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Jasper for Sale, All Varieties of Jasper Stones In Stock

販売のためのジャスパー: すべての種類のジャスパー石の在庫あり

販売中のジャスパーの膨大な在庫をご覧ください。イエロー ジャスパー、グリーン ジャスパー、レッド ジャスパー、ブラウン ジャスパー、オーシャン ジャスパー、およびすべてのマルチカラー ジャスパーの組み合わせを取り揃えています。また、円形、楕円形、マーキス形、奇妙な形など、宝石商やジュエリー デザイナーにとって最適な石となる、さまざまな形状から選択することもできます。ジャスパーは伝統的な 3 月の誕生石で、サイズが大きく、価格も非常に手頃なため、ペンダントに最適な宝石です。ジャスパーは最もカラフルな宝石の 1 つであり、ジュエリー デザイナーにとって理想的な石です。

碧玉 ウェイト 碧玉 サイズ 碧玉 明瞭さ 碧玉 価格 碧玉 産地
碧玉 シングル
碧玉 ペア
碧玉 まとめ買い
碧玉 ファセットカット
碧玉 カボション

1197.38 ct ファセット スフィア ジャスパー、52.8 mm インドネシア産

天然 碧玉, Qty: 1 pc | 1197.38 カラット重量 Jasper

1197.38ct1 ピース
$ 598.69
52.8 mm
石の種類: 碧玉
碧玉 ウェイト: 1197.38 ct 碧玉
碧玉 形状: スフェリカル 碧玉
碧玉 サイズ: 52.8 mm 碧玉
碧玉 色: マルチカラー 碧玉
碧玉 明瞭さ: Opaque 碧玉
碧玉 産地: インドネシア 碧玉
碧玉 処理: 未処理
碧玉 量: 1
碧玉 証明書: GemSelect

The word Jasper means speckled or spotted stone and it sums up this gemstone perfectly. The flecks of color, contrasting swirls and lines across the surface as well as light and dark patches in various hues make this a truly unique gemstone.

Jasper Colors

Jaspers can be just about any color you can imagine and feature just one or two or the whole spectrum. The colors tend to be earthy tones of brown, red and honey but bright oranges and yellows can also appear.

Jasper is made up of various minerals and materials and this is what brings the variety of color - iron can cause the earthy colors, manganese brings in blue tints and clay can create a yellow tone.

Read more about gemstones colors here

Jasper Species

Technically, Jasper is a type of chalcedony which in turn is a type of quartz. Although Jasper, Agate and Chalcedony are all similar varieties of quartz and occasionally overlap in identification we can pinpoint which ones should be called Jasper if they adhere to three simple characteristics.

  • It is a type of quartz
  • It is a microcrystalline quartz like agate, carnelian and chrysoprase where the crystals are too small to see with the naked eye
  • It is made up of enough non-chalcedony material to be opaque - no light will show through the stone

Jasper Price

Jasper is a very affordable gemstone and will rarely rise above $1 - $3 per carat for even the most exciting of colors and patterns.

Carat Weight

Jaspers can be found in all carat weights from small calibrated gemstones to large and uniquely shaped stones. Since they are so readily available there is no premium placed on the price of a big gemstone and the price per carat stays very similar from small to large.

For more details please refer to our full Jasper Info page here


Jaspers are not routinely treated in anyway. We have heard of the occasional gemstone being dyed to boost the color but with such an inexpensive stone that looks good through the efforts of nature it is not really worth the time and money.

Where is Jasper found?

Jasper's most important sources are India, Australia, Venezuela, Russia, Brazil and Uruguay but the tropical island of Madagascar and the islands of Indonesia provide fantastic multicolored Jasper gemstones.

What jewelry is Jasper suitable for?

Jasper is rated at 7 on Mohs hardness scale which makes it tough enough for all jewelry items including daily wear pieces.

The large sizes and interesting patterns and flecks makes this stone particularly good for one-off designs for pendants, brooches and earrings if you are looking for something to really catch the eye.

They are also perfect for hobby jewelry makers because of the big sizes and affordability.

Birthstones and Anniversaries

Jasper is a traditional birthstone for March.

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