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Apatite for Sale, Blue, Green, Yellow Apatite Stone

販売のためのアパタイト - 青、緑、黄色のアパタイト石


アパタイト ウェイト アパタイト サイズ アパタイト 明瞭さ アパタイト 価格 アパタイト 産地
アパタイト シングル
アパタイト ペア
アパタイト まとめ買い
アパタイト ファセットカット
アパタイト カボション
7.45ct (合計)2 個
$ 304.45
8.4 x 8.3 mm
石の種類: アパタイト
アパタイト ウェイト: 3.73 ct アパタイト
アパタイト 形状: アッシャーカット アパタイト
アパタイト サイズ: 8.4 x 8.3 mm アパタイト
アパタイト 色: ウォームフォレストグリーン アパタイト
アパタイト 明瞭さ: VS アパタイト
アパタイト 産地: マダガスカル アパタイト
アパタイト 処理: 未処理
アパタイト 量: 2
アパタイト 証明書: GemSelect
6.98ct (合計)2 個
$ 285.01
8.2 x 7.9 mm
石の種類: アパタイト
アパタイト ウェイト: 3.49 ct アパタイト
アパタイト 形状: アッシャーカット アパタイト
アパタイト サイズ: 8.2 x 7.9 mm アパタイト
アパタイト 色: 黄みがかったグリーン アパタイト
アパタイト 明瞭さ: VS-SI アパタイト
アパタイト 産地: マダガスカル アパタイト
アパタイト 処理: 未処理
アパタイト 量: 2
アパタイト 証明書: GemSelect

Apatite is a beautiful gemstone but it is virtually unknown to the general public probably because its low durability rating means it is not often used in jewelry although it could make very intriguing pendants, brooches or earrings.

It does have admirers for its powerful spiritual properties and it is beloved by gemstone collectors for curiosity value.

Among gemstone enthusiasts, the vibrant colors and unique properties often make apatite one of their favorites; apatite's smooth texture and natural beauty have garnered a dedicated following.

The Natural Neon Color in Apatite Gemstones

Apatite has such a range of stunning colors that if it were not for its relative softness it would be a much sought after gemstone.

The standard green, golden yellow and blue gemstones are pretty enough but the neon blue and vivid turquoise versions have an intensity that rivals the famous $10,000 per carat Paraiba Tourmalines!

Another desired color in Apatite is the "sea green apatite" color.

Read more about gemstones colors here

Apatite Species

Apatites consist of the same phosphate mineral that makes up agricultural fertilizer and nutrients as well as the major component of our bones and teeth.

A small percentage of this rather drab material can be turned into some incredibly bright and colorful gemstones.

There are also some cat's eye apatite gemstones.

Apatite Sale Price

Like nearly all colored gemstones, it is the color of apatites that determine their price. This consists of the hue, the tone and the saturation of said color.

Apatite's signature is the neon blue and neon green color.

  • hue is the base color of the gemstone
  • tone is how light or dark the gemstone
  • saturation refers to the intensity of the gemstone

The most valuable color is described as neon, electric or, sometimes, swimming pool blue and is very similar to the very expensive Paraiba Tourmalines but at a fraction of the price. Top grade natural neon blue Apatie is highly priced no matter what size it is.

Apatite Carat Weight

Apatite gemstones larger than a carat in weight are very rare and the price can jump dramatically as they get bigger.

A simple golden yellow apatite up to one carat in weight will be around $10 - $20 per carat according to the brightness of the color and its clarity. However the same qualities in a gemstone that is larger than a carat can mean a price jump to $80 per carat.

cts blue

The most expensive Paraiba blue apatites are about $40 per carat for smaller stones and $180 per carat for those over one carat in weight.

For more details please refer to our full Apatite Info page here

Apatite Treatments

Most apatites are not treated in any way other than the usual cutting and polishing into gemstones.

We have heard that some of the Paraiba blue examples have been heated to get the neon color but as apatite is very heat sensitive this can be a risky practice.

Where are Apatites found?

Brazil, Canada, India, Madagascar and Mexico are the world's top producers of apatite gemstones and Spain is known for its Asparagus Stone green gems while Maine in the US is the source for the lovely lilac apatites.

What jewelry is smooth Apatite suitable for?

Apatites are rated at 5 on Mohs hardness scale which is considered low for jewelry however earrings, pendants and brooches should not be a problem and its use as a spiritual crystal is not affected.

Sometimes Apatite is cut as cabochon but usually faceted because it comes in great clarity.

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素敵な石を探すのがとても楽しかったです。自分の仕事のために貴重なルースを購入するのはこれが初めてです。私はサファイアを選び、素敵なブリオレットを見つけました。 3個欲しかったのですが、4個セットでぴったりでした。すべてが素早くて簡単で、とても興奮しました。

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これまでこのウェブサイトで何かを購入したことはありませんが、おそらくこれが最後の購入ではないでしょう。間違いなく、私が今まで訪れた中で最も使いやすく、最も有益なサイトの 1 つです。

配送予定日 Bob in November, 2023
産地: Bizrate

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欲しい商品が見つけやすい。 gem selectから何度か注文しましたが、一度も問題はありませんでした。また注文します。ありがとう。

配送予定日 Ray in January, 2024
産地: Bizrate

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Gem Select では、お手頃な価格で宝石を取り揃えています。

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配送予定日 Pete in February, 2024
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