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Smoky Quartz for Sale: Buy Smoky Quartz, In Stock, Top Price



烟晶 重量 烟晶 大小 烟晶 明晰 烟晶 价格 烟晶 起源
烟晶 单个宝石
烟晶 成对宝石
烟晶 集合石
烟晶 刻面
烟晶 凸面宝石

44.98 克拉钻孔球状烟晶,10.2 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 6 pcs | 44.98 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

44.98ct (总计)6 件
$ 71.74
10.2 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 7.50 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 10.2 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: 山核桃棕 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: Transparent 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 6
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

44.95 克拉钻孔球状烟晶,10.3 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 6 pcs | 44.95 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

44.95ct (总计)6 件
$ 71.70
10.3 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 7.49 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 10.3 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: 山核桃棕 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: Transparent 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 6
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

43.78 克拉钻孔球状烟晶,9.9 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 6 pcs | 43.78 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

43.78ct (总计)6 件
$ 69.83
9.9 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 7.30 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 9.9 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: 暖棕 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: Transparent 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 6
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

45.37 克拉钻孔球状烟晶,10.2 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 6 pcs | 45.37 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

45.37ct (总计)6 件
$ 72.37
10.2 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 7.56 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 10.2 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: 山核桃棕 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: Transparent 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 6
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

52.98 克拉钻孔球状烟晶,10.3 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 7 pcs | 52.98 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

52.98ct (总计)7 件
$ 84.50
10.3 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 7.57 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 10.3 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: 黑褐色 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: Transparent 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 7
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

27.23 克拉半钻孔球烟晶,10 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 4 pcs | 27.23 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

27.23ct (总计)4 件
$ 31.45
10 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 6.81 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 半钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 10 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: Chocolate Brown 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: VVS-VS 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 4
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

44.29 克拉钻孔球状烟晶,10.3 毫米,产自巴西

天然 烟晶, Qty: 6 pcs | 44.29 克拉重量 Smoky Quartz

44.29ct (总计)6 件
$ 70.64
10.3 mm
石材类型: 烟晶
烟晶 重量: 7.38 ct 烟晶
烟晶 形状: 钻孔球形 烟晶
烟晶 大小: 10.3 mm 烟晶
烟晶 颜色: 中深棕色 烟晶
烟晶 明晰: Transparent 烟晶
烟晶 起源: 巴西 烟晶
烟晶 治疗: 未经处理
烟晶 数量: 6
烟晶 证书: GemSelect

Smoky Quartz: A popular member of the quartz family

The Quartz family is a well-known and varied member of the gemstone and minerals world. Each branch of the family is usually divided by the color - violet or purple amethyst, yellow or orange citrine, pink rose quartz and our feature stone, Smoky Quartz, which comes in lovely earthy brown tones.

Smoky Quartz Colors

Impurities such as aluminum are present within the quartz during formation which is activated into producing the brown color associated with Smoky Quartz by radiation emitted by the surrounding rocks.

The range of colors in Smoky Quartz can include light yellow brown, orange tones or reddish hues all the way to browns so dark as to be almost black.

These lovely brown tones can be described as umber, caramel, hickory, honey, mocha and more with only the imagination to hold you back.

Read more about gemstones colors here

Smoky Quartz Species

Smoky Quartz is a type of quartz which includes such famous names as Citrine, Amethyst and Rose Quartz.

It is what is known as a macrocrystalline quartz which means you can see the individual crystals with the naked eye as opposed to a cryptocrystalline quartz (like agate, carnelian, jasper) where the crystals are too small.

While any brown quartz can be called a Smoky Quartz, there are two 'varieties' which are quite well known although they are chemically identical:

  • Cairngorm Quartz
  • Morion Quartz

Smoky Quartz Price

Like all quartzes, Smoky Quartz is a very reasonably priced gemstone. The color is important to the value of this gemstone but since it is a matter of personal preference it will not raise the price per carat dramatically.

The Cairngorm variety tends to be a rich yellowy brown while the Morion type is much closer to black so any Smoky Quartz products matching these colors may garner a higher price. We off smoky quartz at wholesale prices.

For more details please refer to our full Smoky Quartz Info page here

Any treatments are clearly and fully disclosed on our product pages.

Where is Smoky Quartz found?

Smoky Quartz can be found in many parts of the world but the better examples come from Brazil, Madagascar and Russia while Scotland, where it is the national gemstone, still produces some excellent stones.

What jewelry is Smoky Quartz suitable for?

Smoky Quartz is rated at 7 on Mohs hardness scale like all quartz types which makes it durable enough for all jewelry items including daily wear pieces like smoky quartz pendants, rings and earrings.

Smoky Quartz is easily available in large carat sizes at great sales prices so it is perfect for experimental and imaginative jewelry items or for hobbyists who are looking to create their own jewelry at home. Have a look in our web shop right here.

Explore the World of Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz, a captivating crystal that showcases the natural elegance of both quartz and smoky tones. With its transparent clarity and alluring hues, lustrous smoky quartz is a good choice for jewelry makers and designers. Discover the metaphysical qualities that make this crystal cherished by many, and consider adding its grounding and protective energies to your collection.

Smoky Quartz for Sale Now

This sale offers a unique opportunity to buy smoky quartz pieces that reflect both the beauty of nature and the power of crystal energy. This is a unique colored stone with excellent choices of shapes, sizes and cutting styles. Smoky Quartz is very affordable and available in larger sizes. All of the smoky quartz for sale come with a free gemstone brief report.

Embrace Nature's Charm: Buy Smoky Quartz for Transformation

Ready to enhance your spiritual journey? Buy smoky quartz and welcome the transformative energy of this unique crystal into your life. With its smoky hues and quartz clarity, smoky quartz is more than just a crystal—it's a portal to both natural beauty and spiritual insight.

The Power of Smokey Quartz Crystal

Experience the captivating synergy of quartz and smoky tones. This stunning gem not only captures the eye with its enchanting appearance but also offers potential metaphysical and healing benefits. Discover the mystique of the smoky quartz crystal and consider incorporating its positive vibrations into your holistic practices.

Read All

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综合评分 -> 10 star ratings


发布者 Sue in April, 2023
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings

我在寻找所有可爱的石头时度过了一段愉快的时光。这是我为自己的作品购买的第一块珍贵的裸石。我选择了蓝宝石,并发现了一些可爱的水滴形宝石。我想要 3 个,但这套 4 个就很完美了。一切都变得又快又容易,我很兴奋。

发布者 Phoenix in February, 2024
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 9 star ratings


发布者 Sparkle in March, 2024
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发布者 Rock hunter in August, 2023
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综合评分 -> 10 star ratings

我正在为我的孙子寻找价格实惠的真宝石来源,他目前对岩石和宝石非常感兴趣。我非常惊讶和高兴地发现 GemSelect,并且以合适的价格找到合适的宝石再简单不过了。

发布者 Papa in December, 2023
来源: Bizrate

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发布者 Kyle in December, 2023
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发布者 Becky in August, 2023
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发布者 Teemo in February, 2024
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综合评分 -> 10 star ratings

我真的很喜欢浏览 GemSelect。选择总是很棒,我喜欢所有内容的详细描述。我唯一注意到的是,当我浏览手机时,宝石的视频无法加载。如果有更多宝石视频,那就太棒了,尽管我知道 GemSelect 需要做很多工作!退房也非常快速和容易,我喜欢退货政策非常好,尽管我希望我不必很快使用它。

发布者 ChiChi in January, 2024
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings


发布者 G Funk in December, 2023
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings


发布者 John in December, 2023
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings


发布者 David W in May, 2023
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings

我所有的宝石都是从 GemSelect 购买的!它们是我在选择和价值方面找到的最好的。

发布者 Terry in June, 2023
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings


发布者 J in December, 2023
来源: Bizrate

综合评分 -> 10 star ratings


发布者 C.J. in February, 2024
来源: Bizrate
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