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Loose Tourmaline for Sale: Buy Loose Tourmalines | Wholesale Tourmaline

تورمالين سائب للبيع: شراء تورمالين سائب | التورمالين بالجملة

نحن فخورون بتقديم واحدة من أكبر مجموعات التورمالين السائب للبيع عبر الإنترنت. مخزوننا من التورمالين السائب يأتي في مجموعة كاملة من الألوان التي تشمل: الوردي ، والأخضر ، والأسود ، وثنائي اللون ، والبطيخ، والأزرق وأكثر من ذلك بكثير. اشتري التورمالين على شكل باجيت وأشكال مثمنة/زمردية طويلة مثالية للمعلقات، والأشكال الأخرى مثل الأشكال البيضاوية والأزواج والمربعات رائعة للخواتم والأقراط وتصميمات المجوهرات الأخرى. نحن نقدم أسعار التورمالين بالجملة لصناعة المجوهرات. التورمالين السائب الخاص بنا مضمون ويمكن اعتماده من قبل مختبرات الأحجار الكريمة المعروفة.

تورمالين الوزن تورمالين الحجم تورمالين وضوح تورمالين السعر تورمالين المنشأ
تورمالين أحجار فردية
تورمالين أزواج
تورمالين مجموعات
تورمالين الأوجه
تورمالين كابوشون
ترتيب حسب:
امسح الكل
الصور من المنتجات الفعلية للبيع
وصف السلعة
نوع الحجر: تورمالين
تورمالين الوزن: 0.59 ct تورمالين
تورمالين الشكل: ثمانى الوجه تورمالين
تورمالين الحجم: 6 x 4.1 mm تورمالين
تورمالين اللون: أخضر داكن-متوسط تورمالين
تورمالين وضوح: VS تورمالين
تورمالين المنشأ: موزمبيق تورمالين
تورمالين علاج: غير معالج
تورمالين كمية: 4
تورمالين شهادة: GemSelect
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عرض التفاصيل
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It is thought that the name tourmaline came from a Sinhalese word meaning mixed gems. This would not be surprising because Tourmalines come in such a variety of colors that it is difficult to identify them in a lab let alone while searching a river bed.

It is not just the colors of tourmaline that vary - the prices can range from reasonable to extravagant, the spiritual powers seem limitless and the sizes and shapes countless.

For clarification; tourmaline loose or loose tourmaline means the gemstone is not set in jewelry yet. This is a gemstone industry term and rarely used in other areas.

Tourmaline Colors

There are literally loose tourmalines in every color of the rainbow including some with two or even three colors in the same stone and perhaps in colors NOT featured in a rainbow. Most famous is the green tourmaline, pink tourmaline, bi-color tourmaline and watermelon tourmaline.

Within the natural tourmaline family there are varieties which are sold under their own trade names:

  • Paraiba Tourmaline - neon greens and blues
  • Indicolite Tourmaline - intense deep blue
  • Rubellite - pink, red and purple
  • Chrome Tourmaline - vivid green
  • Watermelon Tourmaline - pink in the middle, green around the edge.

Read more about gemstones colors here

Tourmaline Species

Added to the color varieties of natural tourmaline, this gemstone is also further divided into species determined by crystal structure and make up:

  • Schorl
  • Elbaite
  • Dravite
  • Liddicoatite
  • Uvite

Sale Price of Tourmaline

Loose Tourmalines are available in all colors but some colors are valued more than others and therefore the sales price can vary a lot.

Assuming the size and clarity are of similar quality, the neon blue Paraiba tourmalines will attain the highest price followed by the blue Indicolite and red Rubellite gemstones. The captivating color of a Paraiba tourmaline can push the prices way over good looking sapphire.

Tourmalines can also be found in more everyday colors, but still beautiful gems, such as yellow, green and orange, for much more affordable prices. The sale price of a 1 carat tourmaline is fairly reasonable priced, above 2 carats the prices can increase substantially. All tourmalines come with free gemstone brief reports. We do offer Wholesale Tourmaline prices.

Tourmaline - Carats Weight

Large carat weight tourmalines are fairly rare and as the size of the stone increases the price per carat will rise rapidly. For example a fine 1 ct pink tourmaline may cost $150 per ct but a similar 3 ct tourmaline could cost $350 per ct.

As we have stated, most natural loose tourmalines are in the one to two carat range and a simple green or golden brown tourmaline can vary from $15 - $150 per carat while bi-color or watermelon examples may reach $70 - $400 per ct and top quality Indicolites can approach $1000 per ct.

Where are tourmalines found?

Brazil is still the source of much of the world's tourmaline but Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Tanzania and Madagascar are also top suppliers.

California was one of the world's best producers of tourmaline at the end of the 19th century and was famous for its pink and red specimens.

What jewelry is Tourmaline suitable for?

Tourmaline is rated at 7 to 7.5 on Mohs hardness scale which makes them durable enough for most jewelry items. Tourmaline crystals can be very long and therefore are a perfect match for pendants of any kind. A tourmaline crystal in unprocessed form can also be used in a pendant.

Loose Tourmalines are often used as center stone in jewelry designs, the vast color variations and the excellent sparkle makes it a good jewelry candidate.

As a loose gem, tourmaline is probably one of the best to work with in the jewelry industry. It is especially popular in rings for all genders.

Also, Tourmaline cut as cabochon is a very popular choice for men's jewelry, especially for the use in rings.

Birthstones and Anniversaries

Tourmaline is the official birthstone of October and would make a great present for anyone who has a birthday in this month.

Tourmaline is the traditional gems to celebrate the 8th wedding anniversary.

Paraiba Tourmaline

The Paraiba tourmaline is an incredibly rare, celebrated for its unique and vibrant neon blue and green colors. First discovered in the 1980s in the Brazilian state of Paraiba, from which it derives its name, this tourmaline is distinct due to its copper content. The copper gives Paraiba tourmaline its extraordinary color. Paraiba tourmalines have since been found in Nigeria and Mozambique, but remain exceedingly scarce. Their scarcity, combined with their unique color and appeal, makes these gemstones highly sought after and valuable in the gemstone market.

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أكثر من 19 عامًا في مجال الأحجار الكريمة!

شكرًا لك على ثقتك بنا في عملية الشراء!

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*أنت تقوم بالتسجيل لتلقي بريد إلكتروني ترويجي من GemSelect.
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