 7 on Mohs hardness scale, like all quartzes, which makes it durable enough for all jewelry items including daily wear pieces like rings.

Citrine is a readily available gemstone that can often be found in large carat sizes. This has meant cutters and designers love to experiment with interesting shapes and cuts.

These big sizes and curious shapes can be used in exciting eye-catching jewelry items.

Birthstones and Anniversaries

Citrine is the official birthstone for November so can make a great gift for someone who has a birthday in that month.

Citrine is the traditional gemstone to celebrate the 13th wedding anniversary.

Sparkling Citrine Crystal: Embrace the Beauty of Natural Color Citrine Gemstones!

Get ready to be mesmerized by the dazzling array of natural color citrine gemstones in our exclusive crystal sale. Known for its vibrant, golden hues and sought after by collectors worldwide, citrine is the epitome of elegance and positivity. Our stock offers a wide range of citrine stones. Whether you believe in the healing power of crystals or simply appreciate their aesthetic charm, our natural color citrine collection has something for everyone. Shop now and bring home the sparkling beauty of citrine!

Natural Color Citrine Gemstones: Unparalleled Beauty and Authenticity!

Experience the pure charm of natural color citrine gemstones, available in our unique collection. These gemstones, untouched by artificial treatments, exhibit the warm, golden shades that citrine is renowned for. Whether set in jewelry or kept as individual stones, natural color citrine reflects a refined grace and soothing energy. Discover our range of authentic fine citrine pieces, perfect for those who appreciate beauty and wish to connect with the genuine essence of this remarkable crystal.

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أكثر من 19 عامًا في مجال الأحجار الكريمة!

شكرًا لك على ثقتك بنا في عملية الشراء!

تقييم عام -> 10 star ratings

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*أنت تقوم بالتسجيل لتلقي بريد إلكتروني ترويجي من GemSelect.
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